Sexy after 50


HR Heisman
Jul 6, 2020
Just saw a video of Jennifer Lopez and I have to think she's the most amazing looking female over the age of 50.

Does it get much better?

Jenny from the block has lots of company but for sure she looks a lot better than when she was a dancer on Living Color.
Plus she spends several hundred a year on looking good.
I'm more of a "girl next door" type of guy. Of course I find some older celebrities attractive, but people whose livelihoods depend on their looks and have an unlimited bank account towards this aren't nearly as impressive as the everyday busy Mom with 3-4 teenage kids and a full-time job who manages to keep in really good shape (like no pic Mrs. MTF, if I don't say so myself).
I think Heidi Klum is still doing alright for being over 50. Although I don’t know if I’ve seen anything really recent.
And she has had some AMAZING work done, too. Which by the way I’d have if I had money and the name of her surgeon.
Not a criticism of her at all - she is gorgeous.
Her surgeons are amazing if that’s the case. I’ve seen a lot of cosmetic surgery go really badly. Kate is just simply stunning.
I gotta check out of this thread for a while.

Woozy from sudden shift of blood volume from upstairs brain to the other one.