SIAP: Has anyone ever done an analysis of which programs wrestle most above seed on average...

Menace Sockeyes

HB Legend
Sep 2, 2010
come March? I mean in the last couple years. It would be a lot of work, just wondering if that info is out there. Thanks.

Thank you for this. It was close to what I was expecting. I thought PSU would be among the best, and Iowa among the worst but not exactly top and bottom. Something to think about for the "it's just recruiting" crowd.
Thank you for this. It was close to what I was expecting. I thought PSU would be among the best, and Iowa among the worst but not exactly top and bottom. Something to think about for the "it's just recruiting" crowd.
What does it mean to you? Just curious.
I think Iowa gets a little bit of a bad rap on this subject. Iowa is in pretty good shape and take the entire year (dual meets, Midlands, etc) very seriously and go into BTs and Nationals with high seeds (true to the season's results, but maybe better than they truly deserve based on pure talent level).

Many other teams don't take the regular season that seriously and can be out of shape during much of the season and get into shape to wrestle up to their potential at the end of the year. They may take losses to wrestlers that are inferior to them early in the season when they are out of shape.

Say for example a great wrestler X for some college (much better wrestler but maybe not in great shape) wrestles Alex Meyer (and I don't mean to pick on Alex - just an example) early in the season. Alex is in great shape all season, wears him down and beats him. Come BTs and Nationals, Alex is seeded above him even though Wrestler X is the better wrestler. Wrestler X is now in shape and beats Alex. Is this a negative for Alex/Iowa for trying to wrestle your best all year long?

Other programs may wrestle above seed more frequently and are technically "peaking", but does this really count if they are only peaking because they didn't care about being their best during the season and only choose to "show up" at the end of the season?

The real question is "Are the Iowa wrestlers wrestling as well at Nationals as we do the rest of the year - or are we wrestling worse?". That can be debated.
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The real question is "Are the Iowa wrestlers wrestling as well at Nationals as we do the rest of the year - or are we wrestling worse?". That can be debated.
This is the question. So PSU racked it up at nationals, but they put it on everyone this year. They did perform really well but when did they not perform well? Did Iowa wrestle poorly this year at nationals or did they wrestle similarly to how they wrestled all season long against good competition? I think we were the 4th best team in the country this year all season long and that proved out in the finals.

I think OkSt didn't do well in the end, but their strength was in numbers not in firepower, fOSU did seem to peak at Big10's but because their line up was so jacked all season, I am not sure a little lull wasn't expected in the end.
Might be interesting to see the results at Nationals vs. preseason rankings. Everybody focuses on the "peaking" for Nationals and wrestling above seed. It doesn't seem like there is a whole lot of research/info on how much the wrestler has improved during the year. Iowa would probably fare pretty well in this category. We just need more guys that start out highly ranked and don't have to work their way up the rankings every year.