Ruh-roh, Trump going all "9-11 Truther"

ottumwan in tx

HB King
Oct 26, 2002
Oh noes! He's going to get told to shut it-just like barak was....

"And No. 3: George Tenet, Bush’s director of central intelligence, “knew in advance that there would be an attack, and he said that.”

“I don’t blame anybody,” Trump continued, after listing those points. “But it’s possible,” he continued, that had the administration had stronger policy on those points, “perhaps something could have been done that was obviously better than the worst attack ever perpetrated on the United States.”"

this article is horrible however: trump keeps saying he does not blame bush and the author insists he does blame bush
Nice. The 'pubs are nominating oit basically.
except he does not think bush did it and he thinks the muslims did, apparently, and I don't think bush did it {not 100%, maybe his bosses and the shadow government and he was a puppet} and I don't think the muslims did it.

"When you talk about George Bush, I mean — say what you want — the World Trade Center came down during his time," Trump said.

Was Bush not president at the time?

“He was president, okay?" Trump responded. "Blame him or don’t blame him, but he was president. The World Trade Center came down during his reign.”

Bush was president – is there something controversial in this? Blame him or don’t blame him – the listener can decide. Of course, this is blasphemy in the land of spoon-fed narrative.

And the most truth in the entire statement: referring to the president’s term as a “reign.”

But what does this have to do with Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., former chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee?

"Anyone who has any real knowledge of that — you can get all the CIA people, all of the career people — no one saw the attack of 9/11 coming. And to blame George Bush for what happened on September 11...shows a lack of knowledge and is too much of a cheap shot at the president."

No one saw it coming? Whose fault is that? Trump’s?

There you have it: Peter King blames George Bush for 9/11. Of course, there are those who believe Bush deserves blame for different reasons.

Posted by bionic mosquito at 5:28 AM
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jaimo2October 18, 2015 at 2:06 PM

Where in Peter King's statement does he blame Bush?

bionic mosquitoOctober 18, 2015 at 3:51 PM
I will be even more explicit, quoting King: " one saw the attack of 9/11 coming..."

Who is in charge of the most extensive national security / spy network in the history of the world? Who has executive responsibility for every agency in the federal government charged with securing against such attacks?

With a trillion dollars or more per year spent on national defense and national security, how did nineteen know-nothings (supposedly) pull this off?

Who is responsible? Ask Jeb - he says he brother kept us safe - except, of course, for when he didn't.
I think when bush was reading that book to those kids, in florida I think, and he got told that the towers were under attack, I think that look was genuine surprise. I think he was warned it would happen, but not given a time frame.

he immediately said it was Saudis, however, they reminded him they own him and he is to shut it, so they made up stories about bin laden.
I think when bush was reading that book to those kids, in florida I think, and he got told that the towers were under attack, I think that look was genuine surprise. I think he was warned it would happen, but not given a time frame.

he immediately said it was Saudis, however, they reminded him they own him and he is to shut it, so they made up stories about bin laden.
My guess is the Saudis are owned by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
My guess is the Saudis are owned by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
they are all the same entity
the same people who did 9-11, killed jfk, and installed bush and Obama, and they shall install hill or jeb next. they also ran drugs in mena Arkansas, and iran contra, and started viet nam and ww2 with false flags, and also probably shot down flight 800. to blame the us military. and barak's mom was one of them. or was partying with them. what fun
Oh noes! He's going to get told to shut it-just like barak was....

"And No. 3: George Tenet, Bush’s director of central intelligence, “knew in advance that there would be an attack, and he said that.”

“I don’t blame anybody,” Trump continued, after listing those points. “But it’s possible,” he continued, that had the administration had stronger policy on those points, “perhaps something could have been done that was obviously better than the worst attack ever perpetrated on the United States.”"

this article is horrible however: trump keeps saying he does not blame bush and the author insists he does blame bush

Unfortunately, I can't read the article because I have exceeded my quota of free articles for the month. But isn't this kind of a main stream news source for you OIT?
Unfortunately, I can't read the article because I have exceeded my quota of free articles for the month. But isn't this kind of a main stream news source for you OIT?
well, yeah, but we shall see if trump can get down to the bottom of the lies about 9-11, we shall see what happens on infowars, and right below it I compared a "jesse ventura" deal with it, not mainstream, he seems to be going all "jesse" ha ha