Sightings and brief encounters with IOWA BB players, coaches, staff members or FANATICS

A couple of mine that stand out..

Went to Minneapolis to see a comedian with a few other couples on Iowa/Minn. football weekend. The ladies went shopping and we had them drop us off near the stadium. We were going to watch the game at the bar, but snagged some really good seats right before game time so we decided to go. We got to our seats and we were mostly surrounded by Gophers, however we had a few Hawk fans behind us. It was Chad Greenway and his kids. He was high fiving us after each big play, which was great because the Hawks beat down the Gophers as usual. He is a very outgoing guy, fun guy to talk to.

We were visiting family from Livermore for Easter. We took our kids to the Easter egg hunt in town. Dallas Clark was there with his kids. It was really interesting to see him in that element. They treated him like he was just another farmer/dad.
Some kind interesting things in this thread. I am old as dirt so way back when a lot of athletes and coaches liked the attention. They also didn’t have to worry about camera phones, internet, and social media in general. My rule of thumb is unless you know them, give a nod and maybe a “Go Hawks” and then if they engage so be it. If not, move on and let them be. Due to my former law partner being one of the numbers retired, a ton of Hawks (former athletes, coaches, AD’s, etc) would come through the firm or get lunch or drinks. You just need the read the situation.
Grew up in NL then went to Iowa and pretty much lived on the Field House pickup courts from about 1993-2003. Back when current and recently graduated Hawks would play on the middle right court (if you know, you know). Got to play against and even with too many to name, but my favorite was Woolridge. He knew he could score at will but got more enjoyment driving-and-dishing. Tough to beat drilling 3s assisted by the best PG in the country as a 16 year old.

Duez used to be a pretty frequent encounter in Ped Mall bars. Don’t think I ever saw him noticeably drunk, just chilling and doing his thing. Great guy.
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Ran into Reggie Evans at the CR airport and Tim Dwight in Columbus at the de facto Rose Bowl play-in game. Both very cordial guys.
Steve Carfino was my favorite player growing up, I was #15 in every sport I played. He was at Fryfest a couple (or few years ago, I forget with Covid) & was singing in a Marriott room with a band. A friend of my husband knew I was a huge fan so when they had a break he went in & got Steve to come out so I could meet him. I got a bunch of pics & he talked to us for a while.

The same friend brought Ronnie Lester to our tailgate during a Fryfest weekend. He was a really quiet nice guy, he answered every question I asked. No one really knew who he was.

After a football game, our college kids were in town so we went to the bars & it was closing time. We saw J-Bo & Tyler Cook on the street, stopped & talked to them briefly - boy, they were hammered.
My wife had spanish with acie earl

He should up a few times then that was it for the semester
Yesterday I was wandering around downtown and an SUV caught my eye. The reason being it was adorned with Kentucky Flags. Before I had a chance to catch up with them at the stoplight at Clinton and Iowa it sped away. I had hoped to engage Joe or CJ or whomever and wish them well and good riddance. I was able to flip them the Hawkeye bird.

For the most part, posts and threads on any message board are boring, not worth reading, let alone engaging and consist of lots of half-truths and rumors, failed critical thought, useless information, tropes, trolls, and petty bickering.

At the same time, I lurk way too much and occasionally join in the fun.

Some of the best posts and threads involve personal stories and connections.

Since back in 2016 when I saw the light and was called back to the Promised Land, here goes a handful of brief encounters with IOWA BB players and coaches.

I ran into Fran within weeks at Cville Brueggers who was buying bagels. I was still really hopeful. I simply said: "Hey Coach, keep up your good work. Go Hawks!" He thanked me, paid for his bagels, and quickly fled.

