Sondland Updates Impeachment Testimony, Describing Ukraine Quid Pro Quo

I’m always amazed at posters who think playing stupid is a winning argument.

You definitely are the expert.

Completely changes his testimony to fit a narrative.

Maybe he lied the first time. Doesn't matter now. He lied.
Boy howdy did you get me there Cletus.

Witnesses change their statements all the time. It makes the truthty
You know he’s not the only one who said there was an abuse of power right? Answer that and Then think which time he lied.
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You know he’s not the only one who said there was an abuse of power right? Answer that and Then think which time he lied.

It doesn't matter what others said. It matters what he said. It is his testimony and he effed up.

If other witnesses have testimony about the situation good for them.
They change their testimony if they lied, are shown proof they lied then offered a chance to correct their testimony or go to jail. Not going to jail when they have proof you lied can be a strong motivator.

Sure can be. Doesn't change anything at all. He lied and his testimony is now worthless
Sure can be. Doesn't change anything at all. He lied and his testimony is now worthless
Sure can be. Doesn't change anything at all. He lied and his testimony is now worthless

Um, no it's not. If it were the testimony in nearly every investigation ever would be worthless because witnesses and the accused change their testimony all the time. Keep in mind, this part is essentially like the police investigation into a crime. If you think people lie to the police, have it proven to them they lied, then still testify in court (the actual impeachment) accurately and have it thrown out because they lied initially, then I have no clue how to respond other than, you need to quit this thread.

It happens every day in the real world. Every single day. And the testimony holds up. Why? Because the evidence supports the truth, not their lie.
Is that actually what you think? I am sorry that I have to ask if it's genuine.

Just stating what the news said tonight. When was the last time your memory did a 180 in the middle of an important anything?

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”


“I did have sexual relations with that woman!”
Just stating what the news said tonight. When was the last time your memory did a 180 in the middle of an important anything?

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”


“I did have sexual relations with that woman!”
Idfk know Trump does 720's in the same sentance.
Just stating what the news said tonight. When was the last time your memory did a 180 in the middle of an important anything?

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”


“I did have sexual relations with that woman!”

I was asking if you thought he was threatened with death for telling the truth.

That's opposed to threatened with being prosecuted for lying unless amending his testimony.

I am legitimately curious about your genuine belief.
Evidence must have caught Sondland red-handed. Now he's "updating" that testimony to include an impeachable offense. Trump is in DEEP crap now.


Not in deep crap. No chance he gets removed. None.

You leftists are in love with impeaching and removing him. So much so you’ve lost touch with reality.

Vote in 2020. That’s your best chance.

Not in deep crap. No chance he gets removed. None.

You leftists are in love with impeaching and removing him. So much so you’ve lost touch with reality.

Vote in 2020. That’s your best chance.
So you think it’s fine to bribe/extort foreign countries for personal political gain? Noted.