unless Teddy can get the passing game going I think the Seahawks win this. They win stop AP.
Look for Wilson to pass well today.
26-21 Seahawks
Look for Wilson to pass well today.
26-21 Seahawks
I just don't see how they can play effectively in this weather. Blows my mind.
Line is moving in Vikes favor. Down to 4.5 in a late move...a whole point down from 5.5 in an hour.
I put a post on Iowa Football with some questions. I honestly don't know how they play in this weather.
Looks like someone likes the nose candy
This kind of weather makes your skin hurt, so I can't imagine how much it hurts to be pushed on and hitting the ground dozens of times.It sucks. Especially if you play DL and don't have gloves on and the other teams jerseys are that old tough mesh. Not hard to lose a fingernail.
3-0 at halftime and neither team ca do anything because of the cold.
But, we need more outdoor stadiums in the NFL!!!!!!!!!!!
I live in Florida. I generally won't go to game BECAUSE it's an out door stadium. Who wants to sit in the Sun and bake, when you could stay at home, get blasted, and have the A/C running.
Twice. Shouldn't matter that close though. Blair Walsh better go into hiding. Seahawks are the luckiest bunch of losers ever. I hope Carolina stomps them into oblivion.Laces out!!
You knew it was coming didn't you? Vikings have perfected the choke. I gave up being a fan after Andersen.As a Vikings fan, I am honestly surprised we were even able to line up for the kick, figured Peterson would've fumbled one of those runs to set it up.