Scratching my head...


HB Heisman
Jan 23, 2018
So i was running an errand in downtown Arlington today near our courthouse/government complex. As Ii was walking along the sidewalk, I was passed by a reasonably dressed and groomed, young-ish but not too young, african american man who I thought was talking on his phone via earbuds (but I'm not sure). it quickly became apparent that he was very agitated and angry, culminating in him (i) muttering something about "the gays" taking all of the jobs and his inability to get one, and (ii) throwing his near-full bottle of sprite against the side of the building we were passing.

Was he just a plain old crazy street person, or someone who was actually passed over? Honestly, I've not heard anything about "the gays" taking all of the jobs these days, but perhaps I need to get out more. (Note, I am actually puzzled at what i saw, notwithstanding the tongue in cheek tone)
Girls Generation Cool Story Bro GIF
So i was running an errand in downtown Arlington today near our courthouse/government complex. As Ii was walking along the sidewalk, I was passed by a reasonably dressed and groomed, young-ish but not too young, african american man who I thought was talking on his phone via earbuds (but I'm not sure). it quickly became apparent that he was very agitated and angry, culminating in him (i) muttering something about "the gays" taking all of the jobs and his inability to get one, and (ii) throwing his near-full bottle of sprite against the side of the building we were passing.

Was he just a plain old crazy street person, or someone who was actually passed over? Honestly, I've not heard anything about "the gays" taking all of the jobs these days, but perhaps I need to get out more. (Note, I am actually puzzled at what i saw, notwithstanding the tongue in cheek tone)
Sprite you say 🤔