US Health System Ranks Last Compared with Peer Nations

Health care in the US is unmatched, provided you've got good insurance and the financial where-with-all to take care of yourself,... Problems arise when you begin to compare outcomes for the "average patient",.. The "average patient" in most national health care systems is everyone enrolled,.. Most working Americans are not, and do not want to become, the "average patient" in a US system...
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They dictate the hoops to jump through, and Medicaid is a loss leader for a lot of providers.
Whether you like what Medicare covers or how much it allows per services is a different question. We probably agree that improvements can be made - although we might not agree on the details. That's absolutely worth discussing.

But even if we fix all that, Medicare is still just paying the bills - not providing health care.
They could invest more and still not come close to what the US govt pays...and per your article, they're working on it. What you don't see is a call to go to an American system.
Agree that Canadians have no interest in going to what we have in the US. Then again, many of them come TO the US for medical treatments that they can't get in a timely manner in Canada.
The fact that they are "working on it" is just government talk. They have to respond in some reasonably positive way. But they have a very long road ahead of them.
I not saying the US system is better--it's clearly HIGHLY flawed, but Canada has a lot of problems just delivering basic medical care.
BTW, there are a ton of YT vids on Canadian Health Care.
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Agree that Canadians have no interest in going to what we have in the US. Then again, many of them come TO the US for medical treatments that they can't get in a timely manner in Canada.
The fact that they are "working on it" is just government talk. They have to respond in some reasonably positive way. But they have a very long road ahead of them.
I not saying the US system is better--it's clearly HIGHLY flawed, but Canada has a lot of problems just delivering basic medical care.
BTW, there are a ton of YT vids on Canadian Health Care.
And many Americans go TO Canada to get drugs that are much cheaper there than here. There is, as far as I know, no perfect system. But a system as expensive and inefficient and biased as ours surely isn’t it.
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Doctors have a moral and ethical duty to provide care,

I disagree that anyone has a moral or ethical claim on the labor of others.

I posted that the oil companies are sitting on over 9,000 leases right now

That isn't an answer to the question.

I asked you how banning leases will increase production.

Banning new leases was the policy Biden enacted, so can you explain how banning new leases increase production?

and Biden opened up over 70 million acres in the Gulf for leases. What was denied wouldn't have the slightest impact on production.

You're trying to give Biden credit for what a judge ORDERED him to do, in contravention of his administration's policy.
Are you spreading disinformation because you're ignorant, or know better and are just a lying weasel on top of being too cowardly to answer my question above?

A federal judge has ordered the Biden administration to expand next week’s offshore oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico by 6 million acres. His ruling overturned a federal plan released last month that put limits in place to protect an endangered whale species.
They dictate the hoops to jump through, and Medicaid is a loss leader for a lot of providers.
Not directly but advantage plus does pretty much. Ha ha ha ha. Btw Michael Madigan say he likes how honest dems are and the corner they have on honesty. Ha ha ha ha. And yes I am mocking you.
Ahhh. You are so easily triggered and butthutt. Imagine Clarinda liking your post. Two terrible trolls. Not my fault you two suck. Edit: Hahahaha. I imagine you are a 5th year senior that still lives in the dorms.
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yea and their government may be competent to run it, ours is not

And why is that? Because the Republicans sabotage it every chance they get. Remember when part D came out, but the Republicans wouldn't pass it unless there WASN'T negotiation with prescription pricing, like the VA does. That's cost Medicare BILLIONS extra in the last twenty years. So don't say it's ineffective and not managed right when the people you vote for are a lot to fvcking blame.
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Whether you like what Medicare covers or how much it allows per services is a different question. We probably agree that improvements can be made - although we might not agree on the details. That's absolutely worth discussing.

But even if we fix all that, Medicare is still just paying the bills - not providing health care.
If they take your money from your check, and won’t cover healthcare you want, they’re not paying the bills that provide your healthcare.

It’s unsurprising you don’t observe the importance of the government setting prices affecting provision of services. As though they weren’t intimately connected.
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I asked you how banning leases will increase production.

Banning new leases was the policy Biden enacted, so can you explain how banning new leases increase production?
This is like asking how laws against rape will increase rapes.

We need to reduce drilling, not increase it.

Biden's problem wasn't that he banned some drilling; it's that he didn't do enough to scale back and shift our reliance on fossil energy. What he slowed or halted were good steps; but only baby steps.
This is like asking how laws against rape will increase rapes.

Tarheel knows that Biden's policies didn't do anything to increase production.
He just can't admit it.
That's why he's a fraud.
He's not stupid (not entirely, anyway), just completely disingenuous.
Should all women be punished because some women abuse the system? This shouldn't be hard to answer. Zero substance.
No, when did I say that. I didn't. My claim is that Medicare needs tweaked and Medicaid sucks for providers, many of whom opt out. Medicare needs some changes, and reforms to how people use and abuse medicaid needs to be addressed as well.