SCOTUS gives Trump most of what he wants, helps him run the clock out on the rest.

I agree.

I agree that it was a crappy SCOTUS ruling and can’t help but wondering where the outrage was 15 years ago.
There was as I recall, or at least a great deal of debate on the topic. Bit of an unusual case as we don’t have lots of Americans who become prominent members of international terrorist organizations.
There was as I recall, or at least a great deal of debate on the topic. Bit of an unusual case as we don’t have lots of Americans who become prominent members of international terrorist organizations.*

As American citizens we are (allegedly) owed due process BEFORE being arbitrarily and summarily executed.

Allegedly. :rolleyes:

As American citizens we are (allegedly) owed due process BEFORE being arbitrarily and summarily executed.

Allegedly. :rolleyes:
There’s the grey area tho - if this person hadn’t been an American citizen, no one would have batted an eye at killing a terrorist…who never got their day in court.

Thanks for the discussion.
There’s the grey area tho - if this person hadn’t been an American citizen, no one would have batted an eye at killing a terrorist…who never got their day in court.

Thanks for the discussion.
You’re very welcome.

And that’s why I prefer neutrality in regard to foreign policy. So we’re not put in the position of choosing to execute a foreigner who MIGHT meet the abstract definition of ‘terrorist’.
The ACLU wanted to prosecute Obama for droning that American on Foreign soil. They didn’t because of the perceived immunity.

You don’t think that if it went the other way that every state GOP AG across America. Would name Biden personally liable in a killing that happened by an illegal alien?

It would have unleashed lawsuits galore.

Well that’s not what happened

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It’s effectively absolute immunity no matter how people will try to spin.

You could twist virtually anything POTUS does to be an official act.
Everything that is being done by Republicans in DC and behind the scenes is leading us to EXACTLY WHAT THE HELL WE HAVE BEEN SAYING - they want authoritarianism with Donald Trump as that dictator. Those of you who poo poo this...just one freaking time explain how what is happening REALLY isn't happening. Not one thing the purposely placed members who are paid off is protecting American Democracy. Not one. Everything is pushing us to a Putin type Russia. Our freedoms are getting stripped and millions of Americans are denying and/or wishing for it. Never in my lifetime could I think I could believe what I believe and have the last 4 years. November is it. If we allow the fascists to win in November it's over folks. Believe it or's over.
Everything that is being done by Republicans in DC and behind the scenes is leading us to EXACTLY WHAT THE HELL WE HAVE BEEN SAYING - they want authoritarianism with Donald Trump as that dictator. Those of you who poo poo this...just one freaking time explain how what is happening REALLY isn't happening. Not one thing the purposely placed members who are paid off is protecting American Democracy. Not one. Everything is pushing us to a Putin type Russia. Our freedoms are getting stripped and millions of Americans are denying and/or wishing for it. Never in my lifetime could I think I could believe what I believe and have the last 4 years. November is it. If we allow the fascists to win in November it's over folks. Believe it or's over.
Even the people voting for Trump will be worse off. Most of his former staff wants nothing to do with him. His wife wants nothing to do with him. He has no friends. Because he screws people over. He's screwed over his family, his former cabinet, almost all of his former lawyers. And he will screw over his supporters, too.
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We don't have a traditional democracy, never did,... Get over it.
So, if the democrats were doing this, in order to have a dictator who would never have to leave, you wouldn't say a damn word about it? There's 2 sides to this. There is right and wrong. Good and evil. Your hypocrisy supports wrong and evil. GFY. You're no different than a 1930s German.
Even the people voting for Trump will be worse off. Most of his former staff wants nothing to do with him. His wife wants nothing to do with him. He has no friends. Because he screws people over. He's screwed over his family, his former cabinet, almost all of his former lawyers. And he will screw over his supporters, too.
He told them he didn't care about them a few weeks ago. They don't care because they have been brainwashed into hating Democrats more than anything. We are about to lose everything because of the effing dumbest of the dumb in this country.
Even the people voting for Trump will be worse off. Most of his former staff wants nothing to do with him. His wife wants nothing to do with him. He has no friends. Because he screws people over. He's screwed over his family, his former cabinet, almost all of his former lawyers. And he will screw over his supporters, too.
Not to mention Trump and his cronies will take their SS and medicaid…and they will cheer him for it.
Oh, you believe in DC fairytales.

That’s cute. Not surprising. But cute.

You do realize the Military Industrial Complex manufactures its own boogeymen in order to create the fear necessary to dupe the American people into buying their endless wars, right?
WTF are you talking about? Are you suggesting that Bin Laden wasn't taken out at the direction of Obama?
So, if the democrats were doing this, in order to have a dictator who would never have to leave, you wouldn't say a damn word about it?

Nobody is going to become a dictator and never leave the office of president,.. stop being a clown.