RAGBRAI controversey: Man, this sure was hard to predict, lol

The Des Moines Register could report that the sky is blue and I wouldn't believe them at this point

What a shock that they would go hunting for dirt in this TJ guy....I guess that is what they consider journalism. They most certainly have not learned any sort of meaningful lesson about what they did.

Nice spin by the way. There could be all kinds of reasons he started that nonprofit non once it was established used it for this purpose.

I really don't care if they used the Carson King platform to leave. Guess what....most.other people won't give a shit either.

Someone started a company to compete with their old employer? Who gives a shit.

You know how TJ wouldn't have the chance to use the Carson King thing to his advantage? Don't be scummy dicks in the newsroom and go hunting for dirt on Carson King. Don't have an editor that approves the story and then defends it. Don't continue to employ that editor and dont continue to try and excuse your actions....and for God's sake stop trying to do the same damned thing to other people
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How do you know this for a fact? NO ONE is riding central Iowa trails? No one? Can you link me the data on this?

While you're at it, link me the data that says how many are riding two lane highways or a percentage.

You've seen a few riders on the road and you want to bitch about it. The VAST MAJORITY of riders either stay off the roads entirely(pretty much every biker I personally know, myself included) or follow the laws of the road when they do.

I may....just may... know a little bit more than you about this...but...we'll leave it alone. I don't care enough about this to debate.
And I knew people would try to pick a fight to this. I don't care. Ride your million dollar trails. I know for a fact that folks are not riding those trails in central Iowa and choosing to ride on 2 lane highways during rush hour. It creates a danger for all. And they don't get over. They think they own the road. It's not safe for anyone.
Then run them over........I don't see how you can't find these solutions on your own.
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I understand traffic barriers, but the less cops the better. They used to be cool, now they just ruin the entire ride.

they are Jekyll and Hyde. Super nice until the town is “officially closed” then they turn into Terminators. Our group seems to stay in towns until closing time several times during RAGBRAI and it is funny to see the transformation.

seriously I think they do a great job and closing towns cuts down on bikes riding in the dark.
The central Iowa bike trails are very busy IMO on weekends with nice weather.

bikers are a huge reason all the breweries enjoy the success they have.
T.J. Juskiewicz's RAGBRAI alternative, Iowa's Ride, is organized under that nonprofit, the Iowa Festivals

Yes, but it could also be that the bike ride is one of many events that Iowa Festivals will be involved in. The organization was already putting together a convention and other projects. The King thing happened and the Iowa Ride was another event to put under the umbrella.

My point is that the Iowa Festivals org may not have been started for the exclusive reason of putting together a competing ride. It may have been started for conventions and other festivals, the competing ride came about as fallout from the Register fiasco.
You are not serious, are you?
Perhaps you have the ethics of my President...if so, you get a pass here.
GFY, Joel. I asked a simple question for clarification. If you'll notice, two people responded, I "liked" both of their responses, and did not try to debate them or stick up for the guy in the OP. Perhaps you shouldn't be so hasty with your sadly predictable, politically driven responses and take time to read through the thread before you question someone's ethics.
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GFY, Joel. I asked a simple question for clarification. If you'll notice, two people responded, I "liked" both of their responses, and did not try to debate them or stick up for the guy in the OP. Perhaps you shouldn't be so hasty with your sadly predictable, politically driven responses and take time to read through the thread before you question someone's ethics.’s patently obvious what the hell is going on here...this TJ fellow is not the most ethically above board person, obviously. Jeeeebus keeeerist....his actions would be cause for immediate dismissal in most places I am familiar with. Plus, I would think he might be subject to legal action against him.
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Yes, but it could also be that the bike ride is one of many events that Iowa Festivals will be involved in. The organization was already putting together a convention and other projects. The King thing happened and the Iowa Ride was another event to put under the umbrella.

My point is that the Iowa Festivals org may not have been started for the exclusive reason of putting together a competing ride. It may have been started for conventions and other festivals, the competing ride came about as fallout from the Register fiasco.

The "convention" was designed for one purpose - solicit sponsors for - wait for it: THE IOWA RIDE.

How freaking gullible are some of you people? JFC.

