Sound of Freedom

It's apt. A whole lotta grown men for some reason want to believe there's this bold vigilante (which is what you are when you quit law enforcement but keep pursuing criminals) who's making a difference by... entrapping known pedophiles and going down to South America to gin up demand for children to traffick so he can catch the people willing to do what he offers to pay them to do? Am I understanding this movie correctly?
Good Lord, it's a movie that brings attention to an issue that does exist. A lot of grown men are trying WAY to hard to slam a little movie that might actually do some good by bringing some light to the issue. Just crazy times.....
Good Lord, it's a movie that brings attention to an issue that does exist. A lot of grown men are trying WAY to hard to slam a little movie that might actually do some good by bringing some light to the issue. Just crazy times.....

Well we have a thread asking why nobody's talking about this movie and a thread whining that not everyone likes the movie. Is that crazy also or is it just crazy that people think they're suckers?
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You're so gullible. Guess what, watching this movie is not activism. It's entertainment.
And once again you and others can’t understand the good that is coming from this movie. Do you have so much hate in your heart that you can’t grasp this, because you and others are making a strong case that you do, which unfortunately is not surprising
And once again you and others can’t understand the good that is coming from this movie. Do you have so much hate in your heart that you can’t grasp this, because you and others are making a strong case that you do, which unfortunately is not surprising
What good is coming from this movie? Is it "awareness" or what? If we have to go to war in Colombia because of you folks just knowing FARC has warehouses of children because of this fiction movie, that's not good.
WHO CARES!!! If it is fiction, what is wrong with you????
Well I would like to know what's accurate if this is the call to action you seem to think it is. You folks seem to think this is so important that everyone needs to see this and anyone who negatively reviewed it is doing some kind of evil media shit. And you yourself just said a lot of the people watching this had no idea "how bad it was" which seems to imply you have a lot of faith in the accuracy of how the film is depicting the issue.
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Well I would like to know what's accurate if this is the call to action you seem to think it is.
Wow, you are so blinded by your hate you can’t even think straight. You guys get so amped up in your politics and rhetoric that the stupid part of you takes over.

The movie is doing it’s job, it is bringing awareness to people except for people like you that is blinded by your hate
Wow, you are so blinded by your hate you can’t even think straight. You guys get so amped up in your politics and rhetoric that the stupid part of you takes over.

The movie is doing it’s job, it is bringing awareness to people except for people like you that is blinded by your hate
I think I got what you dopes are getting out of this movie. Congratulations, RN. You are a good person for watching this movie and caring about the children. Which apparently you didn't before you watched this movie?

I've been hearing about child trafficking for a long time, myself. Did you know child slaves are used to harvest cocoa?
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I think I got what you dopes are getting out of this movie. Congratulations, RN. You are a good person for watching this movie and caring about the children. Which apparently you didn't before you watched this movie?

I've been hearing about child trafficking for a long time, myself. Did you know child slaves are used to harvest cocoa?
I did care, my point is that for whatever reason this movie is causing a huge reaction in a good way about this evil that is in this world, and for some reason you and some in the media want to shit all over it because of some stupid group. Look at the big picture!!!!!
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I did care, my point is that for whatever reason this movie is causing a huge reaction in a good way about this evil that is in this world, and for some reason you and some in the media want to shit all over it because of some stupid group. Look at the big picture!!!!!

Let's explore "whatever reason." Why did bins post his "how come no one is talking about this movie" thread? And you. Am I to believe you are a Washington Post and Rolling Stone subscriber? Where did you find out about the negative reviews? Were you scouring the internet for Sound of Freedom reviews?
Let's explore "whatever reason." Why did bins post his "how come no one is talking about this movie" thread? And you. Am I to believe you are a Washington Post and Rolling Stone subscriber? Where did you find out about the negative reviews? Were you scouring the internet for Sound of Freedom reviews?
I wasn’t scouring for it, it became a huge talking point on social media specifically twitter
I wasn’t scouring for it, it became a huge talking point on social media specifically twitter

