Since Democracy Isn't Working...

Perhaps Democracy is not failing, maybe people are expecting more from the Federal government than it is able to deliver.
Seems like a good reason to bring back the Fairness Doctrine. It is hard to have an informed citizenry when news, political discussion, and journalism have been replaced for the most part with entertainment news. For the most part the citizens are fed manure, and in return they are just sharing it when they feed their ballots.
The problem with the fairness doctrine is its not at all fair. In addition rather than promote debate it stifles debate. It a mis named, lousy piece of legislation
Democracy has never worked. That's one reason the Founders designed and structured this to be a Republic. I'm not sure why that is so hard to understand. I'm not sure how or why Democracy replaced a Republic. Nowadays, most people instinctively refer to America as a Democracy. Like Democracy is the be-all, end-all "good thing."

The sad truth is, the overwhelming majority of the average citizen demographic are cattle. You point them in a direction, and they will go willingly. It's a herd. Then, there is a much smaller percentage that actually seeks to consume knowledge and understanding of the ramifications of how governing bodies work, have worked and can work. Those people may come to different conclusions as to which ones work better, given the times, but they usually have a lot more vested in the current conditions and their potential outcomes than that 99% who just do what they're told. The people that own this country know, and have always known, that making sure the 99% never gets lower, have it so wrapped-up that the 1% who have a better understanding don't stand a chance at shifting the 99% because the owners own more and have more influence. Occasionally you get a crumb, but that's incidental.
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It took a long time to get the ACA, but democracy delivered. It will take a long time to remove the corruption in politics, but we don't need to resort to a revolution to get there.

Mandatory health insurance that the government enforces is such a blessing to you? I could maybe see a case if we had a single-payer system, but to cheer the ACA like you do is embarrassing. You get a crumb and you act like you've won some major battle. That's not optimistic, that's delusional.
This thread is going in directions which, imo, just strengthen my outlook :):

Mandatory health insurance that the government enforces is such a blessing to you? I could maybe see a case if we had a single-payer system, but to cheer the ACA like you do is embarrassing. You get a crumb and you act like you've won some major battle. That's not optimistic, that's delusional.
Yes, its a blessing. Have patients, you will see it too.
That being said it is hard to get competent candidates when people are being buses in from the ghetto because they are promised a 15 dollars an hour minimum wage or more free money.
I don't think you get to make this argument if you are on the side that has opposed raising the minimum wage.

If we have a decent minimum wage with automatic cost of living increases, this couldn't happen.