RIP Marjorie Taylor Greene’s marriage

Actually unhappy marriages so long as there is no abuse produce better results than divorced parents

This is just an excuse that parents make to put their own happiness ahead of their children's futures. And honestly if people stick it out they tend to find ways to be happy with one another. I can tell you in all honesty that happened in my marriage.

It should be harder to get a divorce. WAY harder.
I know every situation is different but I'm certainly glad my parents decided to divorce for their own happiness. It was miserable watching them both not be happy and it effected me and my siblings. We were much better off once our parents split up and were happy. Sure there was some hard times but overall it was much better. And I feel like seeing an unhappy marriage is not at all good for a child's psyche. How do they go about finding their own happy marriage if all they see is unhappiness growing up? They will think that is how it is. Again every situation is different but for me I know I was glad divorce was an option for my parents and the they took it for themselves.
I know every situation is different but I'm certainly glad my parents decided to divorce for their own happiness. It was miserable watching them both not be happy and it effected me and my siblings. We were much better off once our parents split up and were happy. Sure there was some hard times but overall it was much better. And I feel like seeing an unhappy marriage is not at all good for a child's psyche. How do they go about finding their own happy marriage if all they see is unhappiness growing up? They will think that is how it is. Again every situation is different but for me I know I was glad divorce was an option for my parents and the they took it for themselves.

Simple you don't have your conflicts in front of the children. You don't defame the other spouse in front of the children.

And honestly I think most can find happiness in their marriage if they are willing to put in the effort and not just call it quit because things got difficult for a few years.
I know every situation is different but I'm certainly glad my parents decided to divorce for their own happiness. It was miserable watching them both not be happy and it effected me and my siblings. We were much better off once our parents split up and were happy. Sure there was some hard times but overall it was much better. And I feel like seeing an unhappy marriage is not at all good for a child's psyche. How do they go about finding their own happy marriage if all they see is unhappiness growing up? They will think that is how it is. Again every situation is different but for me I know I was glad divorce was an option for my parents and the they took it for themselves.

Best thing that could have ever happened to my parents was getting a divorce. YEARS of disdain, anger, resentment built just trying to "stay together for the kids." Phuck that - they didn't fight in front of us but you could cut the tension daily with a knife. It was awful. The church folk want to spin it like marriage is sacred and should be worked on regardless of situation. "Just try harder." LOL! Nope, sometimes people just go different directions and they are no longer compatible. The worst thing to do is keep trying to pound that square peg into a round hole. Miserable for everyone.
Simple you don't have your conflicts in front of the children. You don't defame the other spouse in front of the children.

And honestly I think most can find happiness in their marriage if they are willing to put in the effort and not just call it quit because things got difficult for a few years.

it’s not about that.

it’s about if government should have the authority to enforce this under threat of violence.


1-government is simply permissioned violence.

It follows that…

2— if you commit a crime and don’t pay the punishment eventually you go to jail. Try to leave jail without permission, and you get killed. This is a gross over simplification, yes, but at the end of every government mandate is the threat of violence. It’s just how many steps does it take to get there.


3- so the assertion of “make divorce harder by law” means “let’s use permissioned violence on this subject.”

as a pre trump conservative, I felt then, and feel now, that we should be limiting (or at the very least incredibly cautious in the expansion of) the spheres under which we give govt permission to intervene, not seeking to increase them.
One who honestly believes in marriage as a social force for family stability and encourages marriage AND discourages divorce through both word and law.
F*ck that completely to hell.

People and children especially shouldn’t be trapped in loveless marriages. That’s never a recipe for success.

If your marriage isn’t any good, get out. We get one shot at this life so make sure yours is a good one. Just don’t preach at me like you’re high and mighty because you read a silly book.
Simple you don't have your conflicts in front of the children. You don't defame the other spouse in front of the children.

And honestly I think most can find happiness in their marriage if they are willing to put in the effort and not just call it quit because things got difficult for a few years.
Not that simple. My parents didn't fight in front of us but we weren't stupid we could tell they were unhappy and who wants to pretend their whole life? I know you are very religious and probably see this issue as black and white but it is not and some people genuinely do just lose their compatibility and it is best for everyone to move on. I don't necessarily disagree that some may be too quick to go that route but I think the vast majority hang on too long in the name of staying together for the kids which may be worse for them. Divorce should still be an option and it shouldn't be more difficult to obtain.
it’s not about that.

it’s about if government should have the authority to enforce this under threat of violence.


1-government is simply permissioned violence.

It follows that…

2— if you commit a crime and don’t pay the punishment eventually you go to jail. Try to leave jail without permission, and you get killed. This is a gross over simplification, yes, but at the end of every government mandate is the threat of violence. It’s just how many steps does it take to get there.


3- so the assertion of “make divorce harder by law” means “let’s use permissioned violence on this subject.”

as a pre trump conservative, I felt then, and feel now, that we should be limiting (or at the very least incredibly cautious in the expansion of) the spheres under which we give govt permission to intervene, not seeking to increase them.

The government sanctioned the marriage.