A few months later I was headed in the Cville library. I love libraries. As I approached the door an elderly gentleman with a full head of gray hair wearing this really funky leather jacket with colors and s$%t hard to describe got to the door ahead of me. Instead of entering the building he held the door for me and beckoned me in. I thanked him and then realized OMG... coach Tom Davis. I was dumbfounded and at a loss for words. Normally I would have engaged him and remind me of that really great 13-year run for IOWA BB but it was the frickin library, a quiet place. I suspect he would have given me some time and answered my questions. My first question would have been: " How you thinking the next level thing has worked for IOWA BB?" btw that leather jacket was NIKE, limited edition.

This was late at night and this incredibly huge human being was coming out of that ridiculous indoor urban renewal mall downtown. This young man had THE LOOK of determination, yupper Tyler Cook. Started his first NBA game and a great pro and person. Ummm... he is somewhat intimidating and yet heard he is a gentle giant unless he happens to have a ball in his hand and destroys the BB RIM anywhere in the world.

Coach Francis at Cville Hyvee. I just said, "Go Hawks, keep up your good work!" He thanked me and went about his business and continued to shop.

I was going into the Fareway on Mormon Trek on a late summer morning, the road to the Promised Land? Low and behold a very large human being along with an incredibly attractive young woman (no pic available) was headed to his car. OMG LUKA GARZA!!!! It was between sophomore and junior season and I knew it was my only chance. I said hello, keep up your good work, GO HAWKS, yadda yadda yadda. I then proceeded to suggest to him to rebound better. I then showed him how to block out, yes I physically demonstrated how I would block him out. Yes, I did! I turned around and looked at him for some positive feedback and was happy to answer his questions. He rolled his eyes and looked away... OMG I AM A FANATIC! Yet he thanked me and we all went about our day. I take full credit for his work ethic, post moves, shooting touch, scoring, and PLAYER of the YEAR awards. Rebounding, not so much.

Here is the encounter that could have been borderline... I had just entered the Target Store at Coral Ridge Mall. You all know, the monstrosity built just over 20 years ago that contributes to our excessive consumer culture and Climate Change and did their best to kill every small business and downtown within miles. So I hear her voice, OMG It's her? With her daughter? I would recognize her voice anywhere and even in my sleep. She was arguing with her daughter and just ahead of me so I sped up to say hello. I thanked Charity for her good work, especially her daily 10 AM IPR program and Iowa PBS TV work. She replies: "You are welcome" We departed, went about our business, and continued to shop.

On the way out to check out. OMG! Charity! again and my last chance. I sped ahead and got out in front of Charity and her daughter. I then proceeded to stay in front and walk backward as we neared checkout. btw this is an excellent tactic to engage someone when you need to talk to forgo war and work for peace.. ( Native American warriors back in the day began this tradition) I then popped the question: "CHARITY, will you marry me?" None plussed, her daughter's mouth agape,
Charity thanked me and kindly and gently let me know... " I am already happy" We checked out, waved goodbye, and went about our day

Cmon I dare you. Tell us a story of a sighting or a brief encounter.

GO IPR, NPR, IOWA PBS, and most of all...

This guy is clearly on drugs...entertaining no less.
Saw Jeff Horner and Greg Brunner at the Coral Ridge Mall food court a long time ago. I didn't know if was them for a bit because what caught my eye initially was this perfect ass of a smoking hot woman(she had dropped something) and next to her was another beautiful woman. Horner and Brunner showed up a little later with the food and thats when I recognized that they were Horner and Brunner's girlfriends.

I ran into a group of Iowa woman basketball players in Target on time, Ally Disterhoft is the only name I remember from that group though. They were teasing her a bit about her love life.
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Spoke to Damond Powell a few years back at a non-Hawkeye function. I simply asked him “Rudock or Beathard?” He looked puzzled for a second and then said “Beathard, no question. The guy’s a risk taker.” I think I said something fanboy stupid about his screen pass that he took to the house at Minnesota (from Rudock, ironically). Powell was very nice and humble. Definitely a guy who’s easy to root for in life. Possibly the fastest Hawkeye in history. He’s in the conversation for sure.

