So the dilbert comic dude is a racist


Why do you keep suggesting that it is somehow being suppressed?
I'm not saying it is being expunged... I mentioned it for illustrative purposes. (since earlier I said that I'm in favor of letting speech stand... per message board moderation example)

I also claimed that I generally don't think people should be fired for speech outside of their job. (or, actions for that matter)

Which means I think a lot of people that put pressure on businesses to fire people for speech outside of their relationship between that business are wrong to do so.
When the hell did I mention the government? I didn't. Ever.

When did I say he should be free from consequences? I didn't. Ever.

What a wonderful broad statement by you categorizing anyone that doesn't condemn his commentary as racist. Maybe they can wear a sign in the public square or sew a letter on their shirt? Maybe you and people like you can set up a social score to determine who is worthy and who isn't?

He is something all.of us on this board are not. Open. He speaks in the open because he can. His entire comic strip has been exactly this type of commentary. The justice warriors now want him gone. At least there is constraint on government. The mob doesnt.make those distinctions now do they?

Maybe step away from the mob
You said "...he isn't allowed to discuss these things is the issue." No one is stopping him. You are wrong saying that he isn't allowed.

He is not any more "open" than any of us. He is simply more famous. We all get to speak in the open. An example is that you get to support a blatant racist on a public forum.

You are not a victim.
I'm not saying it is being expunged... I mentioned it for illustrative purposes. (since earlier I said that I'm in favor of letting speech stand... per message board moderation example)

I also claimed that I generally don't think people should be fired for speech outside of their job. (or, actions for that matter)

Which means I think a lot of people that put pressure on businesses to fire for speech outside of relationship between that business are wrong to do so.
WTF? You said "It's a good example of something that doesn't need to be expunged from the public eye." That clearly states that you think it's being expunged and shouldn't be.

I asked you about the Jewish deli owner who finds out that a contractor is a white supremacist. You think he should be required to continue to do business with him?

So you don't think consumers should have put pressure on businesses who refused to serve blacks back in Jim Crow days? Just look the other way? SMFH.
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WTF? You said "It's a good example of something that doesn't need to be expunged from the public eye." That clearly states that you think it's being expunged and shouldn't be.

I asked you about the Jewish deli owner who finds out that a contractor is a white supremacist. You think he should be required to continue to do business with him?

So you don't think consumers should have put pressure on businesses who refused to serve blacks back in Jim Crow days? Just look the other way? SMFH.
The bit about being expunged, again, harkens back to my example about how I'd moderate. I've seen no evidence that he's being kicked off twitter or that this is being taken down from youtube. I never thought it was. If it makes you happy to believe that I'm lying. Go right ahead.

Of course I don't think they should be required.

When the business is doing something bad -- or when its employee is -- sure, put pressure on them. No problem with that.

But should a business, that does well by the public, be forced to fire an otherwise good employee -- say, somebody that doesn't think we should accept Muslim immigrants into the US -- because that employee has opinions that don't square well with much of the public?

I don't usually support that sort of public pressure. Even if some of the opinions by that employee are rather reprehensible to most. (say, the opinion that ISIS beheadings are A-OK) It's separate from work.

Make sense?
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Nice little cross section of conservative defenders.

Imcc represents the conservative that actually agrees with the content. Almost prototype nasty MAGA.

Trad probably doesn't agree with the message. Doesn't actually care about it principally. He just cares that it could effect his ability to read the comic in his newspaper.

Completely self centered, and will twist whichever way necessary to make the defense.

Hawkedoff is the grievance filled, angry, bitter conservative. It's not that he agrees with the message and it's not that he disagrees either. It's that he shares common enemies with Adams. Hawkedoff hates liberals, and liberals are the ones who are angry at Adams. Cancel culture, woke mob, you know the types that posters like him go off about.

Some times his hate of liberals forces him to defend people he probably realizes he shouldn't. But it's all the libs fault.

Why won't you answer the question I posed?
Nice little cross section of conservative defenders.

Imcc represents the conservative that actually agrees with the content. Almost prototype nasty MAGA.

Trad probably doesn't agree with the message. Doesn't actually care about it principally. He just cares that it could effect his ability to read the comic in his newspaper.

Completely self centered, and will twist whichever way necessary to make the defense.

Hawkedoff is the grievance filled, angry, bitter conservative. It's not that he agrees with the message and it's not that he disagrees either. It's that he shares common enemies with Adams. Hawkedoff hates liberals, and liberals are the ones who are angry at Adams. Cancel culture, woke mob, you know the types that posters like him go off about.

Some times his hate of liberals forces him to defend people he probably realizes he shouldn't. But it's all the libs fault.
Excellent summary and spot on except Trad does agree with the message. But the other stuff that directly affects him is even more important.
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I have to say, this is pretty much the first time I've ever heard anyone of any type of mainstream fame say anything like this out loud, pre-meditated. It's only going to get worse for him for sure.

He's obviously been a top secret racist for a while. In listening to that, this has to have been brought on by something very triggering for him. By the sounds of it, he did something he believes was helpful to someone black or the community and he didn't get appreciated for it the way he thought he should have. Throw on top of that the constant stream of black on white Twitter violence that for some reason seems to be in everyone's feed, without asking for it, and now some random poll he read...and he snapped.

