I'm not endorsing Bernie's plan, but a quick look at his site answers some of these I think.
No in-state v. out of state. Public universities would be free. You have to apply and be accepted, the more prestigious would be more difficult to get into.
No cap, tuition is free. You have to be accepted and could flunk out.
You could go anywhere, you have to apply and be accepted. It's not being paid for locally.
Don't have to pay it back, tuition is free, nothing to pay back.
No limit on majors, you can take whatever a college offers as long as you continue to meet the standards for the program.
No post grad analysis. Seems like a good idea even in today's system. Students should understand the marketability of their major vs. cost of attaining it. I know there was such data when I was in college for my major, you just had to care enough to look.
Not an endorsememt, just hoping to move the convo along.
Basically it's just going to exponentially increase the number of kids applying to Michigan, Virginia, Cal Berkeley, et.al....and open up a huge can of litigation worms for all the equally qualified kids who don't get to go to their dream school for 'free'. So some kids are going to get a $150,000 education, and others a $70,000 education and everyone is just supposed to be a-ok with this? Will the kids who were equally qualified to get into Virginia but didn't get in solely on a numbers basis, and ended up at Western Carolina, get a check from the government for the difference? Or is that just "luck of the draw" in the new "free college" America?