Make or break Democratic meeting today for Joe

Sadly, that’s a glaring difference between Democrats and Republicans.

There is literally almost nothing Trump could say or do that would cause any of them to even pause in considering their unwavering support for him.

Other than Chishawk and a few other delusional Democrats, the majority of liberals are saying it’s time for Biden to put the country over himself.

But, of course, it’s guys like @NorthernHawkeye who are the “pragmatic” ones. 🙄
And this is the big issue. One poster on another thread mentioned some past "controversy" as a reason Whitmer could never run for President. It's like the Democrats are on different rules than the Trumpers. One minor issue for the Dem candidate and it's goodnight. Meanwhile, Trump can sexually assualt, steal, commit fraud, possibly treason, and a host of other issues and they just love him more.

There will be books and documentaries years and decades from now on the Trump era and how he captured the dipshits fervor. Hopefully, at some point this all resides and we can regain normalcy but I'm starting to have my doubts.
And this is the big issue. One poster on another thread mentioned some past "controversy" as a reason Whitmer could never run for President. It's like the Democrats are on different rules than the Trumpers. One minor issue for the Dem candidate and it's goodnight. Meanwhile, Trump can sexually assualt, steal, commit fraud, possibly treason, and a host of other issues and they just love him more.

There will be books and documentaries years and decades from now on the Trump era and how he captured the dipshits fervor. Hopefully, at some point this all resides and we can regain normalcy but I'm starting to have my doubts.
Trump tells it like it is, though! He's a straight shooter. That's enough to overlook his sexual assault and felonies and stuff.
Joe says he's only bowing out maybe if the Lord God Almighty comes down and tells him to. Book it!

The claim: “Says he doesn’t support Trump and wants someone else but continues to defend Trump tooth and nail.”

You: Defends Trump every twist and turn then responds: “I wanted/want Vivek…”

You seem mad I'm criticizing biden all of a sudden. Weird. What unfair defense have I offered Trump? Please be specific.
The thing is if he gets re-elected this fall, I wouldn't put it past him and his ilk to try to find a way to get a third term. This time he would have the courts fully on his side, too.
Exactly...for those who think we would just have a normal election in 2028 need to understand we are no longer in normal times. The SCOTUS is compromised, bribed, bought...however you want to put it.
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From Bill Kristol's blog - I agree nearly 100%:

The Lesson Biden Didn’t Learn From 2020

Bowing out of a race to increase your odds of beating Donald Trump can work. The president, of all people, should know.​

Biden, a Beneficiary of the Party Elites, Now Bashes Them

Four years ago, at a crucial moment in the Democratic presidential primary, several candidates made a strategic decision to drop out and endorse Joe Biden. They did so because they figured, correctly, that he would give the party its best chance to defeat Donald Trump.

Now it’s Biden’s turn to reciprocate. Having aged and diminished, he’s no longer the strongest candidate to put up against Trump. He should withdraw from the race and yield to a better nominee. But he’s refusing to do so.

This is hypocritical and selfish. Let’s remind Biden of what others in his party did for him.

In February 2020, Biden’s candidacy was all but dead. He finished fourth in Iowa and fifth in New Hampshire. Bernie Sanders tied for first in Iowa, won New Hampshire and Nevada, and was on his way to the nomination.

Then, in South Carolina, Biden thumped Sanders. Biden still trailed in the delegate count, but his win gave Democrats hope that in a one-on-one race, he could outrun his leftist counterpart, capture the nomination, and beat Trump.

So on March 2, just before Super Tuesday, two candidates who had done well in Iowa and New Hampshire—Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar—threw their support to Biden. They said they were doing it for the team.
Buttigieg said the goal of his campaign—“rallying the country together to defeat Donald Trump”—was “much bigger than me becoming president. And it is in the name of that very same goal that I’m delighted to endorse and support Joe Biden for president.”

Klobuchar praised Biden as a good soul who appreciated and would model this spirit of altruism. She said he would be “a president that understands that service is not about self-interest. It is about sacrifice.”
Two days later, a third candidate, Michael Bloomberg, bowed out and joined the Biden bandwagon. “I’ve always believed that defeating Donald Trump starts with uniting behind the candidate with the best shot to do it,” said Bloomberg.

Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Bloomberg were right. By yielding to Biden, they helped their party take down Trump.

Four years later, the situation has reversed. Biden is the one who should yield. Instead, he’s digging in.
On Monday, in a phone call to Morning Joe, Biden insisted, “All the data shows that the average Democrat out there who voted—14 million of them that voted for me—still want me to be the nominee.” Biden claimed that after the debate, he had gone around the country, talked with voters, and confirmed that “there wasn’t any slippage at all” in his support.

That’s not true. In several post-debate polls, the percentage of Democrats who say that Biden should still be the nominee, that he should not drop out, or that the party has a better chance with him than with an alternative nominee has fallen below 50 percent. In a Data for Progress poll, the percentage of Democratic likely voters who said Biden “should remain as the Democratic nominee” fell from 63 to 51. That 51 percent matches the share of Democratic registered voters who said in a post-debate Suffolk poll that the party should not replace Biden. In CNN’s latest survey, 56 percent of Democrats said the party has a better chance of winning if it replaces Biden.

