So the dilbert comic dude is a racist

I'm saying people do a poor job exercising their speech. You could punish all kinds of people for all kinds of foolish reasons. You can put pressure on business for stupid reasons.

People should be like me and not care so much. That's what I'm saying.
Oh you care. You choose to care to white knight for him.
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I am not defending what he said, but I am defending his right to say it.

This isn't a hard concept.
I’ll defend his right to say it. And, unlike you, I’ll defend the right of those who speak against him. As for the folks paying him, they can choose to continue or not and I’ll defend THEIR right to do as they choose. And I can choose to support their business or not based on THOSE choices. I have that right.

Those are the concepts you and others can’t seem to stomach. It’s your way or get fvcked.
I’ll defend his right to say it. And, unlike you, I’ll defend the right of those who speak against him. As for the folks paying him, they can choose to continue or not and I’ll defend THEIR right to do as they choose. And I can choose to support their business or not based on THOSE choices. I have that right.

Those are the concepts you and others can’t seem to stomach. It’s your way or get fvcked.
Thank you. Exactly this
I'm saying people do a poor job exercising their speech. You could punish all kinds of people for all kinds of foolish reasons. You can put pressure on business for stupid reasons.

People should be like me and not care so much. That's what I'm saying.
About racism? You're really saying people should not care so much about blatant racism? Really?

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About racism? You're really saying people should not care so much about blatant racism? Really?

I wouldn't disown most businesses on the basis of having an employee that could be considered to have racist views.

To me it's sort of like listening to music from an artist that has done terrible things or has terrible views. I still do it. (like R Kelly or the likely kid-diddler Michael Jackson)

So I imagine if I liked the Dilbert strip I'd still keep liking it.
It's not hard. He has a right to say this. And the people carrying his work have a right to drop his ass afterwards.
And the people he employees directly or indirectly have the right to lose their job. Thanks to him expressing his opinion. But hey Scott got to own a bunch of folks on the web. That is the only thing about his rants that bug me. More newspapers dropping Dilbert isn't going to hurt Scott much at all. He'll get by. It's the lesser employees that truly pay the bill for his trolling.
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It’s fascinating that so many on the right believe hating blame people is a “political opinion“
I assume you meant black people but yes....I used to think that was just something most common sense people could agree was wrong. Things have changed since the republican party has given white nationalists legitimacy by giving them full acceptance in their party and are basically admitting (finally) that they make up a huge chunk of the right's base, and need them to win. So now it's "political".

The Trump voters defending this guy is just further proof and sadly I don't think there's any going back from this. The toothpaste is out of the tube. It's disgusting but it has worked fantastically in places like Iowa
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Awwwwww. Now he is the victim and seems confused and bummed he has literally been cancelled. By everyone.

That is the company's decision and they are entitled to make that decision.

The mob is fickle. Mob justice rarely is justified and is even more unlikely to be justice.

Scott Adams isn't the point. He will be fine financially. Dave Chappelle and JK Rowling will also be fine financially. The company gave in and got rid of Scott Adams. Netflix fortunately did not cave on Chappelle and Rowling is too big for anyone to to cancel. The mob came for them too and people ignored them but it wasn't because of a lack of trying by the mob.

People cheering this type of thing out of some morality are fairly sick. The cultural revolution is the pkaybook and the mob isn't interested in fairness or freedom or even the truth. Most certainly not interested in debate. Look how casually a guy like Riley throws around the word racist just in this thread and how easily others pile on like a true mob seeking blood. Sad pathetic people that want their blood in the public square.
That is the company's decision and they are entitled to make that decision.

The mob is fickle. Mob justice rarely is justified and is even more unlikely to be justice.

Scott Adams isn't the point. He will be fine financially. Dave Chappelle and JK Rowling will also be fine financially. The company gave in and got rid of Scott Adams. Netflix fortunately did not cave on Chappelle and Rowling is too big for anyone to to cancel. The mob came for them too and people ignored them but it wasn't because of a lack of trying by the mob.

People cheering this type of thing out of some morality are fairly sick. The cultural revolution is the pkaybook and the mob isn't interested in fairness or freedom or even the truth. Most certainly not interested in debate. Look how casually a guy like Riley throws around the word racist just in this thread and how easily others pile on like a true mob seeking blood. Sad pathetic people that want their blood in the public square.
You'd have a point if what he said wasn't incredibly racist.
That is the company's decision and they are entitled to make that decision.

