RFK hearing day - So do we want transparency and accountability?

it doesn’t prove what you think it does.
Oh, believe me, it says exactly what I thought it did. That there is insufficient data to prove either way whether or not DTaP causes autism. That means they reviewed all literature they could get their hands on which is basically everything, and they were not able to conclude that DTaP doesn't cause autism. That means your assertion that it's been ruled out is not in any way shape or form accurate, which basically means that you have no clue WTF you're talking about. Game set match.
Oh, believe me, it says exactly what I thought it did. That there is insufficient data to prove either way whether or not DTaP causes autism. That means they reviewed all literature they could get their hands on which is basically everything, and they were not able to conclude that DTaP doesn't cause autism. That means your assertion that it's been ruled out is not in any way shape or form accurate, which basically means that you have no clue WTF you're talking about. Game set match.
Please repost what their opening statement is, you just ignored their entire synopsis. Vaccines are safe with very minimal adverse effects. You know in paper how in the opening paragraph you put you main point, or thesis. This is their main point. Then they go into what adverse effects there are. They sure has hell did not prove that DTAP causes autism. It’s like you are running around in circles. Your debating skills suck.
I'm running around in circles with my arms up cheering because you just got curb stomped.
Over what that you don’t understand what a thesis is? What are you still back in 3rd grade? Still waiting for you to prove vaccines cause autism, I’ll be waiting for hell to freeze over.
Over what that you don’t understand what a thesis is? What are you still back in 3rd grade? Still waiting for you to prove vaccines cause autism, I’ll be waiting for hell to freeze over.
I've given up on you posting those publications, or telling me where you posted it. By now that only leads me to one conclusion, you must have lied. By contrast, I provided you with your requested data, AND a link to where I previously posted it, with zero critique of the studies by you. Tell me, what else do you want me to conclude?
Aluminum exposure???? what are you proving, I don't see anything saying vaccines cause autism.
If you were really looking for answers, you might be interested in reading this:
But you aren't interested. You're just interested in gripping tightly to your own closed-minded personal beliefs. It's really incredible. You know that's not the way science is supposed to work, right?
I've given up on you posting those publications, or telling me where you posted it. By now that only leads me to one conclusion, you must have lied. By contrast, I provided you with your requested data, AND a link to where I previously posted it, with zero critique of the studies by you. Tell me, what else do you want me to conclude?
I posted a website with like 20 studies are you blind?

Here I was waiting on your big rebuttal, you know what I got?

Although vaccines like anything are not 100% safe, they have very few adverse reactions. My response was the following:

Steve Brule What GIF
I've given up on you posting those publications, or telling me where you posted it. By now that only leads me to one conclusion, you must have lied. By contrast, I provided you with your requested data, AND a link to where I previously posted it, with zero critique of the studies by you. Tell me, what else do you want me to conclude?
Post 271, are you literally retarded.
Synopsis of last 2 pages, natural is retarded, who can’t read basic posts, reads studies and think they support his claim when in realist they aren’t and he idolizes his buddy RFK. There is nothing more discussing with him. He will keep circling the drain on his Twitter feed looking for the next hair-brained post on anti vaccines.
Post 271, are you literally retarded.
And do you know what every single one of those studies have in common? Every single study only looked at MMR, or thimerosal, or both. That's what I specifically asked you to avoid. I asked for studies outside of that vaccine type, and that one ingredient. Come on bunsen. Be better.
Synopsis of last 2 pages, natural is retarded, who can’t read basic posts, reads studies and think they support his claim when in realist they aren’t and he idolizes his buddy RFK. There is nothing more discussing with him. He will keep circling the drain on his Twitter feed looking for the next hair-brained post on anti vaccines.
MMR, thimerosal, or both. Throw in an occasional meta analysis of only those studies, you know with more kids to make it look impressive when it's just more of the same. Wash rinse repeat. After going over this with you several times now you'd think you would understand.
And do you know what every single one of those studies have in common? Every single study only looked at MMR, or thimerosal, or both. That's what I specifically asked you to avoid. I asked for studies outside of that vaccine type, and that one ingredient. Come on bunsen. Be better.
Why do I have to avoid studies dipshit, you asked for studies I gave you studies, end of story. You have given me zero peer reviewed articles stating vaccines are unsafe beyond a few minute adverse effects which are far outweighed by the benefits of vaccines.
Why do I have to avoid studies dipshit, you asked for studies I gave you studies, end of story. You have given me zero peer reviewed articles stating vaccines are unsafe beyond a few minute adverse effects which are far outweighed by the benefits of vaccines.
In my very first post nearly 18 years ago questioning vaccines I had tarheel post over 100 MMR + thimerosal studies claiming the science was settled, along with several other choice words. I didn't know what to do with them at first. After looking into it deeper I learned that they all had those 2 exact same common denominators. That's why I specifically said right at the start of my request to provide studies OTHER THAN MMR and thimerosal. I have already been provided those studies and many more like them. Then you post studies I asked you to avoid and then call me a retard for not accepting them. LMAO!

