Proposed Texas GOP platform calls for the Bible in schools, electoral changes that would lock Democrats out of statewide office

It reflects the population distribution between rural vs urban voters. Wouldn’t pass muster
It reflects the population distribution between rural vs urban voters. Wouldn’t pass muster

I hope it never comes to pass.

Quite frankly if that sort of thing comes to pass then I think all bets are off and things are going to get really bad.
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I wish they would just secede and be done with it. And then we could build a wall and make them pay for it.
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It would not stop at Texas
It could spread to other backwoods states, but I doubt it would be of much concern. Blue states would react in kind. The two party system will be our downfall but not in my lifetime so whatevs.
It could spread to other backwoods states, but I doubt it would be of much concern. Blue states would react in kind. The two party system will be our downfall but not in my lifetime so whatevs.

how would blue states react in kind though? There is no system change that I can think of that would overwhelmingly advantage Dems.

The other problem is that the main reason Texas is doing this is because they fear demographic changes are going to make their state more favorable to Dems. So they want to entrench themselves in power by making it impossible for a dem to win.
how would blue states react in kind though? There is no system change that I can think of that would overwhelmingly advantage Dems.

The other problem is that the main reason Texas is doing this is because they fear demographic changes are going to make their state more favorable to Dems. So they want to entrench themselves in power by making it impossible for a dem to win.
You don’t think dem controlled states could enact similar legislation?
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You don’t think dem controlled states could enact similar legislation?

If they did they would hand the state to Republicans. Even Dem states they pull the majority of their votes from concentrated cities, it's just that the city population outnumbers the rural areas. There is no system that I can think of that would permanently entrench Dems in office like that.

Electoral colleges of any type automatically disadvantage dems because they deliver extra voting power to rural voters.
If they did they would hand the state to Republicans. There is no system that I can think of that would permanently entrench Dems in office like that.
Can you explain your logic here? How is this scenario only applicable to Texas and not other states? If Dems control a state overwhelmingly they can make similar laws right?
Can you explain your logic here? How is this scenario only applicable to Texas and not other states? If Dems control a state overwhelmingly they can make similar laws right?

Ok we understand that Dem voters tend to be concentrated in cities and Republican voters tend to be in rural areas right?

The electoral college idea of Republicans except with all counties counting for the same amount advantages rural areas because there are tons and tons of rural counties with very few people in them that vote Republican but the cities that vote Dem have millions of people in them.

Well the same aspect is still at play in a liberal state. It's just that have less rural people and more city people. So if they put an electoral college in place it would give all the power to rural areas and advantage Republicans, not Dems. An electoral college like this in California would put Republicans in charge of the state. Because Cali still has tons of rural counties that vote republican, it's just that the people in LA, San Diego, and San Fransisco and some of their other cities wildly outnumber these rural votes.

There is no strange electoral system that Dems could put in place that helps them win. Electoral colleges by their nature give rural people more voting power. That's why we have seen in our lifetimes 2 wins by Republican were they won the Electoral college but lost the popular vote and that has not happened for Dems at all.
You don’t think dem controlled states could enact similar legislation?
Could, sure. Would, no.
1. We aren't a cult
2. Demographics are making Republicans piss themselves. That's why they are doing this.