
You guys calling out the line probably never played and certainly are not worthy of carrying their jock strap. Colby and Jones are Sophomores and Steven's was a Freshman.
So the premise is if you never played or are worthy of carrying their jockstrap then your opinion is worthless?

If that is the case later on is this thread I believe you claimed that you watched the games and in your opinion you saw several good things in the OL. Unfortunately since you probably never played OL at Iowa or carried their jockstrap your opinion doesn't mean anything either.

Might as well shut these boards down to a very, very, very few(any?) who meet your criteria to have an opinion on these type of things. Age and knowledge should tell you that you don't need to have been proficient at something to have a valid opinion on the quality of the effort.

If I watch trap shooting and one person hits 23 of 25 and the next person hits 1 of 25 and the next hits 22 of 25 it's safe for me to form an opinion that the person who hit 1 of 25 probably isn't very good whether I have fired a gun in my lifetime or not.

I get tired of the incessant complaining far more than the 'if you have never coached or grab a whistle or if you never played' but both actions are tiring. So practice up on your age and wisdom technique and use it a little better next time because I like your perspective on most things.
67 yards rushing for the entire game. 24 of that in the last few plays of the game. Prior to that it was 43 yards rushing for an average of 2.0 yards per play against a defense that allowed over 140 yards/game and over 4.2 yards per carry. If that's better, I think the bar is way too low. Maybe the pass protection was somewhat improved?
Hawks put it in the tank in the 2nd half. With our defense and punter they stopped passing and ran the ball. Play-action offenses seldom perform well if you're not running the ball well.

Not saying our line was great but Labas had more time and with his ability to move out of the pocket he got more time.
Wasn’t Woodstock a big massive safe space?

I expect we still are in the lead for Rouse but very unlikely for Teslaa. Would be happy if I'm wrong about Teslaa though. If the roommates dads saying Iowa that would be great.
Isn’t TeSlaa down to ISU and Arkansas today?
Not what i heard but i think it's basically Arkansas. He's still been in recent contact with Iowa, or should say Iowa has been in recent contact with him. But i also got my info the other day and things can change fast. Both have to make their choices this week.
Not what i heard but i think it's basically Arkansas. He's still been in recent contact with Iowa, or should say Iowa has been in recent contact with him. But i also got my info the other day and things can change fast. Both have to make their choices this week.

I was told that last night, took it as fact and didn’t ask questions.

I was told that last night, took it as fact and didn’t ask questions.
Honestly who knows at this point. Arkansas sounds like they made all kinds of promises that they don't actually need to keep because he'll be on the roster. He could get beat out for the top spot at Arkansas and those promises are worthless. Iowa has been recruiting him pretty hard but not as much lately. Not sure if it's because of all his visits have limited opportunities or what. Cade has done a great job od recruiting Rouse and Teslaa.
I expect we still are in the lead for Rouse but very unlikely for Teslaa. Would be happy if I'm wrong about Teslaa though. If the roommates dads saying Iowa that would be great.

Would love both but if can only snag one I'd take Rouse. If we can keep Cade clean he'll find the guys we have.

Both would make this offense look a lot different next year and not put much pressure on the freshman wr class.
I rewatched all of the games over the past two weeks. I saw several issues that the line has faced for several years.

1. Iowa is a run first offense and teams load the box with at least eight to stop the run. Our receiver room has struggled getting separation off the line, the short quick passing game has been nonexistant. WR injuries certainly made for a thin room.
This has been modus operandi for 20 years and it hasn’t worked for a decade and half. When is the last time we were in the top 4 for rushing yards in the league?
2. Petras' lack of mobility hurt and he seemed to struggle looking for options 2 & 3. Did Petras have a 40 you could clock on a sundial in high school? If so why was he recruited?

3. With a struggling running game, defenses don't respect the run fake, making it hard to roll out or drop back. I refer to answer 1. Our run game hasn’t been respected since 2008, we aren’t Wisconsin no matter how hard we try. Keep up our RB’s have been trash since Brandon Wegher left.

I thought we looked better against Kentucky who had a top 20 defense. I think there are some good pieces on the line. I’m sorry I thought we had 70 yards rushing 1/3 of which was on one play.
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You guys calling out the line probably never played and certainly are not worthy of carrying their jock strap. Colby and Jones are Sophomores and Steven's was a Freshman.
I played football and broke film down. Our online was God awful and you don't need to play to see we win 3 games if it wasn't for the defense. What games are you watching?
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Actually it was much much more football like. Today's football is closer and closer to flag football.
FWIW, these guys are bigger and faster than the older days. They got away with a lot more back then though. I met Yanda at the Hawk complex when he played pro ball and he was a big dude. Then I met Scherff a few years ago and he is fricking huge. FWIW, I'm 6' 5" and know my way around the DXL store.

Flag football it's not. Get tickets close to the field sometime and focus on Pro safeties. Those guys are North of 200 lbs and bring it hard. D-linemen are 300+ who run 4.6 to 4.7. They hit with tremendous force.
FWIW, these guys are bigger and faster than the older days. They got away with a lot more back then though. I met Yanda at the Hawk complex when he played pro ball and he was a big dude. Then I met Scherff a few years ago and he is fricking huge. FWIW, I'm 6' 5" and know my way around the DXL store.

Flag football it's not. Get tickets close to the field sometime and focus on Pro safeties. Those guys are North of 200 lbs and bring it hard. D-linemen are 300+ who run 4.6 to 4.7. They hit with tremendous force.
There's no doubt in my mind that if the NFL players of today with the ridiculous size and speed and hitting power they have were able to play with the rules and equipment of the 1950s and 1960s, you'd see multiple players killed on the field every season.