On Twitter, did you hear about the negative reviews from like someone in your church or was it a media personality you follow?
I was refering to those that said they made a movie about something that was already know about. I stated that I had not heard of this issue in mass until this movie. That is a positive thing in my book about this movie....that is unless someone wants to deny that this is even a problem that exist.
U should watch Beasts of Nations or Born Into Brothels. Movies about trafficking of children that are backed and sourced. Supporting this guy is dangerous. Giving him creed/influence undeserved. Which for now appears to be seems to be limited to lining his pockets. These guys always go too far in their con and get people hurt. It's really a disservice to actual law enforcement who risk their lives to save kids. Also a slap in the face of journalists and documentarians that go into the field and risk death as well.
I saw where cons are trying to cancel AMC theaters now for reportedly stopping screenings of this movie. The CEO said the claims are garbage basically.

News doesn't need to be real for people to believe it. Aligning with existing beliefs makes it real enough.
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WHO CARES!!! If it is fiction, what is wrong with you????
Maybe some Meal Team Six folks will get some passports or think they see it going on in their home town. And decide nobody is doing anything about this. How someone raises awareness can matter as well.
Maybe some Meal Team Six folks will get some passports or think they see it going on in their home town. And decide nobody is doing anything about this. How someone raises awareness can matter as well.
What if some ahole doesn’t like a congressman’s political leanings and shoots him at a softball game? We can play what ifs all day long. If some dumbass murders a person but it results in 400 arrests and freedom for children is it worth it? Not sure but each of us will have to weigh that
What if some ahole doesn’t like a congressman’s political leanings and shoots him at a softball game? We can play what ifs all day long. If some dumbass murders a person but it results in 400 arrests and freedom for children is it worth it? Not sure but each of us will have to weigh that

How likely do you really think it is that this movie inspires successful vigilantes?
What if some ahole doesn’t like a congressman’s political leanings and shoots him at a softball game? We can play what ifs all day long. If some dumbass murders a person but it results in 400 arrests and freedom for children is it worth it? Not sure but each of us will have to weigh that
U guys are playing with fire here. And it always ends bad. Whenever the ends justify the means.
U guys are playing with fire here. And it always ends bad. Whenever the ends justify the means.
Again the abuse of children in any form is what I consider one of the most evil acts on this planet, of course I don’t want to see any vigilantes but I want to get rid of this evil, possibly even more. Just my opinion of course
Again the abuse of children in any form is what I consider one of the most evil acts on this planet, of course I don’t want to see any vigilantes but I want to get rid of this evil, possibly even more. Just my opinion of course
So you really are seriously pondering the merits of vigilante action here? What if some vigilantes decide to do basically what they saw in the movie and travel to some poorer country and offer people money for children to try to catch people selling children? Seems like they could inadvertently cause the kidnapping of children.
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Again the abuse of children in any form is what I consider one of the most evil acts on this planet, of course I don’t want to see any vigilantes but I want to get rid of this evil, possibly even more. Just my opinion of course
Raising awareness by any means necessary. That's the defense of the film even if it's a lie. There is a reason this movie marketed towards u the way it is. And it's not to raise awareness.
Cited better movies on the subject above should check them out. They're actually sourced by children who lived through the conditions
Well we have a thread asking why nobody's talking about this movie and a thread whining that not everyone likes the movie. Is that crazy also or is it just crazy that people think they're suckers?

