Simone Biles

She gave a clue with how her first performance wasn't 100% perfection. To someone like her a step out of bounds like she had was a disaster and unforgivable. It's so unfortunate that she couldn't process that and also that her coaches couldn't help her process that - but she's always so perfect they weren't accustomed to reacting to it in the best way to help her.
Very sad for her.
This line of logic is so fuggin stupid. Jordan left basketball because he felt at the time he had nothing left to prove and needed a new challenge. His dad's death made him realize life is short, so he pursued his other dream of playing professional baseball. More power to him.

You're an idiot.

Okay. I was just stating why they both quit. Comparisons were for others but I guess you can call me an idiot for just saying why they quit.
She gave a clue with how her first performance wasn't 100% perfection. To someone like her a step out of bounds like she had was a disaster and unforgivable. It's so unfortunate that she couldn't process that and also that her coaches couldn't help her process that - but she's always so perfect they weren't accustomed to reacting to it in the best way to help her.
Very sad for her.
.....I feel sorry for her competitors......not at all for her. If she knew something was off and decided to just pull out and not have an off performance in some ways she stole a victory from her competitors.

It would have shown poise and grace to congratulate the winners and not make any excuses just like Ledecky did after losing the 400. That is one woman who knows how to win AND lose like a champion. People should be proud of her for how she carried herself in the loss of a race she was expected to win.
.....I feel sorry for her competitors......not at all for her. If she knew something was off and decided to just pull out and not have an off performance in some ways she stole a victory from her competitors.

It would have shown poise and grace to congratulate the winners and not make any excuses just like Ledecky did after losing the 400. That is one woman who knows how to win AND lose like a champion. People should be proud of her for how she carried herself in the loss of a race she was expected to win.
I think lots of people just like watching her compete.

Hopefully, this doesn't impact the all-around.
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.....I feel sorry for her competitors......not at all for her. If she knew something was off and decided to just pull out and not have an off performance in some ways she stole a victory from her competitors.

It would have shown poise and grace to congratulate the winners and not make any excuses just like Ledecky did after losing the 400. That is one woman who knows how to win AND lose like a champion. People should be proud of her for how she carried herself in the loss of a race she was expected to win.
She did congratulate the winners you nob.
.....I feel sorry for her competitors......not at all for her. If she knew something was off and decided to just pull out and not have an off performance in some ways she stole a victory from her competitors.

It would have shown poise and grace to congratulate the winners and not make any excuses just like Ledecky did after losing the 400. That is one woman who knows how to win AND lose like a champion. People should be proud of her for how she carried herself in the loss of a race she was expected to win.
Yeah, except Simone bombing not only hurts her but hurts her team. That's why she pulled out.

This is a lot of the problem right now, the "suck it up" attitude is causing a lot of our issues.
Glad our boys were able to suck it up on Omaha Beach, Midway, Guadalcanal, the Ardennes, Iwo Jima, etc.

Mental toughness is lacking in this country right now. Being mentally tough is part of the complete package of being an elite athlete. Sure, you can be a freak athlete that can run faster, jump higher and farther, be stronger, have more skill but if you are not mentally tough enough to compete at the highest level and fight through both physical and mental adversity than you are not the BEST athlete.

Talking on the radio about sports being a reflection on society. That we need to address mental health in sports. Nah, just means that sports is reflecting the weakness in today's society.
This is a lot of the problem right now, the "suck it up" attitude is causing a lot of our issues.
IMO we could use a little more 'suck it up' attitude in society as a whole and less feeling sorry for ourselves.

This is a general statement not specifically pointed at Biles but when you put a rhinestone goat on your leotard this isn't exactly a good look. This is MJ walking off the court during the flu game or Tiger walking off the course prior to the playoff at the 2008 US Open when he won with a broken leg and torn ACL or Kerri Strug not sticking the vault on one leg to win Gold in 1996.
IMO we could use a little more 'suck it up' attitude in society as a whole and less feeling sorry for ourselves.

This is a general statement not specifically pointed at Biles but when you put a rhinestone goat on your leotard this isn't exactly a good look. This is MJ walking off the court during the flu game or Tiger walking off the course prior to the playoff at the 2008 US Open when he won with a broken leg and torn ACL or Kerri Strug not sticking the vault on one leg to win Gold in 1996.
Bet she would love to walk that move back.
Yeah, except Simone bombing not only hurts her but hurts her team. That's why she pulled out.

Glad our boys were able to suck it up on Omaha Beach, Midway, Guadalcanal, the Ardennes, Iwo Jima, etc.

Mental toughness is lacking in this country right now. Being mentally tough is part of the complete package of being an elite athlete. Sure, you can be a freak athlete that can run faster, jump higher and farther, be stronger, have more skill but if you are not mentally tough enough to compete at the highest level and fight through both physical and mental adversity than you are not the BEST athlete.

