If a guy is not mid to high AA quality it is not worth wrestling him. You also need to consider if he wants to wrestle.
That's why my previous statement reads "some won't".
Middle of the road kids don't get the opportunity to wrestle Varsity as true freshman very often, nor does any sane person want them to. That most likely means you've got a hole in your lineup and you have to do whatever is necessary to put a warm body in there.
We aren't talking about middle of the road kids here, we're talking about letting
top recruits know if they come to Iowa they don't automatically have to redshirt, because right now from where I sit it sure as hell looks like that's the case. Until Brands proves otherwise, guess what? It's real. (spare me the Burak news - he redshirted in Colorado)
And you're (by you're, I mean everybody, not you MVPFAN) living in a fantasy world if you think it isn't brought up by other Coaches around the country when recruiting head to head against Iowa for elite level recruits.
I'm not suggesting in the least that Iowa loses out on all the top recruits going elsewhere because they haven't wrestled true freshman, but I am saying it is a factor in why some of them won't entertain Iowa more closely than they otherwise might. No doubt in my mind.
When other schools do wrestle true freshman, and they finish ahead of you, and it happens often enough, guess what? If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck. It's a duck.