Reynolds goes after Winneshiek county sheriff for wanting to uphold constitution.

American citizens have rights. If ICE agents are detaining American citizens because they are unsure if they have the correct individual, then that’s a huge problem.

This has nothing to do with detaining illegal immigrants and everything to do with the prevention of detaining individuals who are here legally, to include American citizens. If even one American citizen or person legally authorized to be here gets detained, that’s far too many.

I get the challenges that ICE faces, but that is an ICE problem and it’s a problem they need to solve for. It’s not like they don’t have 4 years. The answer is not to cut corners by circumventing the constitution. They need to do it correctly.

I have absolutely zero issue with the sheriff making sure federal agents are doing things the right way. It’s called upholding a standard. That standard just so happens to be the constitution.
Hire more ICE agents. Deputies are overworked as it is.
not necessarily true :

Stay in your lane. I don't pretend to be a nurse. You're thought process is fundamentally wrong here. But I am willing to give you a second chance.
While I am not a fan of the Governor, the term Nazi is so overused. Maybe title her Pol Pot/Khmer Rouge, Hutu, Stalinistic, Communist,,,just something different than Nazi, show some creativity
I prefer vindictive bitchy cvnt. *

*Edited to avoid censorship and the constant erosion of my first amendment rights.
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Reynolds better increase her security detail.

Someone is gonna take her out if she doesn't get her shit together.
Even this guy can't save Kimmie from herself

Who was President when the llegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 was passed
Stay in your lane. I don't pretend to be a nurse. You're thought process is fundamentally wrong here. But I am willing to give you a second chance.
Ok what is wrong with the “facts” from that article?
Reynolds better increase her security detail.

Someone is gonna take her out if she doesn't get her shit together.
Ahhh the ol if we don’t like them kill them. Seems to be a theme with you dems lately
You claim NPR facts when they suit your argument but not when they don't?

Governor and AG are completely out of line here
So are those false statements from that article, I am actually deferring to the lawyer. Btw how have you been, is your health better?
So are those false statements from that article, I am actually deferring to the lawyer. Btw how have you been, is your health better?

I'm just going by the Constitution and laws. That, and doing what is right in my own personal perspective. All of the latter tell me me that I can see wrong when I see it.

Perhaps I'm wrong. But I'd prefer to be wrong and have a conscience.

My health is irrelevant.
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I'm just going by the Constitution and laws. That, and doing what is right in my own personal perspective. All of the latter tell me me that I can see wrong when I see it.

Perhaps I'm wrong. But I'd prefer to be wrong and have a conscience.

My health is irrelevant.
Just trying to genuinely ask
Maybe Kim needs to activate the National Guard here. Hell, she found time to send them to Texas! If she is that concerned about illegals overrunning NE Iowa, she needs to take prompt action and send in the Guard. Sheriffs probably have more important stuff to do.
Nothing is more important than stopping the invasion of our country. I do agree the ING should be assisting in rounding up these vermin and sending them back to whatever rat hole they climbed out of.
Are ICE detainers legal?

You didn't answer the question. Also, Covid regulations are no longer, especially in Iowa. Are ICE detainers legal or no?
Great job, dims, libs, leftists, marxists and especially the insane idiots running the town of Decorah and Winneshiek County; and especially sheriff Barney Fife >

JFC...Decorah needs a fence around it....a regular Epsteine Island >

JFC...Decorah needs a fence around it....a regular Epsteine Island >

Another one of Kamala's boys gets caught.
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