The "convention" was designed for one purpose - solicit sponsors for - wait for it: THE IOWA RIDE.

How freaking gullible are some of you people? JFC.
This place is full of people that find the NBA unpredictable so they answer is “very gullible”.

The "convention" was designed for one purpose - solicit sponsors for - wait for it: THE IOWA RIDE.

How freaking gullible are some of you people? JFC.
Not gullible, just giving another plausible reason. I really don't give a sh!t. I'm not a fan of the stupid bike rides anyways. The takeaway I have from this thread is that public dollars and law enforcement resources go towards this stupid event. Should have to pay it's own way.’s patently obvious what the hell is going on here...this TJ fellow is not the most ethically above board person, obviously. Jeeeebus keeeerist....his actions would be cause for immediate dismissal in most places I am familiar with. Plus, I would think he might be subject to legal action against him.
Which is different than explicitly obvious. I’m sorry I triggered you by wanting some clarification.
Not gullible, just giving another plausible reason. I really don't give a sh!t. I'm not a fan of the stupid bike rides anyways. The takeaway I have from this thread is that public dollars and law enforcement resources go towards this stupid event. Should have to pay it's own way.
But then, many businesses in Iowa would go out of business. The current Iowa business model includes conversion of public tax money being gifted to private business for their bottom line. Bike rides should be no different.

The "convention" was designed for one purpose - solicit sponsors for - wait for it: THE IOWA RIDE.

How freaking gullible are some of you people? JFC.

I don't have the desire or the time to look it up and since the Gannett folks are hot on the trail I thought maybe you'd know - were the other rides TJ has organized like the BaCooN and the BigRove done under the Iowa Festivals entity? Or were they done as part of his RAGBRAI duties and under that entity?
I don't have the desire or the time to look it up and since the Gannett folks are hot on the trail I thought maybe you'd know - were the other rides TJ has organized like the BaCooN and the BigRove done under the Iowa Festivals entity? Or were they done as part of his RAGBRAI duties and under that entity?

I think BigRove was organized by the Iowa Bicycle Coalition with support from ragbrai? Not sure about Bacoon
How is the Register going to organize and manage 2020 RAGBRAI without TJ and his crew?,... I see problems there.
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Not gullible, just giving another plausible reason. I really don't give a sh!t. I'm not a fan of the stupid bike rides anyways. The takeaway I have from this thread is that public dollars and law enforcement resources go towards this stupid event. Should have to pay it's own way.
No offense, but that is not a "plausible reason" to anyone who has looked at the actual, objective facts. Again, the "non profit" was organized and registered 1 year ago, and had ZERO activity until it organized a "convention" to solicit sponsors for the new "Iowa Ride."
How is the Register going to organize and manage 2020 RAGBRAI without TJ and his crew?,... I see problems there.

they are not reinventing the wheel. The documentation has to be well established after a few decades. Might be smart of register to hire a guy/gal that was the point man/woman for a community that has had several overnights.
Regardless if he was setting all of this up to start his own ride, the fact that he used the Carson King fiasco as his excuse to leave is cowardly. If he had mentioned numerous other issues with the paper in the past and this was the last straw, I may side with him.
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they are not reinventing the wheel. The documentation has to be well established after a few decades. Might be smart of register to hire a guy/gal that was the point man/woman for a community that has had several overnights.

We'll see,... I suspect the Register steps all over their dick on this...
We'll see,... I suspect the Register steps all over their dick on this...
Sounds like the big corporate touring groups are sticking with Register, that is where the money is at. Many small teams from Iowa using their own support don’t actually pay a dime to register.
Sounds like the big corporate touring groups are sticking with Register, that is where the money is at. Many small teams from Iowa using their own support don’t actually pay a dime to register.

