So who won the debate?

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I bet kamala would love another debate with Hillary Clinton and Obama as moderators. She had home field advantage tonight. She is all in when she knows someone else will back her up. Not so much if she had to go into a difficult environment.
Anyone who thinks this, is in serious denial or not too bright. 100% tavern hawk thinking
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Sounds legit.
Having lived amongst Haitians and Dominicans for two years, I can tell you Haitians are into some crazy sh!t, including what they eat. I don’t need an article from NYP, I lived with it. Cock fighting is also a very big thing, but very evil to experience. Haitians are a different vibe, not all, but different mindset.

Sounds legit.
The Ohio gov discusses the issue. You cant deny all news just because you don't like the source.

A town of 60k had 15k+ Haitians added who don't speak English and don't have American values. What is there to defend here?

Prove me wrong.
  • Haha
Reactions: BelemNole
Having lived amongst Haitians and Dominicans for two years, I can tell you Haitians are into some crazy sh!t, including what they eat. I don’t need an article from NYP, I lived with it. Cock fighting is also a very big thing, but very evil to experience. Haitians are a different vibe, not all, but different mindset.
And, there you go.

Thanks for your contributions.
Dems can only link x posts. They don't have any original thoughts. You all suck.

This is a message board, have an actual discussion.
Your boy came off as a deranged nut ranting about cars and dogs and bragging about dictators loving him. His brain is fried, he made Biden’s debate performance look great.
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The Ohio gov discusses the issue. You cant deny all news just because you don't like the source.

A town of 60k had 15k+ Haitians added who don't speak English and don't have American values. What is there to defend here?

Prove me wrong.

Prove you wrong?

First off, what is an American value????

People who charge their expenses to a credit card in order to gain "points"?

And, as well, for a start, prove which people are eating cats and dogs.


You can't be f'n serious, can you?

I guess, yes, you can.

You're in a cult afterall.


btw, your source is idiotic.

I don't mean to be personal, but, yes I am.

People like you are idiots.
Prove you wrong?

First off, what is an American value????

People who charge their expenses to a credit card in order to gain "points"?

And, as well, for a start, prove which people are eating cats and dogs.


You can't be f'n serious, can you?

I guess, yes, you can.

You're in a cult afterall.


btw, your source is idiotic.

I don't mean to be personal, but, yes I am.

People like you are idiots.
You act like American values don't exist. They do.

I place zero value on your opinion. You have proven that you don't care about America first.

“we all share a common set of values that make us American. . . . We are defined by the rights we have. . . . Our rights are our history, why the first European settlers came here and why millions more have come here since.”
You act like American values don't exist. They do.

I place zero value on your opinion. You have proven that you don't care about America first.

“we all share a common set of values that make us American. . . . We are defined by the rights we have. . . . Our rights are our history, why the first European settlers came here and why millions more have come here since.”
Like i said, you are an idiot.

Carry on.
You are un-American. It's not surprising you support kamala.
My dad supported FDR and Truman.

I have followed in his footsteps to combat fools like you.

Just go. Go away and leave this great country.

Maybe Putin has an opening for you.
You girl wants to codify 1.5+million illegals coming into the country illegally but legally every year.

Your girl acts like aborting a baby is equivalent to throwing out a piece of trash. It should be somewhat inconvenient to kill an unborn baby.

Your girl supports open boarders for people who will be using our tax dollars to support them. They are a huge expense to tax payers and will increase our national debt and decrease national security.

Your girl supports sterilizing and mutilating children. You cant take the high ground when your candidate supports this stance.
False, false, false, and false. Of course you had to lie to distort her positions. It’s the only thing MAGAts can do.

PS - Migrants generate more tax revenue than they cost in services. This is basic facts you can’t even get right. Typical Trumpanzee.
Your girl acts like aborting a baby is equivalent to throwing out a piece of trash. It should be somewhat inconvenient to kill an unborn baby.
Don't worry, Republicans will just make sure the rest of the born babies are killed in school or public shootings.

BeCaUsE fReEdOM! Can't take my guns.

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