RFK Jr running as an independent

I just know that I've heard from numerous never-trumper Republicans that they would vote for RFK Jr before Trump or Biden. I have not heard that from any Democrats. At best it is a wash for the GOP.
I just know that I've heard from numerous never-trumper Republicans that they would vote for RFK Jr before Trump or Biden. I have not heard that from any Democrats. At best it is a wash for the GOP.
In the end, if there's any impact it won't be nationwide, it will be in the swing states. That brings in the effect on the electoral college. If neither Biden nor Trump get a majority of electoral votes, the election goes to the House. There are a few scenarios where that either helps or hurts Biden.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Destroying Donald Trump’s Election Chances, Poll Says​


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Destroying Donald Trump’s Election Chances, Poll Says

Third-party candidate Robert F. Kennedy is on track to push President Joe Biden to an easy victory over Donald Trump in a potential 2024 showdown, according to a new poll.

Since Kennedy announced he was leaving the Democratic race to run as an independent earlier this month, the debate has swirled over whom he would hurt more, the four-times-indicted ex-president or the incumbent.
But an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist National Poll released Tuesday offered an early prediction: Biden would beat Trump by 7 percentage points when Kennedy is factored in.

If the election were held today, Biden would snag 44% of the vote to Trump’s 37%, followed by Kennedy’s 16% with 3% undecided, according to the survey.

Kennedy, whose anti-vaccine views appeal to some conservatives, is simply siphoning off more votes from Trump than Biden.

With the political scion on the ballot, Biden loses 5 percentage points among Democrats while Trump loses 10 points among Republicans, according to the poll.

Kennedy, who’s gotten significant air time on Fox News and other conservative outlets, has been denounced by his own family, but come November 2024, he might just end up a darling for Democrats anyway.

“Although it’s always tricky to assess the impact of a third-party candidate, right now Kennedy alters the equation in Biden’s favor,” Lee M. Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, said. “What this does speak to, however, is that about one in six voters are looking for another option, especially independents.”

The poll, conducted Oct. 11 among 1,313 American adults, shows Biden leading Trump by 3 percentage points in a head-to-head contest.
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RFK, Jr. just announced his running mate. Interesting. 99.99999999% sure she’s smarter than Kamala. But then again most people are.

RFK, Jr. just announced his running mate. Interesting. 99.99999999% sure she’s smarter than Kamala. But then again most people are.

Love that she isn't a politician, she also helps frame the vaccine and anti vaccine commentary about Bobby Jr.
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RFK, Jr. just announced his running mate. Interesting. 99.99999999% sure she’s smarter than Kamala. But then again most people are.

How many people do you know that cast their vote based on who the veep candidate is???

I eagerly await your response.
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The fine line between “isn’t smart” and “really, really dumb” has been crossed. 🥴

We must together. Work together. To see where we are. Where we are headed, where we are going and our vision for where we should be. But also see it as a moment to, yes. Together, address the challenges and to work on the opportunities that are presented by this moment.”
Latest polling I saw a few weeks back is that he’d pull more from Dems - due to his Kennedy surname as much as anything.
He is going to peel the white suburban woman vote. I keep repeating this and getting laughed at bt the leftists who refuse to accept what's kinda obvious.

Pair that with the massive drop in minority support for Joe biden and you can see what the dem leadership was rumored to have panicked about RFKs vp pick.
This election is going to come down to abortion. Plenty of evidence to show that the Supreme Court decision back in June of 22 has absolutely hurt the GOP and I expect in the end you will see an emphatic statement here that polls and lack of being fired up over an 80 year old are not showing. RFK and his female running mate are going to be irrelevant. The youth and women voters will come out. As will the minority voters. Next 6 months will be get out the voter operations.
This election is going to come down to abortion. Plenty of evidence to show that the Supreme Court decision back in June of 22 has absolutely hurt the GOP and I expect in the end you will see an emphatic statement here that polls and lack of being fired up over an 80 year old are not showing. RFK and his female running mate are going to be irrelevant. The youth and women voters will come out. As will the minority voters. Next 6 months will be get out the voter operations.
Have you seen how Biden is polling/trending with the under 25 vote? They are hemorrhaging votes with that demographic faster than they are with African Americans, and that's saying something.
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Have you seen how Biden is polling/trending with the under 25 vote? They are hemorrhaging votes with that demographic faster than they are with African Americans, and that's saying something.
Which is why the Delaware Dimwit was in Madison yesterday telling people he was gonna by God make their student loans vanish.
Abortion by most polls is about fifth or sixth on the list of issues voters will make their decisions on when deciding who to vote for.
Which is why the Delaware Dimwit was in Madison yesterday telling people he was gonna by God make their student loans vanish.
Abortion by most polls is about fifth or sixth on the list of issues voters will make their decisions on when deciding who to vote for.
That depends on who you talk to, me, i'll give my vote to the gals as i'm satisfied with the economy. The biggest problem i see is the "do nothing" congress.
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Former Trump voter here, voting for RFK
Was thinking he would go with either Paul or Massie out of Kentucky as his VP choice; they’re about the only fiscally responsible pubs left anymore.

They would probably never want to give up their 99% assured financial stability by running with an ‘anti-vaxxer’ though. ;)
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Was thinking he would go with either Paul or Massie out of Kentucky as his VP choice; they’re about the only fiscally responsible pubs left anymore.

They would probably never want to give up their 99% assured financial stability by running with an ‘anti-vaxxer’ though. ;)
have you actually read about rfk's "policies"?

if you think those two would be on board, you obviously haven't...
have you actually read about rfk's "policies"?

if you think those two would be on board, you obviously haven't...
“Policies” 🤣🤣🤣

Everyone in DC’s a whore. At this point in the slow, spiraling death of the republic the only thing left to debate is who’s getting paid, how much they’re getting paid and what sordid deeds they will be asked to perform.

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