On Morning Joe, Biden declared, “I am the best candidate to beat Donald Trump in 2024.” But the numbers don’t support that boast. In post-debate poll matchups against Trump, Vice President Kamala Harris does about as well as Biden does: 4 points better than Biden in a CNN poll, equally well in surveys by Yahoo News and Data for Progress, 1 point worse in a Reuters-Ipsos poll, and 2 points worse in a HarrisX poll.

None of this has chastened the president. On Monday, in a letter to congressional Democrats, he gloated that in this year’s primaries, “Only three people chose to challenge me. One fared so badly that he left the primaries to run as an independent. Another attacked me for being too old and was soundly defeated.” On Morning Joe, Biden taunted Democrats who questioned his fitness: “Any of these guys don’t think I should run, run against me. Go ahead, announce. Announce for president. Challenge me at the convention.”
Biden dismissed his doubters as “elites in the party.” That’s quite a turnabout from a man who got where he is through the acquiescence and support of party elites four years ago.

This is not the way to end an admired career. Biden needs to find within himself some of the humility and grace his opponents showed him in 2020. He has to recognize that his party, once again, must unite behind its strongest possible nominee. And he has to accept that this time, it isn’t him.
Four years later, the situation has reversed. Biden is the one who should yield. Instead, he’s digging in.
On Monday, in a phone call to Morning Joe, Biden insisted, “All the data shows that the average Democrat out there who voted—14 million of them that voted for me—still want me to be the nominee.” Biden claimed that after the debate, he had gone around the country, talked with voters, and confirmed that “there wasn’t any slippage at all” in his support.

That’s not true. In several post-debate polls, the percentage of Democrats who say that Biden should still be the nominee, that he should not drop out, or that the party has a better chance with him than with an alternative nominee has fallen below 50 percent. In a Data for Progress poll, the percentage of Democratic likely voters who said Biden “should remain as the Democratic nominee” fell from 63 to 51. That 51 percent matches the share of Democratic registered voters who said in a post-debate Suffolk poll that the party should not replace Biden. In CNN’s latest survey, 56 percent of Democrats said the party has a better chance of winning if it replaces Biden.

On Morning Joe, Biden declared, “I am the best candidate to beat Donald Trump in 2024.” But the numbers don’t support that boast. In post-debate poll matchups against Trump, Vice President Kamala Harris does about as well as Biden does: 4 points better than Biden in a CNN poll, equally well in surveys by Yahoo News and Data for Progress, 1 point worse in a Reuters-Ipsos poll, and 2 points worse in a HarrisX poll.

None of this has chastened the president. On Monday, in a letter to congressional Democrats, he gloated that in this year’s primaries, “Only three people chose to challenge me. One fared so badly that he left the primaries to run as an independent. Another attacked me for being too old and was soundly defeated.” On Morning Joe, Biden taunted Democrats who questioned his fitness: “Any of these guys don’t think I should run, run against me. Go ahead, announce. Announce for president. Challenge me at the convention.”
Biden dismissed his doubters as “elites in the party.” That’s quite a turnabout from a man who got where he is through the acquiescence and support of party elites four years ago.

This is not the way to end an admired career. Biden needs to find within himself some of the humility and grace his opponents showed him in 2020. He has to recognize that his party, once again, must unite behind its strongest possible nominee. And he has to accept that this time, it isn’t him.

If he pulled an LBJ and the next person in wins the White House, his legacy within the DNC would be solid gold.
bored waiting GIF
“The most important thing for Democrats or for the country is to beat Donald Trump,” Sen. Brian Schatz (D-HI) said upon arriving back in DC. “And we just arrived. And so it's important that we have in person family conversations about the best way to do that. And I'm not going to comment further.”

This sums it up for D's. It's all about beating Don the Con. It's not about policy, it's not about the future of the country, it's not about healing the country and repairing the divide between the parties. It's all about beating Trump.
No shit. The most dangerous man in American history….you should be all in.
With that being said the lack of self awareness shown by you and 90% of republicans is astonishing. Democrats are Joe as a big problem and publicly say so. You only see a few “rinos” that will say the same thing about trump.
“It’s not about policy….its not about the future of the country”…, from republicans that’s rich.
An intelligent high school senior is more capable than either of these guys but the difference is that Biden will cause less harm.
No shit. The most dangerous man in American history….you should be all in.
With that being said the lack of self awareness shown by you and 90% of republicans is astonishing. Democrats are Joe as a big problem and publicly say so. You only see a few “rinos” that will say the same thing about trump.
“It’s not about policy….its not about the future of the country”…, from republicans that’s rich.
An intelligent high school senior is more capable than either of these guys but the difference is that Biden will cause less harm.
Will he? I mean he's weak, and people like Putin and Hamas will and have been taking advantage of that.
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Trump’s role in 1/6.
Trump’s musings about the efficacy of injecting disinfectant into a human body.
Fill in the blank.
Ragnar, can you share a single post about me and trump regarding disinfect? What's happening here?
Ragnar, can you share a single post about me and trump regarding disinfect? What's happening here?
You did not defend Trump by suggesting he didn’t say that? I thought you were all over that.

If you didn’t, I sincerely apologize. That was the time prior to me putting a lot of dumbass Ryan accounts on ignore, so I could easily be mistaken.
Many Democrats want our flawed candidate to drop out.

Why aren't you demanding the felon serial lying rapist conman do the same?
You aren’t wanting that because of the immoral, incoherent, incompetent, life-long politician whore that he is… If Trump couldn’t finish a complete thought, couldn’t find his way off an empty stage and couldn’t define what a woman is, then his supporters would also want him to drop out.