So, how does coach approach the Neb game?

I'm hoping they bring the house and treat it like a must win, but he also joked about not bringing the starters since it's not needed for the west championship
Get the Heroes trophy back and let Nebraska self destruct and Iowa to capitalize on it. Keep them out of a bowl on their home field would be nice pay back after what they did to us last year on our home field.
He should approach it the opposite way he did from last year. That was a disaster.

There is no quit in this team. All grit' heart and a desire to win. The pressure is all on Nebraska, they need to win or stay home for the winter.

Bring home the trophy Hawks!
Getting to 10 wins with the issues we've had would be very impressive.
Their offense has been as ugly as ours and QB play has been just dreadful.

Iowa 9
Nebraska 3
You want to win every game, That said if you have dinged up players that you would play if it was a must win game but they really need more time to heal you rest them.
Deacon needs as many reps as he can get, He is improving with experience and nothing beats real game reps.
Win at all costs! Nuck Febraska. If we beat IS Who and the bug eaters and lose every other game it has still been a good season…. Lol
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Maybe let Logan and Conner sit if 2 weeks would get them back.
With elsbury and dejong we might have enough to scrap by.

If Vines is still dinged..sit him.
If we somehow got a decent lead get Marco in there to protect Hill.

But please win the game Hawks!

I do hope we come out loose and flinging it around to back them out of the box and get that early lead.
If it is snowing a lead could make a tense husker team tighten up even more. They are desperate for win #6.
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Trophy game, B1G game, chance to hit 10 wins and deny Nebraska a bowl game? Yeah Kirk will bring it

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