Bunsen. I know that well over 100 MMR and thimerosal studies exist. I'm telling you that's one ingredient and one vaccine type. There are many other ingredients and there are many other vaccines on the childhood schedule. I asked you to provide any studies you can find other than those two. If those studies existed they would have been provided to me by now after all these years. The only conclusion that I am forced to come to is that they haven't tested the other vaccines or the other ingredients or any combination thereof with any type of favorable results indicating safety.
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Oh yeah Dr Kory knows what's up, and there's gonna be a whole lot of flipping going on. It's coming.

The flipping OFF on the other hand used to be pharma and health agencies to the people. Do you get the feeling that's about to reverse in a big way?
They got greedy with the covid injection.

Two years did more damage to the universal acceptance of vaccines as 'health' care than the previous 75 years of slow burn.
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They got greedy with the covid injection.

Two years did more damage to the universal acceptance of vaccines as 'health' care than the previous 75 years of slow burn.
Over all these years, they simply couldn't find anything else that was plausible to blame autism on. Though there were a few attempts....childhood infections, microplastics, better diagnosis, changed criteria, food, etc. that were too outlandish for a good thinking brain with common sense could actually believe. Although food might play a minor role.

The key point that Rand brought up in his statement below is that they (officially) don't know what causes autism....and more specifically WHY don't they know? It was that lack of a plausible scapegoat that was the key.

Then you have the health agencies assuring us that we KNOW it's not vaccines. But when you actually do look into the science yourself you see that all that's available is obviously fraudulent, if one just took a little time to look at it and understand it. People who knew, knew at least something wasn't right here.
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In my very first post nearly 18 years ago questioning vaccines I had tarheel post over 100 MMR + thimerosal studies claiming the science was settled, along with several other choice words. I didn't know what to do with them at first. After looking into it deeper I learned that they all had those 2 exact same common denominators. That's why I specifically said right at the start of my request to provide studies OTHER THAN MMR and thimerosal. I have already been provided those studies and many more like them. Then you post studies I asked you to avoid and then call me a retard for not accepting them. LMAO!

Bunsen. I know that well over 100 MMR and thimerosal studies exist. I'm telling you that's one ingredient and one vaccine type. There are many other ingredients and there are many other vaccines on the childhood schedule. I asked you to provide any studies you can find other than those two. If those studies existed they would have been provided to me by now after all these years. The only conclusion that I am forced to come to is that they haven't tested the other vaccines or the other ingredients or any combination thereof with any type of favorable results indicating safety.
Vaccines are vaccines, there isn't much different from 1 to another yes some but not a ton. Here is study that just shows the changing winds of the anti-vaxxers. You realize the first claim was that MMR caused autism right, hence all the studies. Then the claim was thimerosal. Hence those studies. Then there was a concern on the system being overwhelmed, even though a childs system is inundated with new bacteria and viruses when it is born and first stages of life. I am sure there will be more studies. So far you just continue to grasp at straws and throw shit against the wall. You admit you have no proof vaccines cause autism, the best you have is that we can't say it doesn't cause autism. As a group you need to decide which vaccine is the next culprit, so that can be shut down. Each vaccine goes through rigorous testing before it is allowed to hit the market. They just don't create a vaccine and say add it to the schedule.

Each vaccine goes through rigorous testing before it is allowed to hit the market.
The clinical trials are ultra short-term, ultra low-power, and virtually none of them use an inert placebo, rather other vaccines that themselves were never tested against an inert placebo. It's incredible what they've been able to get away with, with people like you telling people it's OK, look the other way. No scientist does that unless financial ties exist.

