RFK JR is on Rogan today if you want to check out his brand of crazy


Why won't you answer the questions?

41:00 safety is the biggest issue
44:00 trending "wobbly" health professional front line starting to question vaccine safety, worried about losing healthcare providers
46:05 Front line professionals don't feel they have enough confidence to stand up to their patient's questions. Doctors lucky if they have a half day on vaccines in their schooling.
50:10 It's not misinformation after all.
52:52 Vaccine skeptics recruiting pace of undecideds 500% faster than you guys
56:00 Not supposed to use the term "antivaxxer" and need to get rid of the hostile language
1:05:08 There is a lot of safety science that is still needed. Without good science they can't have good communication. Thus admitting that the current safety science is indeed not sufficient.
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41:00 safety is the biggest issue
44:00 trending "wobbly" health professional front line starting to question vaccine safety, worried about losing healthcare providers
46:05 Front line professionals don't feel they have enough confidence to stand up to their patient's questions. Doctors lucky if they have a half day on vaccines in their schooling.
50:10 It's not misinformation after all.
52:52 Vaccine skeptics recruiting pace of undecideds 500% faster than you guys
56:00 Not supposed to use the term "antivaxxer" and need to get rid of the hostile language
1:05:08 There is a lot of safety science that is still needed. Without good science they can't have good communication. Thus admitting that the current safety science is indeed not sufficient.
You're a clown. A deeply misinformed and gullible clown. That wouldn't be so bad if not for you spewing the misinformation on social media sites like this and who knows where else.

And you're just dumb enough to think because there are a few who loudly proclaim what you want to believe it becomes true. You're a moron and a coward.
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You're a clown. A deeply misinformed and gullible clown. That wouldn't be so bad if not for you spewing the misinformation on social media sites like this and who knows where else.

And you're just dumb enough to think because there are a few who loudly proclaim what you want to believe it becomes true. You're a moron and a coward.
The content of this post is addressed by the expert at the 56:00 mark. I was told by Joe that I should listen to the experts.
I was told by Joe that when N = 301 it doesn't mean much.

Also, if I'm not fully vaccinated, especially given the climate in 2001, would I feel compelled to participate in such a survey?

Weren't many doctors mandated anyway?

The vast majority of doctors support the vaccine.

Please explain why you think you know better than them.

No patient had ECG-changes, and none developed major adverse cardiac events within 30 days (0% [95%CI, 0%–0.4%]).

THIS is typically HOW it is detected.

And it's much much worse when you get Covid and are unprotected.

And THESE nuggets:

"No definitive case of myocarditis was found."

"It is mandatory to put our findings into perspective with the incidence and extent of myocardial injury associated with COVID-19 infection. Before the COVID-19 vaccine were available, the incidence and extent of myocardial injury associated with COVID-19 infection was much higher than observed in this active surveillance study after booster vaccination

No participant developed MACE within 30-days.

It's STILL safer than being exposed to Covid WITHOUT vaccine protection.
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"mild and transient"

Now go look up the severity with actual Covid.
"...vaccine-associated myocardial injury was adjudicated in 22 participants (2.8% [95%CI, 1.7%–4.3%])."

The 'mild and transient' referred to the troponin levels. Myocardial injury is PERMANENT.

5.5 billion people received covid injection. Multiplying that by 2.8% gives you 154,000,000 that could have potential heart damage. Good thing it's mild and transient, I guess.
The 'mild and transient' referred to the troponin levels. Myocardial injury is PERMANENT.

And this study used extremely sensitive markers to look for signs - things that are NOT indicative of clinical injury or clinical significance.

Read the damn article - that's EXACTLY what it says.

This is EXACTLY what this article states - NONE of these detected cases by blood assays are "clinical" presentations.

Comparing this to actual clinical injury, caused by the virus itself, is apples-to-ballbearings comparison.

If you WANT to compare their findings to risks from the virus, you would need to actually infect people, and find out what these same blood assay tests show.

And this study used extremely sensitive markers to look for signs - things that are NOT indicative of clinical injury or clinical significance.

Read the damn article - that's EXACTLY what it says.

This is EXACTLY what this article states - NONE of these detected cases by blood assays are "clinical" presentations.

Comparing this to actual clinical injury, caused by the virus itself, is apples-to-ballbearings comparison.

If you WANT to compare their findings to risks from the virus, you would need to actually infect people, and find out what these same blood assay tests show.
"NONE of these detected cases by blood assays are "clinical" presentations."

Huh. So patient John Doe COULD receive a positive Covid diagnosis - via a diagnostic tool like the PCR test but lacking ANY "clinical presentations" - while Jane Doe could NOT be diagnosed with myocardial injury via a diagnostic tool yet lacking any clinical presentations??? Seems just a bit inconsistent, if not outright hypocritical.

Go ahead, take your chances at being one of the 2.8% (or more) who risk myocardial injury (elevation of cardiac troponin values above the 99th percentile upper reference limit) with each booster.

Speaking of tools.
"NONE of these detected cases by blood assays are "clinical" presentations."

Huh. So patient John Doe COULD receive a positive Covid diagnosis - via a diagnostic tool like the PCR test but lacking ANY "clinical presentations" - while Jane Doe could NOT be diagnosed with myocardial injury via a diagnostic tool yet lacking any clinical presentations??? Seems just a bit inconsistent, if not outright hypocritical.
How's that "hypocritical"

The infected, asymptomatic person can spread the virus to other people. Someone with either clinical myocarditis OR assay-detected signatures w/o any clinical presentation presents no risks to anyone else. AND those assays likely WILL be elevated in people who get Covid or many other viruses.

