Selfish Joe Gonna Stay Due to "Dr." Jill Biden

I like the fact that some Dems find this to be hilarious. Let's see come mid November whether it is still hilarious then.
If people stop donating Biden will have to drop out. IMO now that we know just how confused he is, he could not win anyway.
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The best thing Trump can do is to stay quiet and let this all play out. Staying quiet is a tall task but if he manages it, he's the next president. Thank you, Jill.
He isn't staying quiet. If you look through his Truth Social, it's as loony as ever, but the masses don't see it and react like they did on Twitter.
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Earlier this month, Phillips apologized to Sanders on X, formerly known as Twitter, writing: “I had long dismissed his complaints about the rigged Democratic Party primary system. But you know what? He was right.”

Weaver, who managed Sanders’ 2016 campaign, laid into the Florida Democratic Party in a statement.

“The Florida party is engaging in the politburo politics of places like Cuba or the old Soviet Union. Communist Party insiders make the decision instead of the people,” said Weaver. “After all that has been done to erode confidence in the democratic process since 2020, does our party really want the legitimacy of our nominee to be put in question by this corrupt, rigged process?”
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I am but I'm not an MD. I don't call myself "doctor." That's pretty damn dumb. The people who do generally see patients. They have earned that right!
I agree. If I'm on a plane with my family doctor and Jill Biden and a stewardess screams "this man is having a heart attack, do we have a doctor on board!!!????"
Guess where my finger is pointing?
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I agree. If I'm on a plane with my family doctor and Jill Biden and a stewardess screams "this man is having a heart attack, do we have a doctor on board!!!????"
Guess where my finger is pointing?
Haha, don't look at me. Unless you want me to develop an expensive therapy for you, which will take years!
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Awesome…. Hunter now attending Medal of Honor ceremonies. That tells you he’s in Joe’s ear 24/7 (or at least between the hours of 10am to 4pm). Screw this family.
Just got an email from "Joe Biden" begging for more money. He is not dropping out. End of story. It's in print and in his damn official email. R's enjoy your landslide win. Dems, get prepared to be thrown out of office.

What a petty, selfish human being and/or idiots in his family influencing him.

Tom Paris and ChisHawk should be ecstatic. Congrats gents.
I’m a registered Democrat.
The party cancelled the Florida primary and disenfranchised me.
I hear it was to ‘save democracy’.
The democrats have become a laughable collection of dogs only made remotely appealing by the presence of the most repugnant politician in US history. They did Bernie dirty, and they don’t trust their own radical end of the party, which is large, to install the neocons that garner corporate rubber stamps.
The democrats have become a laughable collection of dogs only made remotely appealing by the presence of the most repugnant politician in US history. They did Bernie dirty, and they don’t trust their own radical end of the party, which is large, to install the neocons that garner corporate rubber stamps.

Always Sunny Reaction GIF
Fair enough.

I'm accustomed to an EdD, or PhD, using the title of Dr. in an academic setting, or other professional setting that's relevant.

GOHOX has completely lost it. He doesn't want an optometrist or a DO to be able to call themselves a Dr when they're at work. For some reason he thinks only MD should be using the title of Dr. I'm sure he doesn't really think that but he's so pissed about Jill Biden that he's willing to cut off his nose to spite his face.
GOHOX has completely lost it. He doesn't want an optometrist or a DO to be able to call themselves a Dr when they're at work. For some reason he thinks only MD should be using the title of Dr. I'm sure he doesn't really think that but he's so pissed about Jill Biden that he's willing to cut off his nose to spite his face.
No. I really think that. A person who works in a mall trying on glasses isn't a doctor. An ophthalmologist is. I know simple concepts are beyond your grasp but you do provide humor so there's that.
He probably will. Dems vote for the D, not the name.
If you're like I am, I've come to the realization that there is no saving the current Republican Party.

Mericans need to rid themselves of the GOP.
No. I really think that. A person who works in a mall trying on glasses isn't a doctor. An ophthalmologist is. I know simple concepts are beyond your grasp but you do provide humor so there's that.

So in your world, every PHD who is the head of a department at the UofI should not be allowed to call themselves a doctor? Hearing the name Dr. Tom Davis must drive you nuts.

I guess the good thing is, you're not the person who determines who can call themselves Dr. You just keep up your anger posts because you're the entertaining one. When exactly are you leaving the U.S.? I thought you were going back to where ever you came from.
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So in your world, every PHD who is the head of a department at the UofI should not be allowed to call themselves a doctor? Hearing the name Dr. Tom Davis must drive you nuts.

I guess the good thing is, you're not the person who determines who can call themselves Dr. You just keep up your anger posts because you're the entertaining one. When exactly are you leaving the U.S.? I thought you were going back to where ever you came from.
Go advocate killing kids you dipshit. Maybe Tom Davis can implant a brain in your empty cranium you xenophobic dolt.
Go advocate killing kids you dipshit. Get lost.

There's our old GOHOX, calling people names. Let me be the first to say you've earned a Doctorate in Anger Mismanagement. You have earned the right to call yourself Dr, we'll just call you Dr Anger.
Go advocate killing kids you dipshit. Maybe Tom Davis can implant a brain in your empty cranium you xenophobic dolt.

I see you do have a problem with Dr Tom Davis. Keep using your degree Dr Anger.
He could still win. I’d put the odds a lot lower than they were pre debate though.
They just have to really control how he's viewed, maybe throw in a little AI, and hope he doesn't drop before the election. A few good sightings and people will forget about the debate.
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