U should watch Beasts of Nations or Born Into Brothels. Movies about trafficking of children that are backed and sourced. Supporting this guy is dangerous. Giving him creed/influence undeserved. Which for now appears to be seems to be limited to lining his pockets. These guys always go too far in their con and get people hurt. It's really a disservice to actual law enforcement who risk their lives to save kids. Also a slap in the face of journalists and documentarians that go into the field and risk death as well.
I absolutly will check out those movies. Again, I am all for more light being put on this subject. I have also said that if it turns out this guys is grifting and exploiting FAKE info as being true....just to make a buck I would not be happy. But, the problem does exist. Now, isn't his organization a 501C non-profit? The govenrment has not come in and shut them down as far as I know. The only negative info I truly saw on this guy came from VICE magazine. And, they are worthless...which is why they are filing for bankruptcy. And, I am truly supportive of every law enforcement persons who fight for kids. We need more of them.
Well I would like to know what's accurate if this is the call to action you seem to think it is. You folks seem to think this is so important that everyone needs to see this and anyone who negatively reviewed it is doing some kind of evil media shit. And you yourself just said a lot of the people watching this had no idea "how bad it was" which seems to imply you have a lot of faith in the accuracy of how the film is depicting the issue.
I know I have never told anyone they "had" to see the movie. I have also not critizied andone who said that they refused to see the movie. All I have said is that I thought the movie was good and it did a service of bringing light to a subject that simply does not get as much attention as it needs.
I absolutly will check out those movies. Again, I am all for more light being put on this subject. I have also said that if it turns out this guys is grifting and exploiting FAKE info as being true....just to make a buck I would not be happy. But, the problem does exist. Now, isn't his organization a 501C non-profit? The govenrment has not come in and shut them down as far as I know. The only negative info I truly saw on this guy came from VICE magazine. And, they are worthless...which is why they are filing for bankruptcy. And, I am truly supportive of every law enforcement persons who fight for kids. We need more of them.
White collar crime isn't something that gets enforced in a timely manner. Criminals usually get away with schemes for years to decades. The best way we can prevent the damages they do is two simple things. Trust but verify and if it's too good to be true well it probably is. The guys background is suspect. Trump attracts grifters and attention seekers.
White collar crime isn't something that gets enforced in a timely manner. Criminals usually get away with schemes for years to decades. The best way we can prevent the damages they do is two simple things. Trust but verify and if it's too good to be true well it probably is. The guys background is suspect. Trump attracts grifters and attention seekers.
That is all very good advice......
That is all very good advice......
Ballard isn't just showing red flags it's practically a seren.
Know an individual I went to High School with who all of a sudden became a successful insurance salesmen/ investor. Flaunted wealth online. This was some time around 2012. He got arrested and charged with defrauding his elderly clients and having them write checks out straight to his other company. I made a stink about him to people I know in the area. And got me some pushback as they say. Didn't get caught until 2023. After soaking elderly out of millions and most likely spending it all on his lifestyle.
Ballard isn't just showing red flags it's practically a seren.
Know an individual I went to High School with who all of a sudden became a successful insurance salesmen/ investor. Flaunted wealth online. This was some time around 2012. He got arrested and charged with defrauding his elderly clients and having them write checks out straight to his other company. I made a stink about him to people I know in the area. And got me some pushback as they say. Didn't get caught until 2023. After soaking elderly out of millions and most likely spending it all on his lifestyle.
And that's what I mean when I say giving this guy an underserved spotlight is dangerous. When it comes to charities or anything when involved a significant amount of money. Things need to be checked and double checked. They pull on the heart strings and it's a perfect grift for a conman to exploit.
Maybe some Meal Team Six folks will get some passports or think they see it going on in their home town. And decide nobody is doing anything about this. How someone raises awareness can matter as well.
The greater likelihood is they’ll give their money to this guy. Half of which will go to the grifter. The other half will go to unprofessional “rescue” missions that cause more harm than good.
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The greater likelihood is they’ll give their money to this guy. Half of which will go to the grifter. The other half will go to unprofessional “rescue” missions that cause more harm than good.
My concern would be actually going up against a Cartel with it's hand in an operation. There is a reason law enforcement should handle this. It's a good way for the merchany and his family to end up dead. That's probably why Ballard is doing staged events.
Was looking at reviews and came upon this one: 0 star effort. Moonfall:

Who the F goes to the movies over the 4th of July? I don't think I've ever thought about going to the movies during that holiday. Weird
It was only on THAT day too, due to lonely weirdos who spend the 4th at a QAnon movie. Since then it has sunk like a stone.
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I've been hearing about child trafficking for a long time, myself. Did you know child slaves are used to harvest cocoa?

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