Sondland Updates Impeachment Testimony, Describing Ukraine Quid Pro Quo

Most important part of this might be the slowly tightening noose around Pence's neck, too:

US Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland sent the committee a three-page addition to his testimony on Monday, saying he had remembered a September 1 conversation that occurred on the sidelines of a meeting between Vice President Mike Pence and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in which he told a top aide to Zelensky that the security aid and investigations were linked.

"I now recall speaking individually with Mr. (Andriy) Yermak, where I said resumption of U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anti-corruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks," Sondland said.​

It doesn't directly implicate Pence (yet), but it places him at the crime scene.

Drip, drip....
Maybe the cons just can't see this thread. Are there filters you can set to avoid uncomfortable subjects?
khael-hawk is over whining on The Main Board...posting this gem...

About 95% of the "geniuses" on the (free) Iowa Off Topic board. It's staggering the degree to which their echo is chambered. - REPLYING TO THIS -

"Is anyone actually buying the narrative that Trump asking Ukraine to investigate corruption is proof of Trumps corruption? Laughing

This is almost as stupid as the idea that Trump was a secret Russian agent taking orders from Putin.

What fugging idiot losers actually believe this BS?"

Yet he goes to a larger board of 95% Republicans and cries about HROT. It's odd how he doesn't complain about board rules being broken on that board. Typical con hypocrite.
White House log:

Whistleblower blows the whistle.
Hell breaks loose.
Herr Barr bounces around the globe chasing comical conspiracy theories.
There was no quid pro quo.
Where is the whistleblower?
It was Hillary's Emails.
What the hell is quid pro quo anyway?
Guiliani did it.
That Masha woman, must be a fine person, but take her out.
We have the whistleblower's name (a lie).
A parade of witnesses testifying about the quid pro quo thingy. Uh Oh!
Guiliani's band of thieves get arrested.
Repubs go nuts trying to strategize a strategy for how to cover for a goof ball in a blow out.
More key witnesses, including State Dept. testify to quid pro quo. Damn.
That Ukraine server has to be around here somewhere.
What was that whistleblowers name again?
Don't forget Hillary's Emails. Call Hannity.

Now. Wait till we call our witnesses. We do have witnesses, don't we?

Income Taxes....! Don't worry, if the Supreme Court won't deal with it, I'll just do another E.O.. It has worked for everything else so far.
khael-hawk is over whining on The Main Board...posting this gem...

About 95% of the "geniuses" on the (free) Iowa Off Topic board. It's staggering the degree to which their echo is chambered. - REPLYING TO THIS -

"Is anyone actually buying the narrative that Trump asking Ukraine to investigate corruption is proof of Trumps corruption? Laughing

This is almost as stupid as the idea that Trump was a secret Russian agent taking orders from Putin.

What fugging idiot losers actually believe this BS?"

Yet he goes to a larger board of 95% Republicans and cries about HROT. It's odd how he doesn't complain about board rules being broken on that board. Typical con hypocrite.

People complaining about board rules don't have the character to engage.
Huh. I fully expect that Trump will disavow knowledge of this Sondland guy (and the $1 million this clown donated to Trump before the inauguration).
"You know I really don't know him, I might have had a picture taken with Sondland, but I have a picture with everybody, but that doesn't mean I know him. You'll have to ask Rudy."
"I now recall speaking individually with Mr. (Andriy) Yermak, where I said resumption of U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anti-corruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks," Sondland said.

Oh, yeah, now I remember ... I did win $100 million in the lottery.

Oh, that's right - now I remember banging your sister.

I forget ... did I mention that I know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried?
"I now recall speaking individually with Mr. (Andriy) Yermak, where I said resumption of U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anti-corruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks," Sondland said.

Oh, yeah, now I remember ... I did win $100 million in the lottery.

Oh, that's right - now I remember banging your sister.

I forget ... did I mention that I know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried?
Not one of the usual Trump supporters have come and discussed that yet another of Trumps people have now stated that Trump was using a foreign gov't to interfere with our elections. It is pretty apparent that the project veritas video was being held for a day just like today to help mask that Trump impeachment defense is falling apart.
So will he be charged with lying to Congress? That is quite the reversal.

He either lied previously or is lying now. Either way his testimony is now worthless.

Oh yeah I completely just remembered I answered your question concerning the primary reason we are here incorrectly. The most important thing. Completely forgot that stuff but now just remembered.

I wonder who met with him to help him find his memory
So will he be charged with lying to Congress? That is quite the reversal.

He either lied previously or is lying now. Either way his testimony is now worthless.

Oh yeah I completely just remembered I answered your question concerning the primary reason we are here incorrectly. The most important thing. Completely forgot that stuff but now just remembered.

I wonder who met with him to help him find his memory
Just a hunch, but he lied the first time around when he didn’t know others dispositions.
So will he be charged with lying to Congress? That is quite the reversal.

He either lied previously or is lying now. Either way his testimony is now worthless.

Oh yeah I completely just remembered I answered your question concerning the primary reason we are here incorrectly. The most important thing. Completely forgot that stuff but now just remembered.

I wonder who met with him to help him find his memory
So will he be charged with lying to Congress? That is quite the reversal.

He either lied previously or is lying now. Either way his testimony is now worthless.

Oh yeah I completely just remembered I answered your question concerning the primary reason we are here incorrectly. The most important thing. Completely forgot that stuff but now just remembered.

I wonder who met with him to help him find his memory
I'd bet he lied the 1st time, they got receipts, told him they had receipts, showed him the receipts and asked if wanted to tell the truth or go to jail.
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His allies are saying that since the Ukraines got the aid anyway, there is no issue. The Orange Turd base will buy this, but how much honor does the Senate Republicans have? This is among the predictable depths expected of a moral midget and criminal. This is a tip of the iceberg as we will be discovering, and would have by now if the DoJ had been functioning as a legitimate branch.
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So will he be charged with lying to Congress? That is quite the reversal.

He either lied previously or is lying now. Either way his testimony is now worthless.

Oh yeah I completely just remembered I answered your question concerning the primary reason we are here incorrectly. The most important thing. Completely forgot that stuff but now just remembered.

I wonder who met with him to help him find his memory

I’m always amazed at posters who think playing stupid is a winning argument.