Simone Biles

The controversy is that her most difficult moves have low ceilings for top scores. Even is Biles performs them perfectly she can't get appropriately rewarded for their difficulty. The story given is that they do that to discourage other gymnasts from trying things that might get them hurt. It's BS of course - they just don't want Biles burying her competition. So she goes out and does it anyway. A remarkable athlete.
This is nothing new - its even mocked in the movie "Stick It" way back in 2006
I heard a couple of the analysts suggest that giving one of her inventions the degree of difficulty score it arguably deserves would encourage more people to do it and could result in serious injuries.

If true, it may not be fair, but it is a reasonable concern.

Or I guess they could ban the stunt.

Either way, not fair to Biles or the few who could pull it off, yet you can't just be focused on them.

"No dunking, Michael Jordan"

"Also, no one else can shoot from that far out, so if you shoot from past this line, those baskets don't count. You have to shoot from where everyone else can make baskets!!!"
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I feel for Biles and understand why she could have had a mental breakdown but if true, we can cool it with the Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods talk.
Tiger Woods proved to be a piece of shit human being. He probably could have used a break. Biles is just as dominant.
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Alcindor in the NCAA, according to my quick google. Didn't google further when what I saw agreed with my memory.

Did they ban dunks in the NBA?
My bad, I was wrong about Wilt causing the ban on dunking. It happened in 1967 at the beginning of Alcindor's college career. I must have been thinking about widening the key - I believe that was in response to Wilt.

Apologies for my error.
My bad, I was wrong about Wilt causing the ban on dunking. It happened in 1967 at the beginning of Alcindor's college career. I must have been thinking about widening the key - I believe that was in response to Wilt.

Apologies for my error.
They widened the lane in response to George Mikan, I believe.
Did Jordan quit during the NBA finals?

Simone is obviously under a ton of pressure. Hopefully she can regroup and just have fun out there. Easy for us to say from the sidelines.

The media has built her up to be unstoppable.

That's a good point, the timing is important in the comparison. I wish she would have gone out and tried. Even half of Simone is better than everyone else.
It’s cool. She was in my five sure things post, but I still have Nyjah, Katie Ledecky in the 400m, and Men’s Basketball.

Sad to see Simone out. It does make me respect Michael Phelps for what he must have gone through.
This guy is a savant.
Normally, it would be considered a little too fresh to pat oneself on the back so hard. But...I'll make an exception here, since you really did nail it. :) I award you a "like". :)

I don't know what is going on with Biles, but I hate to see a flameout for anyone after all of the work and preparation that goes into this. I hope she can recover and do well in the individual contests. But it does go to just never know.
Jordan quit to play baseball after his dad died

This line of logic is so fuggin stupid. Jordan left basketball because he felt at the time he had nothing left to prove and needed a new challenge. His dad's death made him realize life is short, so he pursued his other dream of playing professional baseball. More power to him.

You're an idiot.
It’s cool. She was in my five sure things post, but I still have Nyjah, Katie Ledecky in the 400m, and Men’s Basketball.

Sad to see Simone out. It does make me respect Michael Phelps for what he must have gone through.

Not taking ANYTHING away from Phelps, but gymnastics and the other sports where you have to be so precise with your preference and judged by tiny mistakes HAS to be that much more mentally draining.
So let’s get to the important question, how much money does this cost her?
It’s cool. She was in my five sure things post, but I still have Nyjah, Katie Ledecky in the 400m, and Men’s Basketball.

Sad to see Simone out. It does make me respect Michael Phelps for what he must have gone through.
Ummm, Ledecky lost the 400 already.
This line of logic is so fuggin stupid. Jordan left basketball because he felt at the time he had nothing left to prove and needed a new challenge. His dad's death made him realize life is short, so he pursued his other dream of playing professional baseball. More power to him.

You're an idiot.

That’s one version of the story.
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I go back and forth on the Biles breakdown. On one hand I commend her for understanding that she was in the midst of mental break, not able to perform to her abilities, and didn't want to cost the team a medal because she was having issues. Turned it over to an alternate, which is why there are alternates, it's a team.

On the other hand, dang, you are the LEADER of this gymnastics team. Get your crap together and suck it up.

It's going to look worse if she performs the individual events, nails it, wins multiple golds and the all around. She can perform for herself but not for her teammates?

ETA: I have not watched a single second of these Olympics and won't but this is being talked about all over the sports news. My right, as a keyboard warrior, is to give my opinion.
I go back and forth on the Biles breakdown. On one hand I commend her for understanding that she was in the midst of mental break, not able to perform to her abilities, and didn't want to cost the team a medal because she was having issues. Turned it over to an alternate, which is why there are alternates, it's a team.

On the other hand, dang, you are the LEADER of this gymnastics team. Get your crap together and suck it up.

It's going to look worse if she performs the individual events, nails it, wins multiple golds and the all around. She can perform for herself but not for her teammates?

ETA: I have not watched a single second of these Olympics and won't but this is being talked about all over the sports news. My right, as a keyboard warrior, is to give my opinion.
Yeah. It's difficult to assess. I am guessing she was prepped for a perfect routine and had all of that pressure built up. Part of that is on the coaches - letting her know it's ok to not be perfect and ok to make mistakes. In the end, it probably takes from her legacy.

PS - coaches or Biles could have helped herself out a little with the reason but appreciate her honesty.
Yeah. It's difficult to assess. I am guessing she was prepped for a perfect routine and had all of that pressure built up. Part of that is on the coaches - letting her know it's ok to not be perfect and ok to make mistakes. In the end, it probably takes from her legacy.

PS - coaches or Biles could have helped herself out a little with the reason but appreciate her honesty.

I still don't buy her claiming "mental breakdown"; she's been in these competitions for a decade.

But, that's what she's going with here. Maybe she's being completely honest about it. But perhaps she didn't want to hear about how something like 'menstrual cramps' cost her another gold medal for the next 50 years.

Only she knows; maybe her teammates, too, but I seriously doubt any of them will violate her privacy on this.
I still don't buy her claiming "mental breakdown"; she's been in these competitions for a decade.

But, that's what she's going with here. Maybe she's being completely honest about it. But perhaps she didn't want to hear about how something like 'menstrual cramps' cost her another gold medal for the next 50 years.

Only she knows; maybe her teammates, too, but I seriously doubt any of them will violate her privacy on this.
It doesn't have to be a mental breakdown. It's just about confidence. If she loses her confidence in her ability even for a minute she can kill herself. It's better to recognize that and stop than to die for a gold plated trinket.
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I still don't buy her claiming "mental breakdown"; she's been in these competitions for a decade.

But, that's what she's going with here. Maybe she's being completely honest about it. But perhaps she didn't want to hear about how something like 'menstrual cramps' cost her another gold medal for the next 50 years.

Only she knows; maybe her teammates, too, but I seriously doubt any of them will violate her privacy on this.
Joe ****inf uncorks "menstrual cramps".....
This thread delivers!
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It doesn't have to be a mental breakdown. It's just about confidence. If she loses her confidence in her ability even for a minute she can kill herself. It's better to recognize that and stop than to die for a gold plated trinket.
You are going a little over the top with "kill herself" I watched a chick nosedive off the high bars during the trials and she jumped back up like she landed on a pillow.
At least there wasn't an NBC announcer excitedly screaming "But Can She Jerk It!!!???" during her performance....

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