It'd be nice if these facts were coming from a less politically suspect source...
Ask yourself some questions.
1. Do you believe in QAnon
2. Do you trust people in QAnon to tell you the truth. (This question would strongly be related to #1)
3. If the answer to 2 is no, why would trust a movie that has so many QAnon supporters involved with it top to bottom?
Because it seems to me that you have to decide between two options to believe here.
1. Liberals love them some sex trafficking and HATE anyone who takes down sex traffickers. Therefore they don't want to make or produce a movie about a dude who took down sex traffickers.
2. A bunch of QAnon folks got together and did some shit to try to take QAnon to the mainstream.
While I'm not completely ruling it out I'm strongly leaning towards believing #2.