Sound of Freedom

It'd be nice if these facts were coming from a less politically suspect source...

Ask yourself some questions.

1. Do you believe in QAnon

2. Do you trust people in QAnon to tell you the truth. (This question would strongly be related to #1)

3. If the answer to 2 is no, why would trust a movie that has so many QAnon supporters involved with it top to bottom?

Because it seems to me that you have to decide between two options to believe here.

1. Liberals love them some sex trafficking and HATE anyone who takes down sex traffickers. Therefore they don't want to make or produce a movie about a dude who took down sex traffickers.

2. A bunch of QAnon folks got together and did some shit to try to take QAnon to the mainstream.

While I'm not completely ruling it out I'm strongly leaning towards believing #2.
No, the cast and backers admit to being Qanon followers correct
Ballard and his group haven't offered any documentation, independent witnesses, , etc etc of participation in raids. In fact Border patrol documentation refutes one of Ballard's stories.

Ballard also apparently appeared with Donald Trump to praise the border wall. This guy is not an apolitical part of this.
There's a cam recording on FMovies. Maybe I'll give it a peek after work. The summary of the plot in the OP makes it sound like they maybe trafficked some children themselves to catch the real bad guys?
So that means ALL Catholic priests are child rapists? Thank you for that valuable PSA. :rolleyes:

Reality check, 4% of the 400K+ priests have been accused of abuse (and yes even .1% is too much). I bet when you see a Muslim, you automatically assume he's a terrorist too, right? smh
Born Into Brothels is probably the best movie on this subject. Although it's a documentary with no gun fights. So probably not entertaining enough.
No one is against raising awareness. But should Ballard be shamelessly profiting off awareness. Especially if he lying about being the tip of the spear.
But where is proof that he is lying about his efforts? All I have seen are "alligations" from places like VICE magazing, and that crappy publication had to file for bankruptcy for a reason. And, as far as shamlessly raising awareness for much crap does Hollywood put out for profit WITHOUT raising awareness for anything? Nobody says a peep about that. Again, if this movie raises awareness for a real problem for children....that is enough for me.

But where is proof that he is lying about his efforts? All I have seen are "alligations" from places like VICE magazing, and that crappy publication had to file for bankruptcy for a reason. And, as far as shamlessly raising awareness for much crap does Hollywood put out for profit WITHOUT raising awareness for anything? Nobody says a peep about that. Again, if this movie raises awareness for a real problem for children....that is enough for me.

The point isn't that it's bad that he's making money while doing this otherwise good public service, the point is that he's exploiting a paranoia a lot of right wingers have over an issue they're already aware of (to make a buck). And now the rest of us have to give more explanations than should be required as to why we're not watching this shit when nobody will be asking us (or interrogating us) about why we won't watch the new Indiana Jones.