The mob is fickle. Mob justice rarely is justified and is even more unlikely to be justice.

Scott Adams isn't the point. He will be fine financially. Dave Chappelle and JK Rowling will also be fine financially. The company gave in and got rid of Scott Adams. Netflix fortunately did not cave on Chappelle and Rowling is too big for anyone to to cancel. The mob came for them too and people ignored them but it wasn't because of a lack of trying by the mob.

People cheering this type of thing out of some morality are fairly sick. The cultural revolution is the pkaybook and the mob isn't interested in fairness or freedom or even the truth. Most certainly not interested in debate. Look how casually a guy like Riley throws around the word racist just in this thread and how easily others pile on like a true mob seeking blood. Sad pathetic people that want their blood in the public square.
The company did a simple cost/benefit test for Scott. Netflix did the same for Chappelle. It's simple math. It's not qualitative like u believe. If Dilbert was still in it's prime publishers wouldn't have cancelled. Chappelle is still in his prime.
That is the company's decision and they are entitled to make that decision.

The mob is fickle. Mob justice rarely is justified and is even more unlikely to be justice.

Scott Adams isn't the point. He will be fine financially. Dave Chappelle and JK Rowling will also be fine financially. The company gave in and got rid of Scott Adams. Netflix fortunately did not cave on Chappelle and Rowling is too big for anyone to to cancel. The mob came for them too and people ignored them but it wasn't because of a lack of trying by the mob.

People cheering this type of thing out of some morality are fairly sick. The cultural revolution is the pkaybook and the mob isn't interested in fairness or freedom or even the truth. Most certainly not interested in debate. Look how casually a guy like Riley throws around the word racist just in this thread and how easily others pile on like a true mob seeking blood. Sad pathetic people that want their blood in the public square.
Jfc, shut up about the mob. He said racist shit and lost business because of it. He deserves what he got.
Jfc, shut up about the mob. He said racist shit and lost business because of it. He deserves what he got.
Is it OK to be white Huey? Because that is the question that was in the poll run by Rasmussen

So tell me it OK to be white?
He said in his tweet that every agreed with his opinion. My question I guess it why did he have to share his opinion if he thinks everything agrees with him?
Well the poll in question is probably what he is referring to. You should go look at the poll from Rasmussen
Well the poll in question is probably what he is referring to. You should go look at the poll from Rasmussen

Rasmussen is a joke and to come up with a “polling question” in the first place of;

It’s OK to be white.

Let’s start with that
Well the poll in question is probably what he is referring to. You should go look at the poll from Rasmussen
He said he gave some advice that everyone agreed with. Nothing to do with the poll at all. The tweet is in post 218 of you want to look at it.
That is the company's decision and they are entitled to make that decision.

The mob is fickle. Mob justice rarely is justified and is even more unlikely to be justice.

Scott Adams isn't the point. He will be fine financially. Dave Chappelle and JK Rowling will also be fine financially. The company gave in and got rid of Scott Adams. Netflix fortunately did not cave on Chappelle and Rowling is too big for anyone to to cancel. The mob came for them too and people ignored them but it wasn't because of a lack of trying by the mob.

People cheering this type of thing out of some morality are fairly sick. The cultural revolution is the pkaybook and the mob isn't interested in fairness or freedom or even the truth. Most certainly not interested in debate. Look how casually a guy like Riley throws around the word racist just in this thread and how easily others pile on like a true mob seeking blood. Sad pathetic people that want their blood in the public square.
The good thing about this is Scott Adams racist rants makes it easy to identify the other racists who don't have such a platform.
It's funny that Hawkedoff - with whom literally NO ONE on this forum has agreed on this topic - calls critics "the mob."

Actually, the "mob" is the small number of avowed racist pieces of shit like Scott Adams and Hawkedoff who are always surprised when no one rushes to their side on these issues (as Adams noted and is evident here).

The "normal" people are the ones that are canceling Adams and other racists, as well they should.
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Amazing with all the barriers Scott has had to overcome he's amassed 80 million. Snark aside. Scott thought he was going to be the next Matt Groening and when that didn't happen he's needed something else to use his vast intellect to tackle.