Dude is a nut, it seems.
Yes. Dude is a racist idiot.
I do think the Bernie types, especially the Millennial Ones, are very fun to ridicule.

The most humorless people in history.
Condemned? Sure.

Consequences? Yeah, other people can issue a full-throated refutation.

But "cancelling" people sets a bad precedent. It's a slippery slope, and not compatible with the right of freedom of speech.

If you can be cancelled for saying racist things then you can be cancelled for whatever might be the disfavored topic of the day. Like being a vaccine sceptic. Or maybe someday soon, an abortion advocate.

Be careful what you wish for....
You're a f****** moron

Nobody has taken any persons freedom of speech by "canceling" them.
I mostly agree with Trad here. People shouldn't, in general, be fired for divisive political opinion made away from their place of work. If word gets out and the commentary is so divisive that it hinders productivity at work, I could see making a move.

But no, generally, I wouldn't fire anybody for the mere existence of X commentary. Be it in support of ISIS or saying something that could be construed as racist.

The real world should be more like this message board, where you're able to make any range of dumb political commentary, but aren't driven out of society so long as maintain yourself as a law abiding citizen and can perform your job according to its demands.

Should you be able to sell your music on Spotify even if you hate jews? Yeah, sure. I just don't see the problem.

Spotify can do what they want -- but what they should do is play it the way I say.
Tell me you've never managed a workplace without telling me you've never managed a workplace
Nice little cross section of conservative defenders.

Imcc represents the conservative that actually agrees with the content. Almost prototype nasty MAGA.

Trad probably doesn't agree with the message. Doesn't actually care about it principally. He just cares that it could effect his ability to read the comic in his newspaper.

Completely self centered, and will twist whichever way necessary to make the defense.

Hawkedoff is the grievance filled, angry, bitter conservative. It's not that he agrees with the message and it's not that he disagrees either. It's that he shares common enemies with Adams. Hawkedoff hates liberals, and liberals are the ones who are angry at Adams. Cancel culture, woke mob, you know the types that posters like him go off about.

Some times his hate of liberals forces him to defend people he probably realizes he shouldn't. But it's all the libs fault.
Wrong. Lol.

Do you always project your insecurities on others?
It was, I thought, clearly a joke. But while we’re on topic (and no I don’t follow this person on twitter):

Okay ... to summarize, Whites are good at:

Violence, Genocide, Being Fearful, Ignorance, Blame, Oppression, Theft, Cultural Appropriation, Destruction, White Supremacy, Lying and Manipulation​
So, GIAOT, how's your oppression game? What have you stolen lately? What have you destroyed?

I ask because my whole Whitey game sucks. And apparently so for generations of my family. Just hard working folk, you might say.

Anyway, whatcha all good at? Or not so good at?
Nice strawman.

The racism wasn't in his cartoon strip.

It was commentary made outside of work.
Trad thinks, as someone who supposedly works in HR, that he could go on YouTube and deliver some viral racist rant talking about not wanting to associate with black people and his employer would say, “Awww, it’s just an opinion. Doesn’t affect his work at all.”
When the hell did I mention the government? I didn't. Ever.

When did I say he should be free from consequences? I didn't. Ever.

What a wonderful broad statement by you categorizing anyone that doesn't condemn his commentary as racist. Maybe they can wear a sign in the public square or sew a letter on their shirt? Maybe you and people like you can set up a social score to determine who is worthy and who isn't?

He is something all.of us on this board are not. Open. He speaks in the open because he can. His entire comic strip has been exactly this type of commentary. The justice warriors now want him gone. At least there is constraint on government. The mob doesnt.make those distinctions now do they?

Maybe step away from the mob
WTAF are you talking about?? What would you say if you were “open” here? This might be the dumbest in a long line of dumb shit you’ve posted. How’s that for open?
I'm not saying it is being expunged... I mentioned it for illustrative purposes. (since earlier I said that I'm in favor of letting speech stand... per message board moderation example)

I also claimed that I generally don't think people should be fired for speech outside of their job. (or, actions for that matter)

Which means I think a lot of people that put pressure on businesses to fire people for speech outside of their relationship between that business are wrong to do so.
Then don’t say stupid crap that will make the person who pays you re-evaluate your value to their company. Pretty simple. And don’t bitch when people respond to your speech by exercising THEIR speech. Even simpler. No idea why people have such a difficult time with those very basic concepts.
Trad thinks, as someone who supposedly works in HR, that he could go on YouTube and deliver some viral racist rant talking about not wanting to associate with black people and his employer would say, “Awww, it’s just an opinion. Doesn’t affect his work at all.”

It doesn't affect his work at all. He's not hobnobbing over coffee at the WaPo HQ.
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Then don’t say stupid crap that will make the person who pays you re-evaluate your value to their company. Pretty simple. And don’t bitch when people respond to your speech by exercising THEIR speech. Even simpler. No idea why people have such a difficult time with those very basic concepts.
I'm saying people do a poor job exercising their speech. You could punish all kinds of people for all kinds of foolish reasons. You can put pressure on business for stupid reasons.

People should be like me and not care so much. That's what I'm saying.