Very true on many points. But, there is simply nothing wrong with how they (my family) have chosen to serve Christ. It may not be right for you...or some others, but it is for them and me. We were blessed that we did not experience what many others have with regard to absuses. Now, there are only two ways it can go. The crap can either be cleaned up and pevented.....or the same thing will happen again. I have been part of the committee in our parish to make sure the first choice is what takes place. And, no Catholics do not have the key to the good deed code. Many religious and non religious folks do amazing work. You will never find me saying otherwise. Likewise and sadly, the Catholic Church is also not the only institution that has had evil people do evil things. God Lord, look at our school, leaders in the government, ect. But, rather then disband those....we hopfully work to make them better. But, it sure isn't easy.