Should I start watching The Walking Dead again?


HR All-American
Gold Member
Sep 3, 2019
I watched it until Rick's final episode last season. I heard the show is good again with Angie Kang in charge. I have heard that Whisperers are good villains and have been written a lot better than the Saviors were. I DVR'd all the episodes. Should I binge watch the show and start watching it again?
I watched it until Rick's final episode last season. I heard the show is good again with Angie Kang in charge. I have heard that Whisperers are good villains and have been written a lot better than the Saviors were. I DVR'd all the episodes. Should I binge watch the show and start watching it again?

Yes, but I say that as someone who is hooked and never stopped watching no matter how bad it got. The Whisperers are great villains, and they have leaped years into the future where vehicle usage is rare and guns/ammo are far less common. Changes the dynamic of the show somewhat.
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Honestly, I think Fear and regular TWD flipped in quality two years ago. I hated the first couple of seasons of Fear and loved TWD. Then last year, I thought TWD had played out all of its stories and was probably a year overdue with ditching the old main characters like Rick, Carl and Maggie. This year, while appreciate the fast forward and like a lot of the new characters especially Alpha and Beta, there's still way too much Daryl, Carol and Mischone ie characters with "plot armor" that lower the stakes of every scene they're in because you know nothing will happen to them.

Meanwhile this past season of Fear was really pretty good. Not quite up to the height of TWD but miles better than the last two seasons of TWD.
Honestly, I think Fear and regular TWD flipped in quality two years ago. I hated the first couple of seasons of Fear and loved TWD. Then last year, I thought TWD had played out all of its stories and was probably a year overdue with ditching the old main characters like Rick, Carl and Maggie. This year, while appreciate the fast forward and like a lot of the new characters especially Alpha and Beta, there's still way too much Daryl, Carol and Mischone ie characters with "plot armor" that lower the stakes of every scene they're in because you know nothing will happen to them.

Meanwhile this past season of Fear was really pretty good. Not quite up to the height of TWD but miles better than the last two seasons of TWD.
I am also two seasons behind on FTWD. With Morgan, Dwight, the dad from Raising Hope, Dharma, and Maggie Grace the show has really changed.
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I watched it until Rick's final episode last season. I heard the show is good again with Angie Kang in charge. I have heard that Whisperers are good villains and have been written a lot better than the Saviors were. I DVR'd all the episodes. Should I binge watch the show and start watching it again?
Yes and no. I never was a Carol fan but love me some Daryl. Michone I could take or leave. So long as Daryl is part of the show I will watch. And this season has been better but, I don't think I'd catch up on it if you've already tapped out unless you're out of series to watch.
Honestly, I think Fear and regular TWD flipped in quality two years ago. I hated the first couple of seasons of Fear and loved TWD. Then last year, I thought TWD had played out all of its stories and was probably a year overdue with ditching the old main characters like Rick, Carl and Maggie. This year, while appreciate the fast forward and like a lot of the new characters especially Alpha and Beta, there's still way too much Daryl, Carol and Mischone ie characters with "plot armor" that lower the stakes of every scene they're in because you know nothing will happen to them.

Meanwhile this past season of Fear was really pretty good. Not quite up to the height of TWD but miles better than the last two seasons of TWD.
I actually really liked the early stages of both shows.
I’m intrigued by the fact that society is always a week or so from complete breakdown and it’s interesting to see depictions of how we might try to survive.
Honestly, I think Fear and regular TWD flipped in quality two years ago. I hated the first couple of seasons of Fear and loved TWD. Then last year, I thought TWD had played out all of its stories and was probably a year overdue with ditching the old main characters like Rick, Carl and Maggie. This year, while appreciate the fast forward and like a lot of the new characters especially Alpha and Beta, there's still way too much Daryl, Carol and Mischone ie characters with "plot armor" that lower the stakes of every scene they're in because you know nothing will happen to them.

Meanwhile this past season of Fear was really pretty good. Not quite up to the height of TWD but miles better than the last two seasons of TWD.
I quit watching Fear when they killed off - spoiler alert -

Nick and the mom basically back to back. The two main characters dead so I said the hell with this.
I quit watching Fear when they killed off - spoiler alert -

Nick and the mom basically back to back. The two main characters dead so I said the hell with this.

