Every game that Iowa wins this year...and what an impressive run in the Big Ten...makes it more difficult for the team next year to be equal to or better than this year's production. That is a reality that is out of this world good...if Iowa runs the table game after game this year...and pushes on to a great things...well...how could next year's team repeat one of the historic Iowa teams of all time? The odds would be against it...
Obviously...when I stated a few games ago, that Iowa could be equal to or better than this year...it was in that moment of time...not now...after seeing a sweep of MSU, Purdue, etc.
All that said...as another poster alluded to above...when you lose a player in a team sport...it isn't like you are losing all of that player's production. The replacement also has contributions...the difference between the two is the window of change. And in team sports, and especially for a team like Iowa, which needs to develop talent rather than having "one and done" players...team chemistry and player development are primary. Williams, for example, might bring a ton of other talents to the Franatic way of play.
And also stated above...MG and Sapp are not born shooters...they get by. And...both are playing very well, for the most part, given their weaknesses. (every player has them)
And perhaps I have and am underestimating what Sapp and MG bring, along with Woodie...that is very possible...but I mostly look to a good year next year because of what I see now: Jok, Baer, Uhl (whose game doesn't surprise me at all), and now Ellingson, et. al. And I also am optimistic because of the coaching...Fran has been here long enough to have the players he wants, with players who are being groomed for 1-2 years to play in the Franetic system that he loves. His system of defense, especially, is complicated...and is not for the inexperienced.
As noted a billion times...the PG position will be the key next year. We will just have to wait and see...hopefully Williams will get more minutes as the Big Ten schedule "eases" a bit. He is so much different in his skill set than MG that it is difficult to see what his contributions to the team will be. He looks tentative now...but his bigger contributions are a year away...that's a lot of learning time. I think the key will be how hard he is willing to work...until then. This team really seems to like each other, and cheer for each other, and work hard for the team goals...this is a good thing...a sign of great coaching and experienced team leaders. Which, unfortunately is lost each year in college BB.
Should be fun...can't wait to see how Iowa does at Maryland, against some athletic talent. Iowa's deep bench, and Franetic, style of play can confuse them and wear them down... Fun ride...for sure.