And I'm not saying make it impossible. But it should be more difficult. No fault divorce should not exist.

My view is there should be 2 types of divorce. One is divorce by mutual consent. In order to get this the couple should have to go through at least 1 year of marriage counseling by a licensed therapist. If they fail to show up satisfactorily the divorce is not granted.

If they after a year still are intent on divorce than the marital assets should be split 50/50 along with physical child custody. No alimony.

The second should be at fault divorce. This would be granted if evidence is provided for that shows abandonment for 6 months, adultery (immediately), abuse (immediately), addiction (after 3 months of rehab or the refusal of the guilty party to go to rehab, or serious criminal conviction (Granted immediately if the person is convicted of a violent crime and/or sentenced to 3 years in prison or more.)

The person found at fault loses nearly all of the marital assets saving enough to keep them from complete homelessness. The at fault party is also liable to pay alimony if the financial situation deserves it for up to 10 years or until re-marriage of the party not at fault. Physical custody of children would still be shared unless the reason was for abuse, conviction of a crime, or abuse in which physical custody would revert to not at fault party. However the person may seek shared physical custody of children after their prison sentence is over or if their conviction is vacated.
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He is creating distance from her before she gets locked up! Smart dude, outside of marrying a bat shit crazy woman but maybe she is one of those who decided in her mid-life to go crazy stupid. You see it happening more and more every year with these types, Facebook makes it easy to spot.
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These are the MAGA Family Values that are at the core of Trump's own life, they are living out his dream!
F*ck that completely to hell.

People and children especially shouldn’t be trapped in loveless marriages. That’s never a recipe for success.

If your marriage isn’t any good, get out. We get one shot at this life so make sure yours is a good one. Just don’t preach at me like you’re high and mighty because you read a silly book.

A long time ago I decided and I believe quite rightly that if I can be happy that is fine but there are many things that are far more important in this world than my happiness.

What I find about this world that is quite frankly at the base of our multitude of moral failings as a culture is that individual happiness is placed far too highly as a value.

Not that simple. My parents didn't fight in front of us but we weren't stupid we could tell they were unhappy and who wants to pretend their whole life? I know you are very religious and probably see this issue as black and white but it is not and some people genuinely do just lose their compatibility and it is best for everyone to move on. I don't necessarily disagree that some may be too quick to go that route but I think the vast majority hang on too long in the name of staying together for the kids which may be worse for them. Divorce should still be an option and it shouldn't be more difficult to obtain.

Quite frankly I think most quit way too soon. And divorce becomes a way of life for some.

While about 41 percent of first marriages end in divorce, 60 percent of 2nd marriages end in divorce and 73 percent of third marriages end in divorce. This shows how people who get divorced simply don't learn how to keep a stable marriage. They don't learn from being handed easy divorces.

And also quite frankly the time period where the highest risk of divorce is in the first couple years of the marriage. One should not make such weighty decisions after a couple of years of unhappiness.
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Actually unhappy marriages so long as there is no abuse produce better results than divorced parents

This is just an excuse that parents make to put their own happiness ahead of their children's futures. And honestly if people stick it out they tend to find ways to be happy with one another. I can tell you in all honesty that happened in my marriage.

It should be harder to get a divorce. WAY harder.
Holy sh*t this is dumb.
"A couple years of unhappiness" should be the punishment for punching an old lady in the face or holding up a liquor store. Not for picking the wrong partner.

I don't think the problem is people picking the wrong partner. The problem is mostly not being willing to put in the sacrifice to make it work.

Even if it is the wrong person. Pick better. You are an adult, hell most are like 30 years old by the time they get married. Figure this out, make better decisions, be a grown up. Getting a divorce because you couldn't figure out how to get along should be embarrassing.
I don't think the problem is people picking the wrong partner. The problem is mostly not being willing to put in the sacrifice to make it work.

Even if it is the wrong person. Pick better. You are an adult, hell most are like 30 years old by the time they get married. Figure this out, make better decisions, be a grown up. Getting a divorce because you couldn't figure out how to get along should be embarrassing.

You live in such a strange little religion shaped black and white world.
Husband filed for divorce from cheater crazy lady.
You really need to take a look at your life if you need to post about the marital status a congressperson who doesn't even represent your state. Sad, very sad
You really need to take a look at your life if you need to post about the marital status a congressperson who doesn't even represent your state. Sad, very sad

Says the guy posting opinions about a random person on the internet he doesn’t even know and will likely never meet. At least MTG is “famous” for being a psycho dipshit and makes it in to news cycles that are easy to consume. You’re attempting to beat up on @Tom Paris of HORT that no one even knows or gives a shit about (no offense Tom). JFC you’re dense.
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"For I hate divorce, says the LORD the God of Israel, and covering one's garment with violence, says the LORD of hosts. So take heed to yourselves and do not be faithless."

Malachi 2:16
You really need to take a look at your life if you need to post about the marital status a congressperson who doesn't even represent your state. Sad, very sad

LOL at you try to be like comeone guys.