That’s when I thought it improved. When they left all of the %*%*y characters behind and focused on really interesting new characters and only kept the handful of characters I actually liked (daughter, Black Guy, former drug kingpin).
I actually really liked the early stages of both shows.
I’m intrigued by the fact that society is always a week or so from complete breakdown and it’s interesting to see depictions of how we might try to survive.

The PREMISE of the first season of FTW was actually good but they skipped over all of the interesting things. I wanted to see something along the lines of the first 20 mins of the remake of Dawn of the Dead. Instead we got to see (according to the main executive producer) the very first zombie in Druggie Depp’s dead girlfriend as well as the other new zombies. Then we saw a few random early one or two zombie attacks mainly in the form of press coverage. And then they spent the main first real outbreak locked in a barbershop where all they did was TALK about all the cool stuff going on you didn’t see. Then they escape the city and run into the military but rather than see the military fight and lose against zombie hordes they spend it mainly behind the walls of a concentration camp and fast forwarding in time where they just TALK yet again about all the cool stuff that happened that you didn’t see. Then they spent a bunch of time on a boat and that was at least interesting even though I hated the characters other than the daughter, gay black guy and former druglord/barber. But then they landed and holed up in a Mexican hotel and it was just a bad version of regular TWD with a lot of characters I hated.
Yes and no. I never was a Carol fan but love me some Daryl. Michone I could take or leave. So long as Daryl is part of the show I will watch. And this season has been better but, I don't think I'd catch up on it if you've already tapped out unless you're out of series to watch.

Carol in badass mode is easily my favorite character. I like the way they developed her from a frail timid abused wife to someone that will end you if you mess with people she loves.
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I am also two seasons behind on FTWD. With Morgan, Dwight, the dad from Raising Hope, Dharma, and Maggie Grace the show has really changed.

I like the Morgan & Dwight interactions, but I'm not a big fan of the cross-over character situation. That should have let the shows be completely separate.
The PREMISE of the first season of FTW was actually good but they skipped over all of the interesting things. I wanted to see something along the lines of the first 20 mins of the remake of Dawn of the Dead. Instead we got to see (according to the main executive producer) the very first zombie in Druggie Depp’s dead girlfriend as well as the other new zombies. Then we saw a few random early one or two zombie attacks mainly in the form of press coverage. And then they spent the main first real outbreak locked in a barbershop where all they did was TALK about all the cool stuff going on you didn’t see. Then they escape the city and run into the military but rather than see the military fight and lose against zombie hordes they spend it mainly behind the walls of a concentration camp and fast forwarding in time where they just TALK yet again about all the cool stuff that happened that you didn’t see. Then they spent a bunch of time on a boat and that was at least interesting even though I hated the characters other than the daughter, gay black guy and former druglord/barber. But then they landed and holed up in a Mexican hotel and it was just a bad version of regular TWD with a lot of characters I hated.
Totally agree.
By the way, Dawn of the Dead remake is an underrated film, eh?
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I was ready to dismiss TWD after Rick left but to my surprise it got better. This is Michone’s last season and they’re supposed to be bringing Maggie back.
Carol in badass mode is easily my favorite character. I like the way they developed her from a frail timid abused wife to someone that will end you if you mess with people she loves.
I enjoyed that to a point. Probably the peak of that was when they stormed the Negan outpost like a group of commandos. I just don't care for her anymore.
You could watch it with my wife so I don’t have to. It’s the only show we got hooked on together that we still watch, mostly out of routine.
It was true last episode. The other story lines were blah, blah, blah, please die already. Negan's was please give me more.
First time he’s been interesting in years though. And only then b/c he appears to have developed a conscience. Not b/c of his long, lameass rants that used to suck donkey balls...IMO.
First time he’s been interesting in years though. And only then b/c he appears to have developed a conscience. Not b/c of his long, lameass rants that used to suck donkey balls...IMO.
Scott Gimple did not know how to write Negan. I have heard from people that Kang has made him interesting. And in the comics I know he plays a huge part with the Whisperers. So I am excited about that!