RIP Marjorie Taylor Greene’s marriage

I don't think the problem is people picking the wrong partner. The problem is mostly not being willing to put in the sacrifice to make it work.

Even if it is the wrong person. Pick better. You are an adult, hell most are like 30 years old by the time they get married. Figure this out, make better decisions, be a grown up. Getting a divorce because you couldn't figure out how to get along should be embarrassing.
You are obviously not living in the real world. There are many people out there who do not show their real self until after the marriage. They are very good at fooling people, including their significant other. Once they show who they really are, they are not going to change.
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Well maybe.

She doesn't have tats.

She doesn't smoke.

She doesn't do drugs.

She doesn't have purple hair.

She doesn't pierce her nose.

She doesn't have any STDs.

So, yeah, probably not the woman for lefties.
Yeah we tend to dislike people who have the IQ of a potato
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Well maybe.

She doesn't have tats.

She doesn't smoke.

She doesn't do drugs.

She doesn't have purple hair.

She doesn't pierce her nose.

She doesn't have any STDs.

So, yeah, probably not the woman for lefties.
What a lefty that meets everyone of Norhern's requirements might look like

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Well maybe.

She doesn't have tats.

She doesn't smoke.

She doesn't do drugs.

She doesn't have purple hair.

She doesn't pierce her nose.

She doesn't have any STDs.

So, yeah, probably not the woman for lefties.

She does believe in stupid things like Jewish space lasers and she does chase down school shooting survivors to yell at them in public.

So she's not really a person for someone who isn't a complete idiot or with a shred of empathy.
LOL at you try to be like comeone guys.

If she is gonna run on faith and family values and say the "Lack" of them is to blame. Then she sure as hell deserves scorn when she doesn't give them.

She wants to the big soapbox, fine but that doesn't mean when she flat out is a hypocrite that we just don't say anything.

You'd have been better off just sitting this one out.
So is that why the left is bereft of morality? That way no one can claim they are hypocrites?:rolleyes:
Because most contracts punish the person who purposefully broke the contract in some way yet for some reason our divorce laws do not do this.

Seriously you break a contract you almost always pay a fine.

And besides that you might consider it covenant or whatever but you did promise to stay faithful to this person for the rest of your life. Is a person's promise that meaningless to them? Does their word mean nothing?
Amazingly enough, not everyone's vows actually promise to stay faithful or even as long as we both shall live for anything. It seems so be that more and more weddings are taking place outside of a church. The last 6 weddings we attended were outside of the church. Including our son. I think only 1 was performed by a minister. We really cannot assume what vows anyone took.
Amazingly enough, not everyone's vows actually promise to stay faithful or even as long as we both shall live for anything. It seems so be that more and more weddings are taking place outside of a church. The last 6 weddings we attended were outside of the church. Including our son. I think only 1 was performed by a minister. We really cannot assume what vows anyone took.

I'd love to see someone's wedding vows that have an expiration clause/date.
It's just not addressed. Things like these are the reasons I love you and I can't wait to see what life has in store for us. And that is not to say that they are anticipating divorce at all. Just that all vows are not the same.

I think they should address it and be honest.

I promise to stay with you until I bore of you or I find someone better. Be honest with yourselves and the world and put your expiration date on it. I put it on mine. . . When one of us dies then does the marriage dissolve. Not before.

Yes and I have not violated that vow. Even when I was mad or unhappy.

Love is a choice more than it is a feeling.

Also I'm not sure "I will love you forever" is actually part of the wedding vows. Being faithful and remaining with her until death is.
Yes and I have not violated that vow. Even when I was mad or unhappy.

Love is a choice more than it is a feeling.

Also I'm not sure "I will love you forever" is actually part of the wedding vows. Being faithful and remaining with her until death is.
What if she stabbed you 10 times but you lived? Still staying married?
You are obviously not living in the real world. There are many people out there who do not show their real self until after the marriage. They are very good at fooling people, including their significant other. Once they show who they really are, they are not going to change.

F*ck that completely to hell.

People and children especially shouldn’t be trapped in loveless marriages. That’s never a recipe for success.

If your marriage isn’t any good, get out. We get one shot at this life so make sure yours is a good one. Just don’t preach at me like you’re high and mighty because you read a silly book.
I wouldn't say never, but it takes the right peope. I agree if you are toxic together it's time to move on for the better of the kids.
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