Don't disagree with this, but any situation where there is a voting process, the dealio is majority rule. That's the intent of voting, it's counting numbers and those with the most votes win from those interested in whatever the "contest" is (unless tied and no-tiebreaker scenario, with subjective awards no real harm with a tie I suppose).In a covid shortened season, I have no issues with this simply because the two winners were so dominant and the impacts of covid were different for every wrestler. Because Spencer was limited due to covid and because GS was so impressive, I can get behind this 100%. If this was a normal year, GS might have been able to win this all by himself, in a shortened year with SL wrestling limited matches and dominating how he did, there was no chance for that.
Any other year and I think dual winners is a joke unless there is a point system of voting and the votes are tied. Creating a tie for whatever reason (outside of this year) is ridiculous and not something the top award should allow to happen if it wants to stay the top award....but this is covid and everything is a little effed up.
For a subjective award not a life or death deal, but folks interested should be able to see the tally. If it's rigged or we kinda sorta count votes, why bother voting? Your time would be better spent watching Gunsmoke reruns (and who doesn't love Festus Hagen!).
And I say this not knowing for certain Spencer Lee got the most votes, maybe he didn't. But if there are votes of any kind for any situation, they should be real, and they should be posted when the process is completed. Period.