My 93 year old neighbor broke his promise to me about Trump

So a woman of color who turns 60 next week and has served as attorney general of a major state, as a U.S. Senator, and as Vice President is disqualified for being too young and having no experience, while the old white guy he voted for in 2016 had previously only run the family business he inherited. OK. Pretty easy to see the relevant factor here.

I see you overlooked the fact that the old white guy actually did the job for four years...
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All good fun......except to the puss factor!

Is it though? Seems like complete vitriol being thrown around here and IRL. I mean I have been talking to my clients on both sides of the aisle for weeks now and just a complete disdain for the other side. Seems worse this year than others.
Solid thread, everyone. Would read again.
Jim Carrey Bow GIF
I talk to my wife all the time about important issues. I am 99% sure on who she is voting for. Not in a million years would i ever ask because it isn't my business. Understand?
Weird how I actually said you didn't have to ask. The way you phrased your first response it made it seem like you were insinuating you had no clue who they would be voting for.
Is it though? Seems like complete vitriol being thrown around here and IRL. I mean I have been talking to my clients on both sides of the aisle for weeks now and just a complete disdain for the other side. Seems worse this year than others.
Thought you meant here. IRL, a whole lotta folks is gunna get dey azz shot off over this way around it,
Yes, I understand there was a draft for Korea.

I know very few who served in Korea. There’s a lot of assumption there.
There was indeed a much smaller contingent who served in Korea. It wasn’t a World War, after all.

But the peacetime Armed Services in that era was still enormous -an “occupying” force - and there was still a draft. It’s not an assumption that a 93 year old man was drafted and served. I’m pretty sure you understand that 😉
There was indeed a much smaller contingent who served in Korea. It wasn’t a World War, after all.

But the peacetime Armed Services in that era was still enormous -an “occupying” force - and there was still a draft. It’s not an assumption that a 93 year old man was drafted and served. I’m pretty sure you understand that 😉
Right. WW2 was about 16 million Americans. Vietname around 8.7, Korea around 5.7 million.
It’s not an assumption that a 93 year old man was drafted and served.
Actually, that very much is an assumption. A textbook case of it in fact.

It’s like saying it’s not an assumption that a 73 year old man was drafted and served in Vietnam.

Quite possibly, he did, but we still have to assume as much without actual proof he did.
Actually, that very much is an assumption. A textbook case of it in fact.

It’s like saying it’s not an assumption that a 73 year old man was drafted and served in Vietnam.

Quite possibly, he did, but we still have to assume as much without actual proof he did.
73 year olds were less likely to be drafted as more men were in college and stayed there until they graduated- and by then the draft was a lottery before being eliminated.
My brother turns 73 next month and my other brother just turned 70. Neither were drafted. My older brother enlisted in the Air Force and never left the US.
Let’s assume nothing. The facts are different.
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I can completely see this and I just think the turnout is going to surprise everyone- I truly cannot decide who the winner will be but I truly hope the country will put this behind us and we can just move forward together.
no matter what happens this election that's the key, everyone (both sides) needs to move forward together and squash efforts (and there are/will be massive efforts) to keep people divided and in rancor.
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I don’t know who my wife has ever voted for. Why would I? It’s none of my business.
Yeah, I didn’t ask my wife about her potential vote…she just mentioned it to me. However, there are specific posts on this site asking/calling out who people are voting for. 😉 That’s prolly stranger than knowing who your spouse votes for.
People in their 90s ought to get a pass for things like this and at the same time ought to be mostly ignored on any meaningful or significant topic. The weather is perfect for them. Certainly exceptions to the rule.

When I was growing up, my Korean War era neighbor used all sorts of racial epithets. He came from a different era when ignorance and bigotry were mainstream, just the way it was.
Like the movie…”Grand Torino”. 😉
Like the movie…”Grand Torino”. 😉

Yep, Walt was an ignorant bigot, but since it was a fictional story, he was capable of growth. The OPs neighbor is not, but he has an excuse. Just like many of the MAGAs have excuses, they may be impoverished, undereducated, addicted, victimized and full of grievances, and they need someone to blame and someone to hate.

It's the ones who should know better that are much more deserving of scorn, and the ones that thought they could use or even control Trump.
I see you overlooked the fact that the old white guy actually did the job for four years...
And it took another old white guy and a black lady to dig us out of the hole your old white guy left us in. A near depression and pandemic with 1000s dead. Yep hell of a job trump did. You have selective memory.
And it took another old white guy and a black lady to dig us out of the hole your old white guy left us in. A near depression and pandemic with 1000s dead. Yep hell of a job trump did. You have selective memory.

Take away the pandemic and Trump did okay,.. Given Harris as the alternative, I'd go with Trump again.
I see you overlooked the fact that the old white guy actually did the job for four years...
Irrelevant to my point. Trump had zero experience when this guy voted for him in 2016. That proves he is applying a different standard to Harris in 2024.