SF OB Kaepernick

I will never forget laying on the floor, watching the Olympic Games in 1968 when Tommie Smith and John Carlos lowered their heads and raised their fists in solidarity. They were on a world stage in protest of the racial atrocities. That was a different time. I respected their protest even though we were right in the middle of a war. I still get chills thinking about it.

I just don't see Kaepernick's actions in the same way. I hope he is spending his free time helping solve the very issue he is addressing.
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"Look at the distribution of wealth in this country, google it and take a look for your self. If you"

Ahhhhh .... the old distribution of wealth argument. Don't like it, but still use Facebook, Microsoft Office, Amazon, internet, cars etc etc....

Keep in mind, these billionaires created a service the world wants, stepped on very few to make it, and will give away most of their money.

We are richer because of the new billionaires, not poorer. They did not make their money by stealing from us, unlike most billionaires from underdeveloped nations.
Total Joke. Go back to Economics 101. To become a wealthier nation, we need to be a surplus exporter. We have taxed the hell out of the middle class, created millions of non productive government jobs and social programs and paid for them by borrowing trillions of dollars and printing money. We overpay executives, sports and entertainment performers, and save less money than prior generations. Not going to be able to keep heading down this road.
Don't agree with Kaepernick but one thing I question or would ask him besides sitting during the national anthem what else is he doing to improve things? How is he reaching out to improve his community with his public stature and wealth to help on his end to fix the problem?

Flip side so refreshing to see Scoop Jackson's interview yesterday, Chicago native and nba guy for espn. In his interview he talks about this situation plus gun violence in his black communities relating to death of Dwayne Wade's cousin in Chicago. Basically one of the few people of black community not pointing the finger of blame at anyone be the police, the mayor or other races or anyone else but saying its on them and their community and they need to step up to fix these issues of violence and murders (gangs and drug related deaths) because they are the big part of the problem at the end of the day and worthless if they don't fix anything on their end.
Because Kaeper-whatever is saying the flag signifies "white oppression" or some such drivel. Meanwhile, he was raised by white parents after his bio father left.

Not hard to figure: the guy is hot for some Muslim DJ chick, he prolly just wants the attention.
That's not even close to what he said.