Republicans just put out a bill to abolish the Department of Education

Huey Grey

HR King
Jan 15, 2013
Thing was put out just hours after Betsy DeVos was confirmed. Expect more protests.
I remember when NCLB came out and all of my teach friends and my wife were all like, Let the States Decide on how they want to educate.

WTF has happened to the democrat party.
I remember when NCLB came out and all of my teach friends and my wife were all like, Let the States Decide on how they want to educate.

WTF has happened to the democrat party.

You do realize the Department did more than this, right? I mean, this is like deciding to eliminate the Fire Department because you don't like how they limit the number of people that can enter a bar.
You do realize the Department did more than this, right? I mean, this is like deciding to eliminate the Fire Department because you don't like how they limit the number of people that can enter a bar.

The federal government has no constitutional authority to regulate how the states run education. It's a giant bribery scheme over the states. SHUT IT DOWN.
I remember when NCLB came out and all of my teach friends and my wife were all like, Let the States Decide on how they want to educate.

WTF has happened to the democrat party.
NCLB was flawed on many levels. Every educator that I know, hated NCLB. Common Core standards, not so much. Not sure what you think is wrong with our education system but the NCLB shifted all accountability on the teachers and left none up to the parents and their kids.That type of thinking continues to this day. I'm not saying teachers are perfect, but it doesn't all fall on them.
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NCLB was flawed on many levels. Every educator that I know, hated NCLB. Common Core standards, not so much. Not sure what you think is wrong with our education system but the NCLB shifted all accountability on the teachers and left none up to the parents and their kids.That type of thinking continues to this day. I'm not saying teachers are perfect, but it doesn't all fall on them.
I totally agree the parents have to be involved or we're doomed to fail. My belief is that teachers unions are the problem, not teachers. Good teachers should be rewarded, bad teachers re-deployed outside the classroom. When that starts happening, things will get better, regardless of what the flavor of the week standards are.

Doesn't the Every Student Succeeds Act put power to the states? That passed early last year and received excellent support from teachers, R's and D's alike. Isn't that the law of the land now?
I totally agree the parents have to be involved or we're doomed to fail. My belief is that teachers unions are the problem, not teachers. Good teachers should be rewarded, bad teachers re-deployed outside the classroom. When that starts happening, things will get better, regardless of what the flavor of the week standards are.

Doesn't the Every Student Succeeds Act put power to the states? That passed early last year and received excellent support from teachers, R's and D's alike. Isn't that the law of the land now?

Yes, thanks obama
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How are you going to force states to end tenure if you do this. Choices cons. Governing is hard.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

There is nothing delegating power over education to the United States in the Constitution.
If southern states had made an honest effort to organize and educate freed slaves, there would have been no need for the Dept of Education. Not surprised that some old school racists still hold a grudge against the DOE.
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I remember when NCLB came out and all of my teach friends and my wife were all like, Let the States Decide on how they want to educate.

WTF has happened to the democrat party.

Are you thinking NCLB was the start of the D of Ed?
How are you going to force states to end tenure if you do this. Choices cons. Governing is hard.

Great point, and this is EXACTLY why having no DOE is better than having DeVos at the helm. I don't want that idiot threatening to pull federal dollars, because then she will enact her idiotic ideas nationwide. States are hooked on that federal money like the family values crowd is hooked on gay porn. Let Southern schools go to crap more than they already are.
Great point, and this is EXACTLY why having no DOE is better than having DeVos at the helm. I don't want that idiot threatening to pull federal dollars, because then she will enact her idiotic ideas nationwide. States are hooked on that federal money like the family values crowd is hooked on gay porn. Let Southern schools go to crap more than they already are.
I may have missed the sarcasm, but I want a more educated public than a non educated public.Any rate, I don't think DeVos achieves that goal.
I don't think many of the people who criticize the public education systems are as informed as they present themselves--present company included.

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