I was referring to something wrestling tangible. such as an all upper body guy ranked #1 in HS at some wt like 120. can we expect 4 time ncaa champ? R12 guy for 4 years? dufus that gets tossed to his own back every match?Final 16 in BB:
south #1 v 5
#2 v 3
west #1 v 4
# 2 v 3
east #1 v 5
#6 v 7
mdwst #1 v 4
#10 v 11
All of the #1 seeds are still in it. Half of the #2 and #3 picks are still in. Not a single #12,13,14,15 or 16 seed is left.
There is more to recruiting than rankings, but rankings, BB or wrestling, while not perfect, do offer some guidance and correlate with increased probability of success.
basketball TEAM comparison (of teams that have played full seasons against other teams) is no help. Is recruiting wrestling guys like recruiting baseball guys? except for the no miss guys like Griffey Jr?