So I'm pretty sure my neighbor across the street caught the deads


HR Legend
Apr 11, 2007
I am home with my daughter today because she has the flu. After resting with her a bit, I am woke up by several knocks on the door. There are local news teams across the street. When I went outside, they approached me and started asking questions. Apparently, the guy's wife has not been seen since last June, but a missing persons report was filed only a week ago. I know I saw her working outside in the yard last fall. They have a daughter at college and it sounds like she is wondering where the hell mom is. This is about as quiet of a neighborhood as you could possibly find around here. I guess you never know.
I am home with my daughter today because she has the flu. After resting with her a bit, I am woke up by several knocks on the door. There are local news teams across the street. When I went outside, they approached me and started asking questions. Apparently, the guy's wife has not been seen since last June, but a missing persons report was filed only a week ago. I know I saw her working outside in the yard last fall. They have a daughter at college and it sounds like she is wondering where the hell mom is. This is about as quiet of a neighborhood as you could possibly find around here. I guess you never know.

So, you didn't tell them you allegedly saw her "last fall", and thus they're still reporting "missing since June"?

Or are you not 100% sure on that?

Would think a guy would file a missing person's report on his wife in well under a week**

**depending on the wife
So, you didn't tell them you allegedly saw her "last fall", and thus they're still reporting "missing since June"?

Or are you not 100% sure on that?

Would think a guy would file a missing person's report on his wife in well under a week**

**depending on the wife
He certainly could of just considered himself lucky
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So, you didn't tell them you allegedly saw her "last fall", and thus they're still reporting "missing since June"?

Or are you not 100% sure on that?

Would think a guy would file a missing person's report on his wife in well under a week**

**depending on the wife

I told the reporters I saw her last fall and another neighbor did also. I plan to let the police know. I am getting together with a few other neighbors in a little bit.
What if she died of natural causes, and he hid the body to keep cashing her SS checks?

Were they Dems or Trumpers? Maybe he wants to keep her "around" to send in that extra absentee ballot in November....
So, you didn't tell them you allegedly saw her "last fall", and thus they're still reporting "missing since June"?

Or are you not 100% sure on that?

Would think a guy would file a missing person's report on his wife in well under a week**

**depending on the wife

One of the other neighbors said the husband told the daughter that mom died last summer from a stroke. He didn't tell the daughter so she could come home for a funeral? This is weird shit.
you like to tie them in knots for extra protection too?
No joke, man. Can't make this shit up.

"No honey. Mom died from a stroke [of my ball peen hammer to the head. Just one, really. She was going to divorce me and take the house with half my stuff. One stroke - of that ball peen - and it was done] 6 months ago"
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Better yet.....go bury a little jerky somewhere in his back yard......then tell the Po-Po you have a cadaver dog, bring him over to sniff that little jerky pack out.

Sit back, enjoy the show.;)

You guys are fuggin cracking me up. Gold, pure gold. I was going to throw a knife back there with some steak juice just to get the party started, but your idea is definitely better.
One of the other neighbors said the husband told the daughter that mom died last summer from a stroke. He didn't tell the daughter so she could come home for a funeral? This is weird shit.
And what, buried her in the back yard?