I ran into Fred Barr and Ed Gibson too. Both were pleasant, but I didn’t speak with them.
A friend and I spoke with Brad Lohaus and Bart Casey at the second tee box (during a slight back up as those two were playing immediately behind our party) at Ellis golf course in CR.

We actually have a mutual friend with Lohaus who attended an NBA game (I want to say when he was with the Celtics at Dallas) with another friend of ours courtesy comped tickets from Lohaus.

We mentioned our two friends and the NBA game weekend they hung out with Brad. He just started laughing and said something like “those guys were crazy & totally out of control.”
Skinner and Lookingbill walked into a bar I was at in WDM one time. Lookingbill was a cousin of a friend from high school, so I introduced myself. They talked to our group for a bit, nice guys.
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I can attest that Fran does love his bagels. Charity is sweet and happily married. I used to tutor women athletes so met many of the athletic peeps. Iowa City is a small town so not too tough. Younger Ferentz used to live near me but has since moved.
As a young kid I was best friends with Josey Jewell’s dad...when Josey was playing for the Hawks I got a chance to meet him after a home game against Illinois...saw Bo Bower and Jordan Canzeri as the players were coming out but didn’t get introduced. Having known Josey’s grandpa (Big Bob) I can say that Josey looks A LOT like his grandpa.
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In 2001, me and the family met Steve Alford (Yeah I know LOL) when he made an appearance at a clothing store in Des Moines to sign autographs and mingle with fans a bit. He was cordial enough. From all I've heard about him, I imagine it was just a front because he sounds like one arrogant MFer. That particular occasion was a good experience, though.

Also met Acie Earl once at a charity exhibition game the outgoing seniors had in Sioux City in 1993 against local college players. He didn't play since he was about to be in the NBA draft. He was there signing autographs and although I'm not one to mingle and schmooze with people a lot, he seemed fairly quiet and don't recall him having a whole lot to say. Other players at the event were Val Barnes (man that guy could scorch the nets), Jay Webb, Wade Lookingbill, and Troy Skinner played, too, even though he graduated a year earlier. I can't recall who the 5th player was. I only had money for one autograph ($10) so only got Earl and didn't have the chance to meet the others.
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I got to be a "ball kid" (or whatever us floor cleaners were called) during the 2000-2001 season. I was about the same age as Bryce and Kory Alford, looking back they were already about as arrogant as their dad.

I distinctly remember one game where I got to know Reggie Evans very well. He got fouled under the basket and took us kids out like bowling pins.
Grew up around the corner from the Reilly family in Dubuque. Steve was a year younger and Jim 2 years. Forgot the youngest boy’s name but he was younger than Jimmy and played for Hayden too.

Mike Reilly was a mountain of a man to a little kid.
Am friends with Mike Meyer’s and Riley McCarran’s fathers. Dear old Dubuque.
Probably one of the best Hawkeye moments in my life was hanging out with Drew Tate after Iowa beat Wisconsin in 2004 to with the B1G.

After Iowa won we walked over to a tailgate near Melrose and Melrose to hang out with our family from Clinton. I believe Tate’s mom was from Clinton (or one of his parents were) and she was always at this tailgate. After an hour or two, Tate walks up with his smokin hot girlfriend. He’s wearing a sweatshirt and shorts in late November. He was very shy and not really the persona you’d see on the field. He was very cool and super nice. Most people pretty much left him alone, because I think he’d go there after most games. Cool Story Bro, but I had my younger cousins get his autograph on my hat after talking to him for a bit.

PS CSB: That was the one and only time I stormed the field. We were front row in the South end zone and didn’t have much of a choice. It was a pretty cool experience, but it could have ended up very bad too.
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Also met Acie Earl once at a charity exhibition game the outgoing seniors had in Sioux City in 1993 against local college players. He didn't play since he was about to be in the NBA draft. He was there signing autographs and although I'm not one to mingle and schmooze with people a lot, he seemed fairly quiet and don't recall him having a whole lot to say. Other players at the event were Val Barnes (man that guy could scorch the nets), Jay Webb, Wade Lookingbill, and Troy Skinner played, too, even though he graduated a year earlier. I can't recall who the 5th player was. I only had money for one autograph ($10) so only got Earl and didn't have the chance to meet the others.

