On whether the Big XII will get a spot in an expanded playoff.
If we're being honest, it isn't the kind of thing that lends itself to a bet. At this point, it looks like the conference might have 13 or 14 teams for a couple of years.
Hmmm....I said:
"Come on LC...you can be pretty reasonable some times, then you go all cyclone irrational and post this kinda crap. You know full well that the alliance was an alliance against the SEC. Of course they're not in it, but not because they're not a power conference. As an alliance of power conferences, any other conference left out is left out because they're not part of the equation.
But you knew all this...you were just pulling the cyclone crap poster obtuse response card that is so old and tire. You're better than that."
Where in there did I say the new B12 would get a spot in an expanded playoff?????