But where is proof that he is lying about his efforts? All I have seen are "alligations" from places like VICE magazing, and that crappy publication had to file for bankruptcy for a reason. And, as far as shamlessly raising awareness for much crap does Hollywood put out for profit WITHOUT raising awareness for anything? Nobody says a peep about that. Again, if this movie raises awareness for a real problem for children....that is enough for me.
Where is the proof he's telling the truth? Nobody is backing up his accounts in law enforcement around the globe.
As for profiteering remember American Sniper. Did Bradley Cooper or Eastwood make a career out of raising awareness for Vets? That's Ballard's cause/career. The man is an attention seeker. It's a worthy cause it should get attention. But someone such as Ballard will only line his pockets and not really accomplish anything.
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The point isn't that it's bad that he's making money while doing this otherwise good public service, the point is that he's exploiting a paranoia a lot of right wingers have over an issue they're already aware of to make a buck.
But, I have not seen ANYTHING about that kind of child trafficking in the news? If it has been reported I am missing it. Why should only the extreme right be the ones focusing on this issue? I read where he was asked about being aligned with the Q'anon (sp?) movement and he said that was what was so maddning.......he has not be aligned with them at all, rather, just telling the story of his group that works to save trafficed children. But, people who are against the movie are simply making baseless associations. It makes no sense to me.
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Where is the proof he's telling the truth? Nobody is backing up his accounts in law enforcement around the globe.
As for profiteering remember American Sniper. Did Bradley Cooper or Eastwood make a career out of raising awareness for Vets? That's Ballard's cause/career. The man is an attention seeker. It's a worthy cause it should get attention. But someone such as Ballard will only line his pockets and not really accomplish anything.
Again, there is WAY more info out there that he is doing, and has done what he says he claims. Was he in the CIA? Was he in the Special Forces? Operation Underground started WAY before this movie. If it is proven that he made money from lies.....then I agree, that is shameful. But, I have simply not seen any proof. Just because someone makes a claim about him....does not make it fact. And, sadly this happens all the time. All the people who bitch about this movie are doing is bringing more people out to see it. I guess that might be a good thing. But, I can think of a lot better things to complain about in this world then a movie telling the story of saving kids from trafficking.
But, I have not seen ANYTHING about that kind of child trafficking in the news? If it has been reported I am missing it. Why should only the extreme right be the ones focusing on this issue? I read where he was asked about being aligned with the Q'anon (sp?) movement and he said that was what was so maddning.......he has not be aligned with them at all, rather, just telling the story of his group that works to save trafficed children. But, people who are against the movie are simply making baseless associations. It makes no sense to me.
Maybe what Ballard is doing isn't in the news. Because he hasn't actually done any of what he alleges.
The news goes for sensational stories. A bunch of 3rd World kids disappear or children in Africa get rounded up by
War Lords and drafted into their army. That really doesn't get a first world person's clicks. Now a pretty college girl goes missing on Spring Break. That's clickbait.
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For sure. The Rotten Tomato reviews look pretty solid. I'll have to decide id I'm up to watching such dark subject matter. Lately I have been into more light hearted stuff. Minus Shiny Happy People on Amazon. That was a bit depressing.
would you watch it if it was the same art style and voice actors as A Bee Movie? The Sound of Beedom.
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Again, there is WAY more info out there that he is doing, and has done what he says he claims. Was he in the CIA? Was he in the Special Forces? Operation Underground started WAY before this movie. If it is proven that he made money from lies.....then I agree, that is shameful. But, I have simply not seen any proof. Just because someone makes a claim about him....does not make it fact. And, sadly this happens all the time. All the people who bitch about this movie are doing is bringing more people out to see it. I guess that might be a good thing. But, I can think of a lot better things to complain about in this world then a movie telling the story of saving kids from trafficking.
He was an Undercover Agent for Homeland Security. Was not in CIA. Currently is under investigation for money laundering funneling some of his non profits funds to his for profits businesses. The claims people are making are simple. These raids he says OUR is involved in simply have no proof of existence. The raids is what is getting him attention and donations. The whole thing looks to be an entire phantom non profit.
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The 990’s from Operation Underground Railroad show they only spent 50% of donations received on their “mission” for the last two reporting years
My social media feeds are awash with MAGA friends posting all kinds of conspiracy theories about theaters pulling fire alarms, turning off sound, AC, etc. to discourage people to come see the film IN THEIR OWN THEATER. Makes no sense, but definitely reinforces their victim brand.
The 990’s from Operation Underground Railroad show they only spent 50% of donations received on their “mission” for the last two reporting years
Making the movie might he considered a mission too :).
how much crap does Hollywood put out for profit WITHOUT raising awareness for anything? Nobody says a peep about that.
lol They put stuff out to entertain. It's not Hollywood's job to make sure everything released is raising awareness.

With that said, this movie sounds ****ing stupid.
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My social media feeds are awash with MAGA friends posting all kinds of conspiracy theories about theaters pulling fire alarms, turning off sound, AC, etc. to discourage people to come see the film IN THEIR OWN THEATER. Makes no sense, but definitely reinforces their victim brand.
That sounds nefarious.
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I am stating the fact that there are changes now in place that should hopfully prevent this. Are you denying that these changes are in place? Now, of course there are still going to be abuse cases that come to light from past actions of evil people, but as I said, I am praying that the new processes will prevent these kinds of widespread abuses from taking place as they have in the past.
As a recovering Catholic who made it through unmolested I hope they are able to reduce these incidents but the phrase 'too little, too late" definitely applies. But keep hoping I guess. Let me know when they dump the vow of celibacy and then I might take them more seriously. It wasn't just that these things happened, it was the Catholic Church tried to cover it up and protect the priests and moved them to different dioceses to just do it again for decades. As long as there is a vow of celibacy there will be problems IMO