Literally the entire schedule is standing on a house of cards that's been lucky as hell to last as long as it did. What the heck financial ties do you have to the industry bunsen? Sorry but a lot of your reasoning doesn't make sense, and when you're called out on it you just keep going with it. So strange man.
there isn't much different from 1 to another yes some but not a ton.
Some have thimerosal, some don't, some have aluminum adjuvant, some don't, some have aborted fetal DNA fragments, some don't, some are live virus, some not, some are injected, some oral, now one is mRNA, some are combo vaccines, some not. That's just the differences I can name off the top of my head. These vaccines differ quite a bit across the board.
So far you just continue to grasp at straws and throw shit against the wall.
Around 90+% of the entire schedule has no retrospective epidemiological studies at all. And the clinical trials have virtually no meaningful data (autism or otherwise) as I explained above. Why were they designed that way? It's almost as if they were purposefully designed to not capture injury. Then they rely on post-marketing surveillance to capture signals and then they tell people the post-marketing surveillance can't be trusted.
Wait a sec, the Senator says 1 in 36, used to be 1 in 10,000, numbers it seems everyone in the room including the doctors can all more or less agree on. Last time I checked, that means the rate of autism has increased.

But Joe says in a very matter-of-fact way that the rate of autism has remained constant throughout history because it was a prerequisite to his new "science" that said that it was childhood infections that is causing autism.

Think about it people. Use your common sense.

What a 🤡 this forum hooked their wagon to all these years. That is all.

Holy cow I remember Brandy Vaughn, she had been one of the key players when this movement started. I remember she had a very well put together website, I posted a couple of her videos here and Joe and others would all downplay it and make fun of her because she's a Drug Rep, not an expert, so what does she know? I wondered what happened to her! Damn pharma is corrupt as hell and so many times over the years all these HBOT assholes here would stick up for them.
Holy cow I remember Brandy Vaughn, she had been one of the key players when this movement started. I remember she had a very well put together website, I posted a couple of her videos here and Joe and others would all downplay it and make fun of her because she's a Drug Rep, not an expert, so what does she know? I wondered what happened to her! Damn pharma is corrupt as hell and so many times over the years all these HBOT assholes here would stick up for them.

So do we want transparency and accountability?​

The thread makes it clear, Dictacrats don't want that. What they do want is what Fauci delivered.
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Holy cow I remember Brandy Vaughn, she had been one of the key players when this movement started. I remember she had a very well put together website, I posted a couple of her videos here and Joe and others would all downplay it and make fun of her because she's a Drug Rep, not an expert, so what does she know? I wondered what happened to her! Damn pharma is corrupt as hell and so many times over the years all these HBOT assholes here would stick up for them.
Can you not google. She died of a blood clot. Her son was home with her called 911, the cops found nothing evident of foul play and they still did the autopsy and found the blood clot. Natural you claim you are fair and balanced- what the hell. Although this is par for the course with you.

FYI that video was made 5 1/2 years before she died and well before Covid.
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The clinical trials are ultra short-term, ultra low-power, and virtually none of them use an inert placebo, rather other vaccines that themselves were never tested against an inert placebo. It's incredible what they've been able to get away with, with people like you telling people it's OK, look the other way. No scientist does that unless financial ties exist.

Literally the entire schedule is standing on a house of cards that's been lucky as hell to last as long as it did. What the heck financial ties do you have to the industry bunsen? Sorry but a lot of your reasoning doesn't make sense, and when you're called out on it you just keep going with it. So strange man.
LOL- none. Look at that random attack on character with no proof or anything to back it up. You still didn’t respond to the above what vaccine do you have specific concerns with so they can start that research and show you are morons. Like MMR and thimerosal. Or you acting like Brandy Vaughn was killed by a hit job from the pharma industry. Seriously what is wrong with you, you have gone beyond tin foil to nut case territory. As to the vaccine method they are all very similar the way they work, who cares if injected or oral, or live vs dead? Seriously that’s what you are grasping at straws on? So we no longer have any facts, just throwing shit against the wall again. I keep saying I’m going to stop talking to these morons.
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Can you not google. She died of a blood clot. Her son was home with her called 911, the cops found nothing evident of foul play and they still did the autopsy and found the blood clot. Natural you claim you are fair and balanced- what the hell. Although this is par for the course with you.

