Sondland Updates Impeachment Testimony, Describing Ukraine Quid Pro Quo

They’re trying to thread the needle.
I think the defense is going to be “Yes, there was a quid pro quo, but it was withholding aid unless Ukraine committed to anti-corruption statements generally. So basically, we were saving tax dollars. When you think about it, we should get an award for this.”
Oh, this ain't good for either Sondland OR Trump.

Thanks for setting the standard, Ben. Time to push for impeachment.

So Trump has publicly asked for Russia, China and Ukraine to get involved in our elections.

His transcript shows the extortion. Mulvaney confirmed it and Sondland explains it.

Yep, nothing to see here says every house Republican
Evidence must have caught Sondland red-handed. Now he's "updating" that testimony to include an impeachable offense. Trump is in DEEP crap now.
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Evidence must have caught Sondland red-handed. Now he's "updating" that testimony to include an impeachable offense. Trump is in DEEP crap now.

It's only deep crap if Republicans in Congress care. It's not like this is some exercise where if you prove wrong doing, then the jig is up. This is a political exercise and there's no reason to think that those in Congress will care because those who elect them mostly don't care.

Could that change? Sure. But I wouldn't bet on it.
Soooo....he lied to congress and hoped not to get caught, but others defied the WH and testified and now he's exposed.
But, there's nothing to see here right cons?
This is why you hold investigations in private, you catch people lying. Sondland couldn’t corroborate his testimony with those who were also testifying. Investigation 101.
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It's only deep crap if Republicans in Congress care. It's not like this is some exercise where if you prove wrong doing, then the jig is up. This is a political exercise and there's no reason to think that those in Congress will care because those who elect them mostly don't care.

Could that change? Sure. But I wouldn't bet on it.
Republicans in Congress only care what will get them elected again. If the people turn on Trump, the GOP will as well.
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