I'm not just talking about the catholic church. There are just too many organizations whether they are religious or not where these people can prey on young people. Boy Scouts and little league sports are other huge ones. Reduce? Hopefully. Eliminate? Not even close. When is the right going to push a film with a hero who rescues the child victims that come from their base?

Not holding my breath
It is odd that leftists are so willing to believe this guy isn’t telling the truth all because of an article from a far left outlet like Vice. How strange.
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Maybe what Ballard is doing isn't in the news. Because he hasn't actually done any of what he alleges.
The news goes for sensational stories. A bunch of 3rd World kids disappear or children in Africa get rounded up by
War Lords and drafted into their army. That really doesn't get a first world person's clicks. Now a pretty college girl goes missing on Spring Break. That's clickbait.
I was refering to those that said they made a movie about something that was already know about. I stated that I had not heard of this issue in mass until this movie. That is a positive thing in my book about this movie....that is unless someone wants to deny that this is even a problem that exist.
lol They put stuff out to entertain. It's not Hollywood's job to make sure everything released is raising awareness.

With that said, this movie sounds ****ing stupid.
Please.....Hollywood trying to make A LOT of social statements in the crap they make. Do you even watch movies? :rolleyes: And the movie is GREAT.
It is odd that leftists are so willing to believe this guy isn’t telling the truth all because of an article from a far left outlet like Vice. How strange.

How about the fact that he's heavily involved with Donald Trump outside of his professional work and there are QAnon people who were heavily involved in this from top to bottom?

I mean these are the people who believed a random pizza parlor without a basement was hiding trafficked kids in it's basement. But yeah I should just believe what they say is true.
I don’t think the rules allow you to use the same meme in 2 different threads on the same day
It's apt. A whole lotta grown men for some reason want to believe there's this bold vigilante (which is what you are when you quit law enforcement but keep pursuing criminals) who's making a difference by... entrapping known pedophiles and going down to South America to gin up demand for children to traffick so he can catch the people willing to do what he offers to pay them to do? Am I understanding this movie correctly?
As a recovering Catholic who made it through unmolested I hope they are able to reduce these incidents but the phrase 'too little, too late" definitely applies. But keep hoping I guess. Let me know when they dump the vow of celibacy and then I might take them more seriously. It wasn't just that these things happened, it was the Catholic Church tried to cover it up and protect the priests and moved them to different dioceses to just do it again for decades. As long as there is a vow of celibacy there will be problems IMO

I'm not just talking about the catholic church. There are just too many organizations whether they are religious or not where these people can prey on young people. Boy Scouts and little league sports are other huge ones. Reduce? Hopefully. Eliminate? Not even close. When is the right going to push a film with a hero who rescues the child victims that come from their base?

Not holding my breath
"Recovering Catholic"? Look, if you decided the Church was not for you....that is fine. As long as you have a path I applaud you. My Catholic faith has been incredible for me and my family. Now, I do not feel they need to drop the vow of Celibacy, but at some point they may simply HAVE to do something as the number of Seminarians is getting lower. I actually had a married Pastor of another church tell me he would become a Catholic Priest immediatly if only he could be married.

But, the celibacy issue is NOT what caused these evil men to do what they did. These were pedofiles who were attracted to young boys. Now, in our town alone we have had two ministers from different churches who were caught having affairs with members of their flocks. They were both married and and now are no longer practicing. Again, I have 2 family members who are priest. One had a long time girlfriend, but said he could not shake the call that Jesus wanted him to serve in his Church. He and my other nephew are super happy. The priest that I had growing up were amazing to our family and our parish and we felt Blessed to have them. And yes, those that covered up these crimes need to be sent away...and many have. More to come for sure. And, I totally agree with your last paragraph.....