Talking on the radio about sports being a reflection on society. That we need to address mental health in sports. Nah, just means that sports is reflecting the weakness in today's society.
Did you just compare fighting in war with competing in the olympics? JFC some of you need some perspective.
She owes you nothing. She owes this country nothing. She's already won multiple medals for "us". WTF have you couch comandos done?
I think it’s funny how she was recently wearing Sandals claiming she was the goat. Way to go and back it up. How are you able to showboat a few months ago and now it’s just to much for you to compete. Maybe try staying humble and let your performances do the talking. And not back out when you don’t get your way.
She quit......she is a quitter........period.

I remember a gymnast sticking a landing on one leg because the other was hurt. Biles is a disgrace for quitting because she blew a vault.
You're still an effing nutter. That hasn't changed since last time we chatted.
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I mean excluding deserters and the mental breakdowns on the battlefield.
I dont think deserters get lumped into the "our boys" conversation. Your point is still valid that people breakdown/freeze during those situations. People die in war every day there is war, that article the Nole linked about gymnastic deaths discussed like 5 going back to the 80s and most of them happened from broken necks.
I think it’s funny how she was recently wearing Sandals claiming she was the goat. Way to go and back it up. How are you able to showboat a few months ago and now it’s just to much for you to compete. Maybe try staying humble and let your performances do the talking. And not back out when you don’t get your way.
Hindsight says that wont age well for her.
She quit......she is a quitter........period.

I remember a gymnast sticking a landing on one leg because the other was hurt. Biles is a disgrace for quitting because she blew a vault.
Reminder: Kerri Strug’s vault was meaningless.
Did you just compare fighting in war with competing in the olympics? JFC some of you need some perspective.
She owes you nothing. She owes this country nothing. She's already won multiple medals for "us". WTF have you couch comandos done?
I didn't, a previous poster did, said "sucking it up" has caused a lot of the problems in this country. My statement is "sucking it up" has made this country what it is.

Of course gymnastics is not war. But there is a saying, sports is a reflection of society. Well, judging from all of the softness in sports today our society is soft.
I didn't, a previous poster did, said "sucking it up" has caused a lot of the problems in this country. My statement is "sucking it up" has made this country what it is.

Of course gymnastics is not war. But there is a saying, sports is a reflection of society. Well, judging from all of the softness in sports today our society is soft.
Come on, the girl has been training non stop for 21 years and has pushed the sport further than anyone else in history and has been dominate for almost a decade. But she decides she's not in the right place to compete for one event and yahoos on the internet call her soft. It's comical
Yeah, this is not a good look for someone who was embracing the whole GOAT thing…to quit mid competition and leave your team high and dry.
..and now she just piled even more pressure on herself for the individual.

Karma. The goat talked the she has to walk the walk.
I encourage you to all to watch Athlete A on Netflix and get some perspective of the pressure these young girls go through.

You guys are just f*cking dicks.
They choose this for a shot at glory.....fvck them if they crash and burn.
She gave a clue with how her first performance wasn't 100% perfection. To someone like her a step out of bounds like she had was a disaster and unforgivable. It's so unfortunate that she couldn't process that and also that her coaches couldn't help her process that - but she's always so perfect they weren't accustomed to reacting to it in the best way to help her.
Very sad for her.

She needs to go have a chat with the men's volleyball team, they were cool with knocking 20 serves into the net last night.
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Gymnastics is just as much a mental sport as physical. I have 2 daughters that competed in the sport and as physically tough as it is, the mental part breaks a lot of gymnasts. Try doing flips on a 4 inch wide beam, 4 feet off the ground. Try being on the bars that high in the air knowing that one mistake can mean a serious injury. I have known many gymnasts who broke arms, legs, elbows, backs, etc on those 2 events. My daughter broke both feet, both ankles, and got a concussion on vault and that was only in practice. She was recruited by several D1 schools including Iowa and decided after her 4th foot surgery she was hanging it up. The mental part was a bigger reason than the physical part. She wasn't an Elite gymnast but still trained 6 days a week 4 hours a day year around and also was invited to train at the USA training center in Houston. The good ones put a lot into the sport and usually start at a young age. Unless you see what they go through I wouldn't judge. As tough as it is for kids like my daughter, I can't imagine what the Elite gymnasts go through. If a gymnast isn't mentally in it, they are taking a huge risk physically. Simone is a gymnast who is doing things no other gymnast has ever done and part of the reason why no one else has done it is not only because it is hard physically but because it is very dangerous.
People are way too happy that an American stumbled.
She didn't stumble....that is the problem. She quit. Had she tried there wouldn't be an issue.

This is no different than Duran Leonard II and when Duran realized he was going to get beat, walking away from Leonard saying "No Mas".

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She didn't stumble....that is the problem. She quit. Had she tried there wouldn't be an issue.

This is no different than Duran Leonard II and when Duran realized he was going to get beat, walking away from Leonard saying "No Mas".
She lost her focus and wasn’t mentally there. She withdrew from the competition.

Go try her uneven bars routine right now. I’ll watch.
She lost her focus and wasn’t mentally there. She withdrew from the competition.

Go try her uneven bars routine right now. I’ll watch.
Nice try......big difference. Show me once where I claim to be the GOAT in gymnastics.

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