FYI that video was made 5 1/2 years before she died and well before Covid.
Meh, I didn't really have time to research anything yesterday. If she died by a blood clot then OK, this is not a hill I care to die on. Don't have a coronary over it bud, it's not worth it. Btw, nowhere in my post did I say I thought she was offed by pharma. Think maybe it was pharma that broke in her house :rolleyes: ?
You still didn’t respond to the above what vaccine do you have specific concerns with so they can start that research and show you are morons.
Why are you asking me to single out certain vaccines? I will mention I've focused on the aluminum-containing vaccines in the past. It's the entire schedule I have a problem with.
Meh, I didn't really have time to research anything yesterday. If she died by a blood clot then OK, this is not a hill I care to die on. Don't have a coronary over it bud, it's not worth it. Btw, nowhere in my post did I say I thought she was offed by pharma. Think maybe it was pharma that broke in her house :rolleyes: ?
Most likely made up is my opinion. There was like 4 people showing up to her rallies. I don't think they cared about her personally. So you tell me you are going to install a 3k monitoring system, but no cameras to witness all this stuff? You know the random guy who knows her alarm passwords, someone else who can get in her garage and leave a ladder out. Leaving a duck on her table. I mean come on.

As stated Natural, you throw shit against the wall then backtrack or ignore it. I really think I should leave a duck in your yard. Not because I think you are "sitting duck" like Brandy Vaughn, but because I think you are a quack.
Why are you asking me to single out certain vaccines? I will mention I've focused on the aluminum-containing vaccines in the past. It's the entire schedule I have a problem with.
You have no specific concerns, you have now summed up your concerns with the schedule. Its showing how you fall into the same methodology from the 2009 report I posted yesterday. Anti-vaxxers first state its MMR - disproven by multiple studies. Then we move on to Thimerosal, disprove many studies. Now for the last decade we have move on to lets just throw the whole schedules against the wall, no specific concerns, no specific facts, but this is what is wrong with vaccines, and because they haven't spent millions of dollars doing tons and tons of decades long research they are the ones at fault. Dude, you realize how stupid you look right?
Anti-vaxxers first state its MMR - disproven by multiple studies. Then we move on to Thimerosal, disprove many studies. Now for the last decade we have move on to lets just throw the whole schedules against the wall, no specific concerns,
I should clarify a key point. There are specific studies indicating specific vaccines causing some of the other chronic illnesses. With autism though, it's more generally the schedule that ramped up in the 90's. It is my opinion there are no specific vaccines targeted as being the only cause and I believe they work synergistically. That said, I believe aluminum adjuvant plays a key role, and aluminum and thimerosal together have been shown to exacerbate neurological damage.

Also, it's important to note the autism rate was extremely low in the 80's when the MMR, Polio, and DTP were the only ones administered. The autism rate ramped up at the same time the schedule ramped up. Hence, my comments about the schedule being the issue.
I should clarify a key point. There are specific studies indicating specific vaccines causing some of the other chronic illnesses. With autism though, it's more generally the schedule that ramped up in the 90's. It is my opinion there are no specific vaccines targeted as being the only cause and I believe they work synergistically. That said, I believe aluminum adjuvant plays a key role, and aluminum and thimerosal together have been shown to exacerbate neurological damage.

Also, it's important to note the autism rate was extremely low in the 80's when the MMR, Polio, and DTP were the only ones administered. The autism rate ramped up at the same time the schedule ramped up. Hence, my comments about the schedule being the issue.
And nothing changed on how they diagnosed in the 90's, nothing to add to this discussion. Are you your really that big of a derp.
Dude, you realize how stupid you look right?
because I think you are a quack.
you have gone beyond tin foil to nut case territory.
I keep saying I’m going to stop talking to these morons.
Why do I have to avoid studies dipshit,
natural is retarded, who can’t read basic posts
are you literally retarded.
All these quotes above are just from page 9 of this thread.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser" -Anonymous

Isn't this fun? :cool:
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And nothing changed on how they diagnosed in the 90's, nothing to add to this discussion. Are you your really that big of a derp.
Diagnosis may have changed the numbers to a small extent, but according to the experts it cannot explain the majority of the epidemic.