Socialized Medicine

My late husband was the President and CEO of a Canadian subsidiary of his American company and he shared a story with me about a woman in his Toronto office who was diagnosed with Stage II
Breast cancer. She was given the option of an 8 month wait list for treatment in the Ontario Province or she could relocate to Calgary and get an apartment (out of pocket) to get surgery and follow up chemo within the month.
He said her parents were able to help out her husband because they had two school age kids but she was mostly by herself out in Alberta Province.
It was a province budgeting issue - Ontario had used up most of their surgical and chemo budget, it was later in the fiscal year and Alberta Province was able to take her since they still had some budget left.
Imagine you get sick and live in Iowa and the Government says we can help you if you can get yourself to Boise Idaho.
Canada's problem isn't socialized medicine. Canada's problem is the limits many of the provinces have on who can get licensed and the procedures to get licensed. They are WAY short on Dr's and it's almost entirely self inflicted.
My late husband was the President and CEO of a Canadian subsidiary of his American company and he shared a story with me about a woman in his Toronto office who was diagnosed with Stage II
Breast cancer. She was given the option of an 8 month wait list for treatment in the Ontario Province or she could relocate to Calgary and get an apartment (out of pocket) to get surgery and follow up chemo within the month.
He said her parents were able to help out her husband because they had two school age kids but she was mostly by herself out in Alberta Province.
It was a province budgeting issue - Ontario had used up most of their surgical and chemo budget, it was later in the fiscal year and Alberta Province was able to take her since they still had some budget left.
Imagine you get sick and live in Iowa and the Government says we can help you if you can get yourself to Boise Idaho.

So, like many states abortion laws minus they whole "If you try to leave we'll charge you with murder"
When people say socialized medicine, what is really needed is socialized medial insurance. Keep actual healthcare close to what it currently is or improve on it but socialize the insurance. Problem solved.
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Canada's problem isn't socialized medicine. Canada's problem is the limits many of the provinces have on who can get licensed and the procedures to get licensed. They are WAY short on Dr's and it's almost entirely self inflicted.
AMA sound familiar….
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I can't vouch for this Canadian woman's story and her comparison of US to Canadian hospitals, BUT I can say with 100% confidence that it sounds very similar to things my UK employees said to me about their experiences with the UK health system.

The fact that conservatives depend almost 100% on social media for their information is why MAGA owns the GOP.
I can't vouch for this Canadian woman's story and her comparison of US to Canadian hospitals, BUT I can say with 100% confidence that it sounds very similar to things my UK employees said to me about their experiences with the UK health system.

I honestly feel bad for you that you are not embarrassed to post something like this.
When people say socialized medicine, what is really needed is socialized medial insurance. Keep actual healthcare close to what it currently is or improve on it but socialize the insurance. Problem solved.
Yes, where the insurance “company” is one that is $35 Trillion in debt.

You think insurance companies deny care. Wait until it is the Feds.
Yes, where the insurance “company” is one that is $35 Trillion in debt.

You think insurance companies deny care. Wait until it is the Feds.

When clamoring for ‘other people payer’ systems the assumption is that it means unlimited supply, when it just means the bean counter won’t be you.