If she is gonna run on faith and family values and say the "Lack" of them is to blame. Then she sure as hell deserves scorn when she doesn't give them.

She wants to the big soapbox, fine but that doesn't mean when she flat out is a hypocrite that we just don't say anything.

You'd have been better off just sitting this one out.
"For I hate divorce, says the LORD the God of Israel, and covering one's garment with violence, says the LORD of hosts. So take heed to yourselves and do not be faithless."

Malachi 2:16

I always hated the Bible for this kind of shit prose. The 8 year old in me being force fed this shit on the regular would have had these questions at the time.

"says the LORD the God of Israel" : OK, LORD god of Israel - he's the same LORD we're always talking about in this damn book, right? Why is god of Israel needed? Wait, is that someone new that I missed in Episode 3?

"covering one's garment with violence" : OK, what does that even mean? A shirt with a gun on it? A christmas sweater depicting the beheading of Santa? And what the hell does that have to do with divorce?

"says the LORD of hosts" : Dammit, ten words earlier he was the LORD god of Israel - now he's the LORD of hosts? And WTF is a host?

Malachi 2:16 : Who's Malachi again and why should I care?
I don't think the problem is people picking the wrong partner. The problem is mostly not being willing to put in the sacrifice to make it work.

Even if it is the wrong person. Pick better. You are an adult, hell most are like 30 years old by the time they get married. Figure this out, make better decisions, be a grown up. Getting a divorce because you couldn't figure out how to get along should be embarrassing.

Let’s separate marriage the covenant and marriage the legally recognized contract between consenting adults.

Why should this contract be harder to dissolve than it already is? That doesn’t inure to the benefit of the consenting adults as they deem beneficial. It’s how an unrelated third party feels compelled/obliged/entitled to involve itself that makes it a bridge too far.
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it’s not about that.

it’s about if government should have the authority to enforce this under threat of violence.


1-government is simply permissioned violence.

It follows that…

2— if you commit a crime and don’t pay the punishment eventually you go to jail. Try to leave jail without permission, and you get killed. This is a gross over simplification, yes, but at the end of every government mandate is the threat of violence. It’s just how many steps does it take to get there.


3- so the assertion of “make divorce harder by law” means “let’s use permissioned violence on this subject.”

as a pre trump conservative, I felt then, and feel now, that we should be limiting (or at the very least incredibly cautious in the expansion of) the spheres under which we give govt permission to intervene, not seeking to increase them.
Especially when this seems to be coming from a religious place, which is the case with hoosier.
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I always hated the Bible for this kind of shit prose. The 8 year old in me being force fed this shit on the regular would have had these questions at the time.

"says the LORD the God of Israel" : OK, LORD god of Israel - he's the same LORD we're always talking about in this damn book, right? Why is god of Israel needed? Wait, is that someone new that I missed in Episode 3?

"covering one's garment with violence" : OK, what does that even mean? A shirt with a gun on it? A christmas sweater depicting the beheading of Santa? And what the hell does that have to do with divorce?

"says the LORD of hosts" : Dammit, ten words earlier he was the LORD god of Israel - now he's the LORD of hosts? And WTF is a host?

Malachi 2:16 : Who's Malachi again and why should I care?
I believe it’s pronounched “muh-LAH-chi” - the Malachi Crunch was a major event in the Old Testament:
Let’s separate marriage the covenant and marriage the legally recognized contract between consenting adults.

Why should this contract be harder to dissolve than it already is? That doesn’t inure to the benefit of the consenting adults as they deem beneficial. It’s how an unrelated third party feels compelled/obliged/entitled to involve itself that makes it a bridge too far.

Because most contracts punish the person who purposefully broke the contract in some way yet for some reason our divorce laws do not do this.

Seriously you break a contract you almost always pay a fine.

And besides that you might consider it covenant or whatever but you did promise to stay faithful to this person for the rest of your life. Is a person's promise that meaningless to them? Does their word mean nothing?
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Because most contracts punish the person who purposefully broke the contract in some way yet for some reason our divorce laws do not do this.

Seriously you break a contract you almost always pay a fine.

And besides that you might consider it covenant or whatever but you did promise to stay faithful to this person for the rest of your life. Is a person's promise that meaningless to them? Does their word mean nothing?

Your solution is to force arbitration to potentially settle an issue prior to dissolution of the contract. That’s not normal. Arbitration to settle disputes is. Arbitration prior to dissolution is not.

if you cheat on your wife and she divorces you, she’s gonna get everything. That’s a fine.

As far as your last part, again, role of government.
Your solution is to force arbitration to potentially settle an issue prior to dissolution of the contract. That’s not normal. Arbitration to settle disputes is. Arbitration prior to dissolution is not.

if you cheat on your wife and she divorces you, she’s gonna get everything. That’s a fine.

As far as your last part, again, role of government.

Because life long marriages have historically and are currently important for the stability of a nation on the most basic level I believe the extra requirement of arbitration prior to dissolution makes sense.

This isn't simply a business contract. This is how we raise families and that has an insane impact on the mental health of the population.

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