No, you are a liar who is always attempting to pretend they know something about football and the inner workings of a college football program and/or Iowa. You don't. There are a handful on here that do not know any better, so they believe your total BS from time to time.
You do understand that coaches just retire sometimes? Don't you? You believe every coach that ever retired was 'forced out' of their job and the game? Lol. Like I keep proving, you are an idiot and a liar. It is well known by current players, former players, a major booster that I talk to (who's name is on the front door to the new facility) that GD decided to retire after the 2015 season. Yes, at that time it was pretty much decided that BF would be the successor, thus they started the transition by making BF the 'run game' coordinator last year. Promoting within a program is a perfectly acceptable and common practice and requires no 'postings' nor interviewing. New hires from outside the program do. Tell us more about the 'Iowa way', lol. You're an idiot that knows NOTHING about much of anything, but keep trying to convince a handful of morons on here that you do. They seem to enjoy sharing your willful ignorance. You may intimidate some, but you're wasting your time on me junior.