Senate Democrats Plan To Hold The Floor Again on AG Vote

You are imploding. Coup? You crazy son. Get a grip. It's going to get a lot worse before we restore the norms you let crumble as you sat on the side line and made excuses not to do what was needed.

Yep, coup. Sarah Silverman with her three million followers.
As embarrassing as Trump can be he does drive the extreme left bat shit crazy. For me that's his best feature
I figured you hated America. Fun to watch all you cons piss on the flag. For me exposing you is Trumps best use. Tic toc.
Holy crap. OiT has a new spokesperson. You must be high on cum for that to make sense.

Well, drink up. :)

Actually, last night's posting was to mimic, to an extent, the Armageddon type posting I've been seeing from you, Bio, and others.
Trump is going to take us back to the 1850s, or he's going to destroy the Republic. The left has jumped off the edge since the election.

I didn't want trump or clinton, but I'm going to give him a chance to see what he does before I fly off the deep end. You all went from the election straight for the deep end.

You deny it all you want, but it's exactly what you've done.
Well, drink up. :)

Actually, last night's posting was to mimic, to an extent, the Armageddon type posting I've been seeing from you, Bio, and others.
Trump is going to take us back to the 1850s, or he's going to destroy the Republic. The left has jumped off the edge since the election.

I didn't want trump or clinton, but I'm going to give him a chance to see what he does before I fly off the deep end. You all went from the election straight for the deep end.

You deny it all you want, but it's exactly what you've done.
Oh I didn't realize Trump was new to you. To me he is a known quantity I've been paying attention to for several years. Feel free to finally wake up and form an opinion. What a rediculous notion that I need to give him a chance before seeing the man for who he tells us he is.
Oh I didn't realize Trump was new to you. To me he is a known quantity I've been paying attention to for several years. Feel free to finally wake up and form an opinion. What a rediculous notion that I need to give him a chance before seeing the man for who he tells us he is.

I didn't say you need to give him a chance. I said I'm giving him a chance as I would have done with Hillary. But your side has lost their minds and are screaming the end of times.

And just because I didn't vote for either doesn't mean I don't have an opinion.

Stop being dishonest. And reel it in and act like an adult.
Who gives a shit what she calls for?

She's a Democrat. She was invited to speak at the Democratic National Convention. She has three million followers. I'm sure she's not the only one that feels that way. And you're worried about the GOP destroying the Republic?
I didn't say you need to give him a chance. I said I'm giving him a chance as I would have done with Hillary. But your side has lost their minds and are screaming the end of times.

And just because I didn't vote for either doesn't mean I don't have an opinion.

Stop being dishonest. And reel it in and act like an adult.
You can't make any claim on honesty when your thesis is opposing Trump's policies and appointments is the equivalent of end times. And you can't claim giving a guy a chance isn't simply ignoring everything he has said and offering him a blank slate. Sorry, I refuse to delete my brain and pretend I don't know what Trump is. You need to be honest with yourself, you are advocating putting your head up your own ass. I'm sure that's fun, but not terribly wise for resolving political disputes.
You can't make any claim on honesty when your thesis is opposing Trump's policies and appointments is the equivalent of end times. And you can't claim giving a guy a chance isn't simply ignoring everything he has said and offering him a blank slate. Sorry, I refuse to delete my brain and pretend I don't know what Trump is. You need to be honest with yourself, you are advocating putting your head up your own ass. I'm sure that's fun, but not terribly wise for resolving political disputes.

When you and Bio talk about destroying th we Republic and taking us back to the 1850s, along with others saying he's going to get us into a nuclear war, I'd say those are scatter brained end of times knee Jeri reaction a to an election result.

Maybe you ought to pull your head out of your partner's ass. You know people are saying trump is going to destroy the Republic, take us back to the 1850s, and get us into a nuclear war.
When you and Bio talk about destroying th we Republic and taking us back to the 1850s, along with others saying he's going to get us into a nuclear war, I'd say those are scatter brained end of times knee Jeri reaction a to an election result.

Maybe you ought to pull your head out of your partner's ass. You know people are saying trump is going to destroy the Republic, take us back to the 1850s, and get us into a nuclear war.
I would say it's proof you lost all sense of humor and reason that hyperbolic colorful claims can't be recognized as such. You certainly give your dear leader freedom to speak in that way. BTW, your head up your partner's ass does indeed solve a variety of disputes. It's only the acrobatic self immolation that seals you off from reality. That's why you would be wise not to wait to form an opinion on a guy who has spent years telling you who he is. Use your head for more than a dildo.
I would say it's proof you lost all sense of humor and reason that hyperbolic colorful claims can't be recognized as such. You certainly give your dear leader freedom to speak in that way. BTW, your head up your partner's ass does indeed solve a variety of disputes. It's only the acrobatic self immolation that seals you off from reality. That's why you would be wise not to wait to form an opinion on a guy who has spent years telling you who he is. Use your head for more than a dildo.

How about you do this. Tell us what Trump has done since he took office that you do like.
How about you do this. Tell us what Trump has done since he took office that you do like.
I'm not motivated to comply, but I liked that his new gold curtains. I didn't think those cinnamon Obama drapes were right, however I think a dark blue would be better yet.
I'm not motivated to comply, but I liked that his new gold curtains. I didn't think those cinnamon Obama drapes were right, however I think a dark blue would be better yet.

Ridiculous. Predictable, but ridiculous.
That hardly follows when I'm willing to tolerate cinnamon drapery of all affronts. What's wrong with you man?

I give up debating this with you. I sill think you're a good guy though. Just a little misguided. :)
She's a Democrat. She was invited to speak at the Democratic National Convention. She has three million followers. I'm sure she's not the only one that feels that way. And you're worried about the GOP destroying the Republic?

She's some woman saying crap on Twitter. She's not the Executive Branch executive ordering the removal of rights of people and undermining the entire Judicial Branch. You don't even believe the bullshit you're spouting right now.
She's some woman saying crap on Twitter. She's not the Executive Branch executive ordering the removal of rights of people and undermining the entire Judicial Branch. You don't even believe the bullshit you're spouting right now.

Of course I don't believe it. I'm just showing you how unhinged some, including you, have become with some of the fears you spout out. "He's going to take us back to the 1850s".
Of course I don't believe it. I'm just showing you how unhinged some, including you, have become with some of the fears you spout out. "He's going to take us back to the 1850s".

Pay attention to the legislation being proposed in Congress right now. There is no understating the threat Trumpism presents to the American way of life of the last 60 years.