SCOTUS gives Trump most of what he wants, helps him run the clock out on the rest.

Horrible take. One they don't define what an official act is. Two I could easily see an official act being defined later as anything done for public and not private benefit. So anything election related or politically related would enjoy immunity including stealing classified documents, engaging in coups, and interfering with elections.

SCOTUS clearly punting the ball down the road by not defining. Just laziness
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Or what's to prevent Biden from using the national guard to shut down all Trump rallies?
There's a proven risk that Trump rallies may foment insurrection and jeopardize the safety of communities and even the nation.

So, yeah, shut them down and lock up the speakers and organizers.

Not really because free speech; but damn tempting.
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The Founding Fathers fatal flaw was the false assumption decent people, with altruistic motives, would inhabit the 3 branches at any point in time.

Uh, that is precisely the opposite of their assumption. ("Ambition must be made to counteract ambition..."; "If men were angels, no government would be necessary...").
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You keep saying this, yet it hasn’t been an issue before Trump.

Now bend the knee
The ACLU wanted to prosecute Obama for droning that American on Foreign soil. They didn’t because of the perceived immunity.

You don’t think that if it went the other way that every state GOP AG across America. Would name Biden personally liable in a killing that happened by an illegal alien?

It would have unleashed lawsuits galore.
Clears the road for Biden to declare Trump is a threat to democracy. Since in his oath he swore to protect the US from all threats, foreign and domestic, it would make arresting Trump an official act.

Sure seems like this would make it illegal to kill Stormy for the sex. But not illegal to kill her to protect the integrity of an election.

Which the president could then pardon.

A swift trial and an even swifter execution would seem to be in order.

It goes back to the lower courts so it be cycled back to the SCOTUS for them to decide everything is an Official Act so the Orange Turd can get away with murder.

Biden should sign an executive order for Trump’s assassination and just do it himself. He doesn’t have many years left and he’d go down as an American hero. He’ll be dead or braindead (as much as Trump already is) by the time the lower courts work it out.
Biden should sign an executive order for Trump’s assassination and just do it himself. He doesn’t have many years left and he’d go down as an American hero. He’ll be dead or braindead (as much as Trump already is) by the time the lower courts work it out.
I think i saw that on the simpsons once...

Biden should sign an executive order for Trump’s assassination and just do it himself. He doesn’t have many years left and he’d go down as an American hero. He’ll be dead or braindead (as much as Trump already is) by the time the lower courts work it out.
Either that or declare martial law and round up all of these radicals who are trying to destroy our form of government. This has gotten totally out of hand.

SCOTUS handed Biden a weapon today. Hopefully he uses it.
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Biden should sign an executive order for Trump’s assassination and just do it himself. He doesn’t have many years left and he’d go down as an American hero. He’ll be dead or braindead (as much as Trump already is) by the time the lower courts work it out.

Proving will chamberlain correct in real time
Either that or declare martial law and round up all of these radicals who are trying to destroy our form of government. This has gotten totally out of hand.

SCOTUS handed Biden a weapon today. Hopefully he uses it.
Scotus basically tells biden to stop abusing the law and unconstitutionally wielding it as a weapon against his political rivals.

Leftists of hort: they gave us a weapon!

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Whelp, trying to be a glass half full guy, one could argue that the terribleness of the Supreme Court the last three years as reinforced by last three days could be exactly what pushes Biden to victory still. I would be going all in on them and the threat they are if Trump gets in now.

I'd like to think that, but the last few years have me questioning everything
Man, y'all have had a couple tough days.

The bribery comments are especially ludicrous.... have none of you read the ruling? Or at least had an adjective person lay it out for you??

The official acts thing common sense. If the President does something (drone his opposition) and 41 Senators are willing to look the other way... is the country even worth saving anymore?

Maybe we will start being more responsible for who ever send to Congress to represent us.
Man, y'all have had a couple tough days.

The bribery comments are especially ludicrous.... have none of you read the ruling? Or at least had an adjective person lay it out for you??

The official acts thing common sense. If the President does something (drone his opposition) and 41 Senators are willing to look the other way... is the country even worth saving anymore?

Maybe we will start being more responsible for who ever send to Congress to represent us.

Ummmm….that’s exactly what the U.S. Senate did.


Today’s ruling just confirmed that there is a two-tiered system of justice. It’s just not the way the Cons want us to believe.
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