I was on that trip with them, but can't remember who all was on that jaunt.....Rodell Davis was with us for some of the games...Paul Burmeister went to a couple games the following year as well as he was a good basketball player...a few walk ons made appearances. Was always kind of a last minute thing trying to get a full squad to go.
My friend got my family back in the locker rooms of the old Pepsi Center.

He played for the Nuggets back in the day.

I got to talk a lil smack to Rocky Davis back in the tunnel (he played for the Timberwolves that year).

He was a good sport & got the joke after I told him “you probably don’t remember me but we battled in camps back in high school.”

I said “maybe you’d remember me better if you saw the bottom of my shoes.”
I was the waiter who served Jonathan Parker his undercooked steak at the football facility... as big a douche as u might imagine.
I was in elementary school back then, living on the west side of town off of Mormon Trek. My parents' duplex had an even and nicely shaped driveway so, of course, we had a basketbal hoop. One summer evening with the neighborhood kids playing ball like usual, we observed college-looking women — with red cups in their hands, yelling and stumbling down the street. They must've came from that house party from up the street! To parties, to no curfews, to be a college student, I day-dreamed. Only minutes later did three tall looking men come out from the same path. I instantly recognized them. Reggie, Duez, and Chauncey! Turns out they were my neighbors and yes, they asked if they could play a little ball with us little kids. As long as they could sign my Iowa baseball cap! What a memorable evening for my childhood, shooting some hoops with Chauncey and Duez and Reggie showing off his dunking skills with just flip-flops on. I didn't see them much for rest of the year other than smiling and waving when they drove by, but one thing I know for sure - they had plenty of fun on the weekends.
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I was in elementary school back then, living on the west side of town off of Mormon Trek. My parents' duplex had an even and nicely shaped driveway so, of course, we had a basketbal hoop. One summer evening with the neighborhood kids playing ball like usual, we observed college-looking women — with red cups in their hands, yelling and stumbling down the street. They must've came from that house party from up the street! To parties, to no curfews, to be a college student, I day-dreamed. Only minutes later did three tall looking men come out from the same path. I instantly recognized them. Reggie, Duez, and Chauncey! Turns out they were my neighbors and yes, they asked if they could play a little ball with us little kids. As long as they could sign my Iowa baseball cap! What a memorable evening for my childhood, shooting some hoops with Chauncey and Duez and Reggie showing off his dunking skills with just flip-flops on. I didn't see them much for rest of the year other than smiling and waving when they drove by, but one thing I know for sure - they had plenty of fun on the weekends.
They were just prepping for their trip to New Orleans for a bachelor party.......
I recall being in Target after Alford took Lobo gig and Tanya was giving people hugs goodbye. She kind of seemed sad which surprised me

thought they would be happy to get out of here
Val Barnes used to sell Volvos back in the day so I test drove a Volvo SUV with him :) I just saw Acie Earl sauntering in the NL HyVee this past weekend. Some of us never leave I guess.
Val Barnes really hated me at a basketball camp when I was in junior high. I must have made some asshole faces at him. He made me foot fire for like 20 minutes straight
Val Barnes really hated me at a basketball camp when I was in junior high. I must have made some asshole faces at him. He made me foot fire for like 20 minutes straight
Ouch. I didn't buy the volvo either :)
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I recall being in Target after Alford took Lobo gig and Tanya was giving people hugs goodbye. She kind of seemed sad which surprised me

thought they would be happy to get out of here

Probably mixed emotions for sure. But I remember Steve saying Tanya was happy in Iowa City and she could buy all the black and gold outfits she wanted to. That of course was earlier in his Hawkeye tenure.

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