Senate Democrats Plan To Hold The Floor Again on AG Vote

That's rich coming from a cheerleader for a party that didn't hold a hearing or vote for a Supreme Court nominee for almost an entire year.
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Well, at least this will force the DeVos family to dump a bunch more money on more Senator's to buy their vote.
It's not the Biden rule, it's the Biden hypothetical.

But you are still a hypocrite for complaining about democratic obstruction and acting as the party of no given the GOP's actions in the last year.

Yes he is being a hypocrite. What does that make you? Are you in line with what the democrats are doing?

How many of Obama's cabinet confirmations were completed by this time in his first term?


The point is, even though the GOP earned the name the party of no, they did not hold up the Obama cabinet appointees like we're seeing now. And the votes for the most part were not this divided.

You okay with what the Dems are doing? If so, is it a payback issue for you?
Yes he is being a hypocrite. What does that make you? Are you in line with what the democrats are doing?

How many of Obama's cabinet confirmations were completed by this time in his first term?

I support the no votes for Devos and Sessions. I support using the current Senate procedures in place to hold the floor tonight so that all Democrats can have their time and say their piece, knowing that a vote will come with a day. I supported delaying any votes until nominees made the requisite disclosures and ethics reviews were completed, just like the GOP did to Obama. I believe all nominees required to be confirmed by the Senate deserve an up or down vote on the floor of the full Senate.
I support the no votes for Devos and Sessions. I support using the current Senate procedures in place to hold the floor tonight so that all Democrats can have their time and say their piece, knowing that a vote will come with a day. I supported delaying any votes until nominees made the requisite disclosures and ethics reviews were completed, just like the GOP did to Obama. I believe all nominees required to be confirmed by the Senate deserve an up or down vote on the floor of the full Senate.

And the Democrats not showing up for the confirmation hearings?

I'm hearing you're fine with this alarmingly slow confirmation process.
And the Democrats not showing up for the confirmation hearings?

I'm hearing you're fine with this alarmingly slow confirmation process.

Did they get their paperwork in on time? No, which is a source of some delay. Were many of their answers cribbed or plagiarized from other sources? Yes, causing more delay. I didn't support the walkouts.
When the republic dies, you won't be able to say we didn't warn you. You deplorables are going to learn a hard lesson.
Yes he is being a hypocrite. What does that make you? Are you in line with what the democrats are doing?

How many of Obama's cabinet confirmations were completed by this time in his first term?

Obama's nominees were actually qualified for the job.

That said, Republicans set the standard. It may be hypocritical but the Democrats don't have a choice. It's either lay down without a fight and get killed in the next elections or it's fight as hard as they can, lose, but hopefully inspire their base to show up and vote in 2018. If the GOP had made an effort to govern when Obama were in office the Democrats would have more options right now.
Did they get their paperwork in on time? No, which is a source of some delay. Were many of their answers cribbed or plagiarized from other sources? Yes, causing more delay. I didn't support the walkouts.

Good to hear we agree on the walkouts. I agree the paperwork for some of them was late.
Obama's nominees were actually qualified for the job.

That said, Republicans set the standard. It may be hypocritical but the Democrats don't have a choice. It's either lay down without a fight and get killed in the next elections or it's fight as hard as they can, lose, but hopefully inspire their base to show up and vote in 2018. If the GOP had made an effort to govern when Obama were in office the Democrats would have more options right now.

That's one of the stranger takes on politics I've read in awhile....
Obama's nominees were actually qualified for the job.

That said, Republicans set the standard. It may be hypocritical but the Democrats don't have a choice. It's either lay down without a fight and get killed in the next elections or it's fight as hard as they can, lose, but hopefully inspire their base to show up and vote in 2018. If the GOP had made an effort to govern when Obama were in office the Democrats would have more options right now.

So as long as they appeal to their base, country be dammed.
So as long as they appeal to their base, country be dammed.

That's the standard that was set and right now that is the only approach the Democrats have since the Republicans have more than proven they can't be trusted to negotiate in good faith. If the Democrats can gain one of the houses again then maybe reconciliations can start. God knows the Republicans aren't going to try and do that now.
You're the ones killing the Republic.
You serious? You have to be in power to kill a republic. Did you sleep through history? Nothing is my fault now. You on the other hand appear to have a guilty conscience. I think that's appropriate. Repentance is good for the soul.
You serious? You have to be in power to kill a republic. Did you sleep through history? Nothing is my fault now. You on the other hand appear to have a guilty conscience. I think that's appropriate. Repentance is good for the soul.

