Red tide and algae blooms dog Rick Scott in Florida.

Does nothing to address my comment. I've lived in Florida since '97. There's been a Red Tide just about every year. It's a naturally occurring phenomena. However, because it occurs in an election year, you think you can somehow blame this year's red tide on a few specific people. That's a level of retardation that few have tried to achieve.
Isn't that exactly what Rick Scott is doing? Are you voting for that level of retardation in November?
I know....the La Brea Tar pits are also a 'naturally occurring phenomenon'.

But that doesn't mean when oil shows up in North Dakota, we shouldn't attribute it to a man-made oil spill...
They don't even try to understand. That's not why they're here.

When did acting dumb (and often being dumb) become a virtue for half of America? I mean it's not a new phenomenon but it seems like it became partisan (as opposed to merely juvenile) with the advent of FOX, and became virulent with Trump.
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TAPPER: Trump has acknowledged that there's gonna be "a little disturbance" due to his economic policies. How bad is this disturbance gonna be and how long is it gonna last?

RICK SCOTT: First off, Donald Trump walked in with a crappy economy. The number of full-time jobs has been dropping almost the entire Biden administration. [This is a lie.]
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Does anyone else see the Female Changeling from Deep Space 9 when they look at Rick Scott?
Sure does. But infrequently, and in small amounts.

Very very different from major oil leaks like Deepwater Horizon.

The average person would smart enough to understand the differences here. But, we knew you were on the lower end of the IQ scale based on your posting history.
Joe…do you enjoy consistently responding to trolls?

TAPPER: Trump has acknowledged that there's gonna be "a little disturbance" due to his economic policies. How bad is this disturbance gonna be and how long is it gonna last?

RICK SCOTT: First off, Donald Trump walked in with a crappy economy. The number of full-time jobs has been dropping almost the entire Biden administration. [This is a lie.]
AND Thump and his band of thieves will take us to a RECESSION, and won't pass go. Save what ya have now, boys and hang on tight. Can't say i didn't tell ya.
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TAPPER: Trump has acknowledged that there's gonna be "a little disturbance" due to his economic policies. How bad is this disturbance gonna be and how long is it gonna last?

RICK SCOTT: First off, Donald Trump walked in with a crappy economy. The number of full-time jobs has been dropping almost the entire Biden administration. [This is a lie.]

The Next President Inherits a Remarkable Economy​

The high quality of recent economic growth should put a wind at the back of the White House’s next occupant​


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