From what I understand, they haven't even finalized their route yet,... clocks ticking.
Sounds like the big corporate touring groups are sticking with Register, that is where the money is at. Many small teams from Iowa using their own support don’t actually pay a dime to register.
I was talking to a long-time RAGBRAI rider the other day and this is the tipping point to them. He's in a small club but said there are a lot of corporate groups that have 500+ riders. He mentioned that if they all go to the Iowa Ride, RAGBRAI is done. You would think TJ would have locked that up before leaving as he knows that's where the money's at.
I was talking to a long-time RAGBRAI rider the other day and this is the tipping point to them. He's in a small club but said there are a lot of corporate groups that have 500+ riders. He mentioned that if they all go to the Iowa Ride, RAGBRAI is done. You would think TJ would have locked that up before leaving as he knows that's where the money's at.
Long article in Register last week, they got in touch with a few of these giant corporate teams and they said they would stick with register. Of course they may have selected what to publish. It makes sense, a giant group from Texas doesn’t really know what is going on, the smart play by the company is just stick with the ragbrai brand.
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I was talking to a long-time RAGBRAI rider the other day and this is the tipping point to them. He's in a small club but said there are a lot of corporate groups that have 500+ riders. He mentioned that if they all go to the Iowa Ride, RAGBRAI is done. You would think TJ would have locked that up before leaving as he knows that's where the money's at.

You thought THIS guy had that much foresight!?

T.J. Juskiewicz told the Register on Tuesday that he made no secret of the nonprofit. He said he told a marketing colleague and the Register's editor about it. Neither supervised him, and he said he could not recall whether he told his boss. He also said he couldn't remember who his boss would have been at the time.

In an interview with KXnO-AM radio Wednesday morning, former RAGBRAI director TJ Juskiewicz did not say whether Iowa's Ride plans to rely on the State Patrol to control traffic.

"I have not had that conversation with the state yet," Juskiewicz told KXnO. "It's blowing up pretty quick. I haven't talked to the state yet to see what type of support I'm going to have from (Iowa Department of Transportation) or State Patrol."

You've seen a few riders on the road and you want to bitch about it.
I live by the trail out in the Norwalk/Cumming area. During the summer it can be somewhat dangerous. There are cars going up and down hills, around bends, and then suddenly a pack of 20-30 Lance Armstrongs who are getting ready for Ragbrai or doing whatever it is they're doing. Whether single or in packs, they are out when it is still dark or when it is dawn, not always easy to see. They ride by multiple entraces to the bike trail on their country tour. Then they will stop in intersections and wait for other Lances who are still catching up, and are hesitant to move to let cars through the intersection. It happens all day long, but it is even more dangerous in the early mornings.

It is a mess in the summer and it is dangerous to everyone involved. And now there is a new road that they just built that goes through the area which it starting to look like it will have some traffic. It's a matter of time until one of these bikers ends up splattered all over a road, and guess who the bikers will go to blame?
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I live by the trail out in the Norwalk/Cumming area. During the summer it can be somewhat dangerous. There are cars going up and down hills, around bends, and then suddenly a pack of 20-30 Lance Armstrongs who are getting ready for Ragbrai or doing whatever it is they're doing. Whether single or in packs, they are out when it is still dark or when it is dawn, not always easy to see. They ride by multiple entraces to the bike trail on their country tour. Then they will stop in intersections and wait for other Lances who are still catching up, and are hesitant to move to let cars through the intersection. It happens all day long, but it is even more dangerous in the early mornings.

It is a mess in the summer and it is dangerous to everyone involved. And now there is a new road that they just built that goes through the area which it starting to look like it will have some traffic. It's a matter of time until one of these bikers ends up splattered all over a road, and guess who the bikers will go to blame?

The "Lance Armstrong Wannabes" hate the bike trails because then they have to contend with the slower they hit the roads and become the slow traffic but don't care......until one gets turned into a speed bump.

Fortunately the "Lance Armstrong wannabes" are in the very small minority...but you still have to watch out for them.
The "Lance Armstrong Wannabes" hate the bike trails because then they have to contend with the slower they hit the roads and become the slow traffic but don't care......until one gets turned into a speed bump.

Fortunately the "Lance Armstrong wannabes" are in the very small minority...but you still have to watch out for them.

I should add...couple times I've gotten in front of these packs and then SLOWEDDDDD WAYYYY DOWNNN.....and then sped up....and then (you get the point). I broke no laws... just like they have broken no laws riding on the road. I did have one time when after doing this the bikes spread out across the whole road to prevent me from passing them again...which of course was illegal for them to do.

Jerk move? Yes. Designed to annoy them into using a bike trail that was right along the road? Yes.