You're the one's rioting. You're the ones daily trying to delegitamize Trump's claim to the presidency even though he was elected fairly under the laws of this land. You're the one's calling for a military coup.
That's the standard that was set and right now that is the only approach the Democrats have since the Republicans have more than proven they can't be trusted to negotiate in good faith. If the Democrats can gain one of the houses again then maybe reconciliations can start. God knows the Republicans aren't going to try and do that now.

Yep, country be damned. At least you admit it's party before country in Washington.
You're the ones daily trying to delegitamize Trump's claim to the presidency even though he was elected fairly under the laws of this land.

The same Trump that spent 8 years trying to delegitimize Obama's claim to the Presidency even though Obama was elected fairly?

I guess it depends on whose ox is being gored.
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The same Trump that spent 8 years trying to delegitimize Obama's claim to the Presidency even though Obama was elected fairly?

I guess it depends on whose ox is being gored.

Agreed on that point. Riots and military coups?
Yep, country be damned. At least you admit it's party before country in Washington.

I didn't make the rules. I don't really like them either but you can either choose to lay down and be bullied or you can fight back. Again, the Republicans created this, they are the only ones that can fix it.
You're the one's rioting. You're the ones daily trying to delegitamize Trump's claim to the presidency even though he was elected fairly under the laws of this land. You're the one's calling for a military coup.
Bitch please. Protesting is pro republic. Hide in your hole. This is your fault but we will fix it for you. When we do I'll be sure to parade you past the camp you ignored.
I didn't make the rules. I don't really like them either but you can either choose to lay down and be bullied or you can fight back. Again, the Republicans created this, they are the only ones that can fix it.

Country be damned.
You're the one's rioting. You're the ones daily trying to delegitamize Trump's claim to the presidency even though he was elected fairly under the laws of this land. You're the one's calling for a military coup.

Seriously. You aren't allowed to ever call anyone a hypocrite again after saying this. Trump and the GOP spend 8 years doing nothing but trying to deligitimize Obama's Presidency and now you expect Democrats to do the exact opposite of what the Republicans did.

When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor people didn't call Americans hypocrites for bombing Tokyo. When someone picks a fight, you have to fight back and the only people that can bring you back from the ledge are the people who were the aggressors in the first place and they have to do it by giving ground somewhere. That will never happen with our society the way it is today.
Bitch please. Protesting is pro republic. Hide in your hole. This is your fault but we will fix it for you. When we do I'll be sure to parade you past the camp you ignored.

This is not my fault. And yes, protesting is pro republic. I said riots. And then there's the call for a military coup. Yep, that's pro republic. Enjoy your guilt when the Republic dies, cock catcher.
Seriously. You aren't allowed to ever call anyone a hypocrite again after saying this. Trump and the GOP spend 8 years doing nothing but trying to deligitimize Obama's Presidency and now you expect Democrats to do the exact opposite of what the Republicans did.

When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor people didn't call Americans hypocrites for bombing Tokyo. When someone picks a fight, you have to fight back and the only people that can bring you back from the ledge are the people who were the aggressors in the first place and they have to do it by giving ground somewhere. That will never happen with our society the way it is today.

I think I'll continue to call someone a hypocrite if I see fit, you party before country student of thought
These people must be on coke to stay up and protest all night every night.

Should Trump impose drug testing on Congress?

He can't and no legislators would vote for it.

But it would be hilarious. Didn't similar happen in Florida?
This is not my fault. And yes, protesting is pro republic. I said riots. And then there's the call for a military coup. Yep, that's pro republic. Enjoy your guilt when the Republic dies, cock catcher.

Trump is taking a wrecking ball to the Republic as we speak and you are blaming the people getting screwed by it.
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This is not my fault. And yes, protesting is pro republic. I said riots. And then there's the call for a military coup. Yep, that's pro republic. Enjoy your guilt when the Republic dies, cock catcher.
You are imploding. Coup? You crazy son. Get a grip. It's going to get a lot worse before we restore the norms you let crumble as you sat on the side line and made excuses not to do what was needed.