Report: Florida State considering firing Willie Taggart, pursuing Urban Meyer

A former player's thoughts on Taggart.

Stan the AD and ACC loyalist never had any authority to do much of anything let alone hire our head football coach. This is an urban legend if there ever was one, no pun intended.

WT is not our coach because ACC Stan wanted to hire an African-American. He may have wanted to hire an African-American but the decision was never his to make.
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Stan the AD and ACC loyalist never had any authority to do much of anything let alone hire our head football coach. This is an urban legend if there ever was one, no pun intended.

WT is not our coach because ACC Stan wanted to hire an African-American. He may have wanted to hire an African-American but the decision was never his to make.

Would you please clarify who the people are who made the decision to hire Taggart and "negotiated" to guarantee him 85% of a six year $30 million deal? We did not need to back up the trucks and guarantee so much to get him here. For a proven, big time coach, I wouldn't have issue.

Willie is a great guy, but is in over his head. Please, prove me wrong, Willie. Run the table the rest of the season and I will apologize. Hell, win 4 of 5 and I will apologize OR just beat the Gators and lose the other 4 and I will still apologize.
Would you please clarify who the people are who made the decision to hire Taggart and "negotiated" to guarantee him 85% of a six year $30 million deal? We did not need to back up the trucks and guarantee so much to get him here. For a proven, big time coach, I wouldn't have issue.

Willie is a great guy, but is in over his head. Please, prove me wrong, Willie. Run the table the rest of the season and I will apologize. Hell, win 4 of 5 and I will apologize OR just beat the Gators and lose the other 4 and I will still apologize.

The retired state senator pretending to be university president and Director of Football Operations called the shots, not ACC Stan.
Stan the AD and ACC loyalist never had any authority to do much of anything let alone hire our head football coach. This is an urban legend if there ever was one, no pun intended.

WT is not our coach because ACC Stan wanted to hire an African-American. He may have wanted to hire an African-American but the decision was never his to make.
Some of us don't know what we don't know. ;)
The retired state senator pretending to be university president and Director of Football Operations called the shots, not ACC Stan.
The seasoned politician who knew how to navigate a largely political landscape involved in successfully climbing up the rankings ladder to get FSU into the Top 20 Publics was busy, he mistakenly trusted Stan Ain't The Man, AKA Worthless Wilcox and took his recommendations.
It's widely rumored that he is privately penitent and would not repeat his mistake.
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The retired state senator pretending to be university president and Director of Football Operations called the shots, not ACC Stan.

I know who the first reference is and would think he played a part, but who was DFO? Hard to believe that Stan wouldn't play a part. Curious timing, perhaps pure coincidence that he left right before Willie's first game.

Did Boosters or Board of Trustees have input or give any type of approval?I would love to know the details of who, when, and how the hire and deal went down, but likely will never know.

Nevertheless, whoever was in charge of the hire and negotiating the deal did so poorly.
The seasoned politician who knew how to navigate a largely political landscape involved in successfully climbing up the rankings ladder to get FSU into the Top 20 Publics was busy, he mistakenly trusted Stan Ain't The Man, AKA Worthless Wilcox and took his recommendations.
It's widely rumored that he is privately penitent and would not repeat his mistake.

This was my impression. Stan was the one talking and the one who in the organizational structure is responsible for the hire. Maybe he had no real power and someone else made the decision, IDK. I don't necessarily disagree with the hire and with giving Willie a shot, but the contract gave him too much overall and definitely too much guaranteed.
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