You seem confused on what the study is explaining to you. Try reading it again.
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And this study used extremely sensitive markers to look for signs - things that are NOT indicative of clinical injury or clinical significance.

Read the damn article - that's EXACTLY what it says.

This is EXACTLY what this article states - NONE of these detected cases by blood assays are "clinical" presentations.

Comparing this to actual clinical injury, caused by the virus itself, is apples-to-ballbearings comparison.

If you WANT to compare their findings to risks from the virus, you would need to actually infect people, and find out what these same blood assay tests show.
Troponin testing is THE single most important aspect of clinical diagnostics. And this study showed 2.8% of test subjects suffered vaccine-induced heart damage. Boost away, 🤡

No; it does not.

Covid causes heart damage.
Vaccines cause the mildest cases of temporary myocarditis.
Three quarters of all Americans have caught the covid ( Of those 250 million unfortunate souls, approximately one fourth of them have suffered myocardial injury ( I mean, that's what the experts say.

Please tell me you're not dumb enough to believe that there's 62 million more Americans running around with covid-induced heart damage?!? Would love to see a study backing up that doomsday scenario.

Three quarters of all Americans have caught the covid ( Of those 250 million unfortunate souls, approximately one fourth of them have suffered myocardial injury ( I mean, that's what the experts say.

Go to the source:

A: It's for initial strains of the virus
B: 21% is the rate listed
C: The indicidence rate is NOT evenly distributed across infections -
those with severe cases are 4-5x more likely to have myocardial injury.

Your odds with a "non-severe" case are 10%. Which sounds about right. And many of those cases will resolve w/o clinical manifestations.

Meanwhile, the rates of heart complications from the vaccine are a tiny fraction of this.

You seem like you need a Big Person to interpret studies like this for you.

Here's more you can read on the topic:

And, yes, this means a very large number of people who have had Covid, have had a myocardial injury. MOST of them have had that resolve w/o clinical manifestation. Meanwhile, a very SMALL number of people have had any myocardial injury from vaccines.
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Three quarters of all Americans have caught the covid ( Of those 250 million unfortunate souls, approximately one fourth of them have suffered myocardial injury ( I mean, that's what the experts say.

Here's what else the experts say:

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Here's what else the experts say:

LMAO. The studies you cited used the exact same definition of myocardial injury (...serum levels of troponin or CK-MB above the 99th percentile upper reference limit) as the study showing vaccine-induced myocardial injury occurring at a rate of 2.8%, yet you dismissed that one out of hand. You're both a clown AND a hypocrite. 🤣

But I admit I enjoyed these tidbits from your source:

"Current data suggests that myocarditis is an uncommon complication of COVID-19."

"Most reports of myocarditis due to COVID-19 are clinically suspected, based principally on elevated biomarkers, and are not well validated."

"Large epidemiological studies estimate the rate of clinically suspected myocarditis related to COVID-19 at 11 cases per 100,000 infections..." (.01%)

"...the initial concern over biomarker elevation and the potential relationship with myocarditis and significant myocardial injury has been tempered, with acceptance that myocardial injury or low-level inflammation is common but of minimal clinical significance."
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No; they don't.

Covid causes heart injury at a far higher rate than vaccines.
That's a reality you have to live with.

It's what my link states.
You never even read your link or you would have seen all the statements minimizing covid induced myocardial damage; just googled and posted some random study thinking people would swallow the BS.

Vaccine induced damage - 2.8%
Covid induced damage - .01%

You really are CCP 🤡
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You never even read your link or you would have seen all the statements minimizing covid induced myocardial damage; just googled and posted some random study thinking people would swallow the BS.

Vaccine induced damage - 2.8%
Covid induced damage - .01%

You really are CCP 🤡
From the link.

"The estimated incidence of myocarditis in COVID-19 infection is 11 cases per 100,000 infections compared with an estimated 2.7 cases per 100,000 persons following mRNA vaccination."

In my opinion the use of high sensitivity tropinins to determine cardiac injury likely significantly over estimates actual injury. Studies have shown that strenuous exercise can elevate tropinins. But most people don't think this indicates injury. The article points out that you really can't just rely on just tropinins and need to correlate clinically or with other data. This would apply to both vaccines and infection caused myocarditis.
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From the link.

"The estimated incidence of myocarditis in COVID-19 infection is 11 cases per 100,000 infections compared with an estimated 2.7 cases per 100,000 persons following mRNA vaccination."

In my opinion the use of high sensitivity tropinins to determine cardiac injury likely significantly over estimates actual injury. Studies have shown that strenuous exercise can elevate tropinins. But most people don't think this indicates injury. The article points out that you really can't just rely on just tropinins and need to correlate clinically or with other data. This would apply to both vaccines and infection caused myocarditis.
He needs that in bigger font, so it sets in.

Covid is 4x more likely to cause myocarditis.
AND, as already noted, the SEVERITY of the myocarditis caused by the virus is worse than the mild cases caused by vaccines. The virus actually WILL cause long-term heart damage. There is no evidence the vaccines do this. At all.